Epic Comeback

Everyone yelled into the hype when Aloysius killed Sirius in the battle.

But in-game, he advanced quickly towards the opponent's tower, ensuring that he secured the first tower kill.

Still, everyone went silent when something happened.

[Sirius killed Aloysius.]

And a chat popped out again as it had written as,

[Aloysius: Bruh*]

[Sirius: LMAO**]

Yes, he caught off guard when he came close to the tower.

Instead of managed to land some attacks for reducing the opposing HP's tower, he got massive trap damage instead,

Thus, during their respawn time, trash talk*** happened.

[Sirius: Man, you're pretty good tho, you are too easy to be guessed.]

[Aloysius: Fuck you!]

[Sirius: Fuck back!]

[Aloysius: Watch it later in the end game!!]

[Sirius: LMAO! Do it then!!]

Those short conversations that popped up in the chat had cracked the viewer's laughter.

The laughter itself went contagious as it happened in the observer arena and the respective hut.

The cool man in the side of Askardia could no longer hold the laughter that he wanted to do as he had seen the trash talk that had gone even wild from those buddies.

"Your captain, seriously!" Bryce cracked himself into laughter.

Aloysius may be a well-composed guy. But he was like Huang Shaotian in a particular novel when it comes to trash-talking.

Thus, the barrage of the chats was popped out from his position, causing the others to laugh hilariously.

However, Askardia placed her right hand to her face, remembering how he killed the opponents with a barrage of chats that popped out without any sense.

Even she remembered how he prayed in the chat, making things even more embarrassed. Because it was not praying to the all-father where he had a strong fanboyism with to, but it was him who prayed for her. He was praying in a sarcastic way that led her to anger.

She thought that he was an extremist initially when he did that. But after the game match, it didn't sound like that.

He did the trash talk spamming intentionally for one reason, "tactic."

According to Aloysius, the trash talk tactic is beneficial for dealing with an opponent that was way too hard to handle.

Meanwhile, he did it anyway to two players who became his first victim.

Thus, both of the players spawned together. They marched towards the battlefield rapidly. Sirius used his innate skill, [Teleportation], while Aloysius was rushing by using his [Blink Dagger], blinking around until he had managed to arrive in the middle lane.

At the current position, Sirius had arrived first. But then, it was following by Aloysius, who was distracted by a barrage of creeps.

However, Aloysius was not a person who will stick to an identical plan.

'Just like in the chess, If I can't draw the empress out. Then I can at least, draw the rook out!'

He blinked to Sirius's position, silenced him by using his innate skill, [Assassinate].

Assassinate skill was a skill that either acquired by innate skill or ground, which meant to silence the opponent in a single hit. But, Aloysius used it as the decoy instead.

He used [Assassinate] as a decoy by throwing his [Sword of Aorus] towards his neck. At the same time, Sirius blocked that quickly by his silver gauntlet.

However, he did not realize that it was a decoy, resulting in him getting himself trapped in Aloysius's ultimate skill,

[Aorus Mode!]

He changed himself into a knight-looking man with iron wings in his back, starting to land a massive attack on the opponent.

Bag! Bag! Bag! Bag! Bag! Bag! Bag! Bag! Bag!

He landed the barrage of punch resembling the chain punch, the signature movement of Wing Chun that he learned when he was alive to Sirius's body.

As he ducked down, it started from his upper groin, continued with his lower part of his stomach, four rapid punches. Then, his upper abdomen with ten times the immediate barrage of the punches.

Thus, Sirius's HP had reduced by 40%, making himself only owning 60% of HP remaining.

Of course, Aloysius knew his skill's limitation. So, he decided to make it quick by smashing his head with brute force by using his right knee.

As the ultimate skill suggested itself, no one could be able to use their talent. Thus, Aloysius had a massive advantage in that aspect, resulting in him getting an extra kill for him.

He moved swiftly towards Sirius's lane tower without any more hesitation, with his tower having a 20% health disadvantage.

46 vs. 66%

It was pretty extreme to a typical MOBA game in terms of endurance in-game, considering that they had been in the match for 45 minutes.

But, none of them were willing to give in, just like an average human's nature for not giving in to themselves.

Match by match was happening in them,

One versus Three

Two versus Three

Three versus Three

Three versus Four

Three versus Five

Three versus Six

Four versus Six

Five versus Six

That was Sirius vs. Aloysius's kill count.

Everyone was cheering on their preference, causing the scene of the observer room to went uproar, in a good way.

"This is gonna be a legendary match, is it, Askardia?" Bryce asked her while enjoying the match, where Aloysius had the lane disadvantage.

Carry versus Initiator. It was customary for that to happen as Carry could do everything, while all Initiator could only start the war, tanking the battle, and did the one-way-rush****.

The battle was clear enough there. No one shall become the winner nor the loser in this match.

However, in the observer room, some people cheered insanely over the most breathtaking battle ever exists up to that time, wishing that someone would stand up as the winner.

Aloysius was the man with the insane durability in the battle, with Sirius, the patient man when it comes to the opportunity, and a natural carry player who managed to secure two towers in the middle lane where the battle had started.

But, there must be one winner in the battle.


The massive sound exploded in that observer room, showing the explosion animation in front of everyone as if that happened in front of them while it wasn't.

Thus, the battle ended in the fifth hour of the match, with Sirius winning the fight.

However, Killing count-wise, Aloysius had won that with the staggering amount of kill count advantage.

The kill count score written in the scoreboard at the observer room was one hundred and forty-five kills from him, versus seventy-five kills from Sirius.

Thus, Aloysius earned MVP as the player with the most killing ever in the history of [Isekai Online] until now. And the first man who killed the opponent in less than three seconds.

Meanwhile, Sirus earned [Epic Comeback] due to winning the match with the massive killing count disadvantage.

In the match, both of them chatted in the public chat as it popped up,

[Aloysius: GG]

[Sirius: WP]

[Aloysius: Let's meet again later in the other matches.]

Thus, both of them had returned to their hut. Identical with both of the respective player's god or goddess who helped them in everything.

"You lost, did you?" Askardia asked Aloysius, the guy who sat in his king-sized bed thinking over something.

"Yup. Role disadvantages. I had to learn to become a carry as well. Or else, this might be happening again."

Askardia was wanted to tell him if he should listen to Bryce's feedback about his match earlier.

Thus, Aloysius agreed, inviting both the god and the player to came.

With a single click from Askardia's left hand, both of them came almost immediately.

"Ah, you have decided, do you?" The yellow-haired knight with his warm-looking face asked him.

"Let me introduce him to you. He is Bryce, the god of war who stopped the incident in World War II back then in your world."

"Ah, that was unexpected. Ahahaha!" Bryce replied to her with laughter as he had remembered that, deeming it as an embarrassing past.

But, those topics aside, Bryce stated into the point,

"You were strong indeed, Aloysius. But you will have a hard time to deal with the opponents after this."

"Oh?" Aloysius replied to him with his eyes opened widen, staring at the knight-looking man as he told the next,

"Please share what do you know, Mr. Bryce. Any feedbacks will be appreciated."

Thus, that man cleared his throat, started to explain,

"You have a great lane positioning, good fighting capability, even that you have a power to operate things by yourself. But, do note that you will have a hard time when you are alone." Bryce explained to him that he showed the part where he had some difficulties in handling Sirius.

He continued to explain as he said,

"Look at the part where you did not noticed that Sirius had placed the trap upon you? This is why you need a support."

Aloysius noticed the part where Sirius had caught him off guard. Then, Aloysius asked Bryce as he looked at him,

"It was me, the one who had got myself off guard."

But, it was a pure excuse blurted for Bryce. Thus, he commented to him,

"You are seeking an excuse if that's the case."

"But, how do we manage to find some outstanding player if that's the case? Look, Mr. Bryce, without disregarding my respect to you, how many supports you can recomend to me for that? I can only think Askardia, the lady who could help me for the support aspect while she was acting as the carry." Aloysius explained his difficulties to Bryce, asking if he could recommend something for him.

Bryce cleared his throat, telling him,

"Do you know Selena? The water goddess of war who was known for her healing capability?"

"I did heard her name before in mythologies."

"Nah, she is a real deal. I will introduce you to her later." Bryce replied to him briefly after he had replied so.

Thus, Bryce continued to explain his thing as he said,

"Second, you lack one thing, the capability to cooperating with the others. You have great fighting and strong adaptability. But you had lacked that. Remember, [Isekai Online] is not a solo-player game as you had said before in the interview. So, I think that yo are knowing that fact, do you?"

He went silent for a while. He knew what he had said earlier. Also, he knew that he had stated how bad it was to have a weak team.

But, Bryce was a reasonable person to talk to him. Thus, he persuaded him.

"How about we are joining forces here? You have yourself as an initiator and Askardia as the heavy carry. I have myself as the support and Selena as the off-lane player. Thus, we have Sirius as the captain and the ganker. If we can join our forces together, then we will be able to realize any of our goals here."

Aloysius had felt intrigued when someone had told him that. But, he was not sure if he should listen to him or not. Thus, he asked him back,

"What are your guys' goal?"

Bryce explained to him for what he wanted of. Thus, he told him,

"I want to retire."


*Bruh = a reaction when something stupid (but somehow works) happened.

**LMAO = Laugh My Ass Off, also known as "that's too hillrarious." but in slang.

***trash talk = basically a random chat you would see from each team, talking anything, from ordinary conversation to slurs.

****one-way-rush = Initiator's common tactic to start the war, typically mentioned as the battle cry from the role-4 player to start the battle alone before the fighter, support, carry, and sub-carry are coming.