Drive to the Boyfriend's Place

Winter started attending classes again this morning, and in the afternoon, August came to pick her up and give her a drive back home.

It isn't really necessary for him to do it himself since she already has a couple of bodyguards tagging along. Marcellus was the one who chose them specifically, saying that they used to be part of an elite force in the military. Her friends and schoolmates were taken aback to see her being tailed by these men in suits almost everywhere on campus, especially Maxine, Courtney, and Xander.     

Winter was rambling about how her day went while August quietly drove and listened.

Little does she know that he knows she's just distracting him. He won't let her chattiness divert his focus from the main topic at hand.   

"Why are you the one taking care of him?" he grumbled, and she flinched even though she was already used to his grumbling.