26: The prediction

Mira is feeling on top of the world as she is finally engaged. Ishan comes to the house with a complaint about Andy, " this is too much,Andy is planning to build a bridge over the stream which will be so inconveniencing"

Mable tells Ishan to calm down as Andy cannot do anything. A week later, as the wedding arrangements are taking place,Mira comes straight to the house completely pissed off,Mable notices and asks her what's wrong and Mira tells has been happening behind her back," you won't believe what that block heard did this time, he demolished over 100 houses so he could build a mall,now over 1000 people are homeless"

Mable gets really upset,her checks turn red in anger. She takes Mira to Andy's office so they can deal with him. Upon reaching the office, Andy starts to disrespect Mable, " well hello my old time enemy, its been so long since I saw you, I was expecting you though savage woman, I told your best I will make both pay for bullying me in the past and unfortunately your people will face the consequences of your stupidity you foolish, useless woman! "

Before Andy could say anything else,Mable gives him a tight slap such that he falls to the floor. Mable warns Andy to stay away from the village, " now pay attention to what I will tell you, stay away from my village or face my wrath, what were you saying, my people will face the consequences, you are a fool,those people stood by me through thick and thin,for them I would sacrifice my life,and as far as bullying is concerned,you brought it upon yourself, if you are going to challenge me...play your cards well...take my warning seriously"

When Mable and Mira leave,Andy vows to make the entire family pay. An had later,Andy walks into Riswan's house with the police. Mark asks the policemen what they are doing at the house and one of the policemen tells him," we are here to arrest Mable for assaulting a government official, she has to come with us to the police station"

Salma tries to object to the arrest by telling the police Mable cannot go with them and leave her 1 month old baby behind but the police do not accept the excuse. Mable however doesn't object the arrest, she willingly goes with them and asks her mother to look after Agni until Mira, Kel and Ishan get back home.

Kel,Mira and Ishan come home and find Salma and Anjali weeping, and they are told Mable has been arrested. They quickly rush to the station to see if they can bail Mable out. At the police station, Andy goes to mock Mable in her cell," its good to see you again, here,in this cell,this is just the beginning of your torture, you, your family and village will pay"

With so much ego,attitude and courage, Mable answers Andy back," You like to talk to much don't you...I suggest you start making arrangements to leave not just this village but the country...what is that saying again... yeeess, a rat can play with a lions tale when it is in a cage,but when the lion gets out...rat runs for its life so I suggest you do the same, take my advice seriously "

Andy feels shaken and afraid so he leaves. Kel and the rest reach the station and Mira falls into tears," you are here unbothered while I am worried sick uh?"

Mable is back home and everyone is relieved. Seeing the ladies sad Mable tries to joke with them by posing with a deadly joke," you are all crying when am alive,suppose I died today or tomorrow, how will you cope or console each and look after my daughter,tell me"

Kel gets angry with Mable," don't be silly Mable! you can't joke like that its so unprofessional, stop it okay "

Mable just smiles and goes up to her room to check on baby Agni while everywhere is left worried and wondering and confused as to why Mable would tell such a joke.