Family disunity

Zerah decides its time to spice things up after a long time of peace in the family. She controls Kel and Ishan's minds against Mira. Out of no where,Kel comes home with divorce papers asking Mira to sign them and accusing her of been the reason why Agni died,

Mark:" what are these papers for Kel "

Kel:" read them dad"

Mark: " these are divorce papers,who are they for?"

Kel:" for Mira and I. Am sick and tired of this marriage with no happiness!"

Mark:" are you insane? why will you divorce your wife after so many years?"

Kel: " why wouldn't I father? because of this woman and her hatred towards my daughter, I lost Agni! "

Mark:" you are not in your right frame of mind my son "

Kel: " nothings wrong with me father am perfectly fine!"

Mira: " how is it my fault that Agni is dead?"

Kel: " are you asking me that foolish question now,really? you are such an amazing actress! "

Salma: " stop keeping us in the dark and say something "

Mitra: " did Mira take part in Agni and Matteo's killing "

Mira:" no Mitra that's not it"

Kel: " if it wasn't for your hatred towards her,the enemy wouldn't have had the chance to execute their plans. All of a sudden you started hating my daughter!"

Mitra:" its not true!"

Ishan: " oh its true! you despised my sister because you thought she was taking what rightfully belongs to me. For goodness sake she was born with it. You are wicked mom! that woman Zerah wouldn't have killed my sister and cousin if your hatred wasn't displayed!"

Kel:" if wasn't for the promise I made to Mable, I wouldn't have married this evil woman! "

Mirabel: " calm down Kel?'

Kel: " no aunt,not today,I've already signed these papers and all that is left is for her to do the same"

Mira: " Kel please don't do this to me am begging you "

Kel and Ishan go upstairs and Mira is left regretting everything, while Salma and Mirabel comfort her,

Salma:" its okay child, don't cry,Kel is just probably angry right now. When he gets back to his senses he'll forget about everything "

Mark:" Salma is right my child, wipe your tears now,Kel is just angry and frustrated that his daughter is no more"

Mira:" Kel and Ishan are right father,my hatred for poor Agni led to her early grave. Am at fault it's all mine. Agni showed me nothing but love and respect and all I could do to pay back is shower her with my unfiltered hatred. I fell prey to Angela's trap and this is the result of it"

In the other towns,Asmita forces Matteo to join in the celebration of the town festival of harvest despite him refusing to take part,

Asmita: " my darling fiancé, how are you doing today? "

Matteo: " am fine Asmita, what brings you here?"

Asmita: " it is that one time of the year that happens only once. Am so happy Mike am just so excited! "

Matteo: " Asmita go straight to the point I don't have all day"

Asmita: " calm down now don't get angry Mike I'll tell you. Tomorrow is the harvest festival, all the neighbouring towns will come and join the celebration, so you'll come with me to the town festival grounds right?"

Matteo starts to remember how he,Agni and the family celebrated the harvest festival in their town and wouldn't want to bring back those memories. But is destructed by a chattering Asmita,

Asmita: " am asking you you something Mike so answer me,we are going their together right?"

Matteo: " am sorry Asmita but I can't come with "

Asmita: " please Mike, you barely hang out with me even though we are to get married one day. You hate me so much right?"

Matteo: " don't say such things Asmita, you saved my life so why would I hate you?"

Asmita: " then come with me to the festival tomorrow "

Matteo: " okay fine, I will. Happy now? "

Asmita: " extremely happy, thank you...I love you so much "

When Asim goes back to his family, he tells them what he witnessed and how shocking it was,

Asim: " you all won't believe what I witnessed a few days ago, in fact am still shocked and I can't still believe it"

Asim's daughter: " you've been so worried these past few days, you even refused to tell us what has been bothering you "

Asim's wife:" go on then my dear,speak"

Asim:" I saw Mable, she came to my office a few days back to threaten me"

Asim's wife:" this can't be possible she died twenty years ago"

Asim:" that is what we just thought,she has been living in this town while we all thought she died"

Asim's: " this is unbelievable, and so difficult to digest"

Asim:" I managed to leave her town and settle here as the notorious and corrupt businessman, but she followed me all the way here"

Asim's daughter: " but what was she doing at your office dad? "

Asim: " she came to threaten me,asking me to let Mr Winans be or she'll deal with me severely "

Asim's daughter: " this is serious dad,I remember when I was just a little girl how she treated you for betraying her"

Asim: " not when I've come this far"

Fred receives a letter of invitation from the town head,where Matteo is staying, asking him to bring his family along for the festival of harvests. He tells Agni the news and she agrees to go along.