Bella POV:

I told Charlie and Blaize that I was going to be with Edward for the day; I hope they find something to eat for dinner. Edward had taken me to their playing field, and I saw that the rest of his family were already there.

Alice and Jasper seemed to be playing a game of throw and catch, stood about half a mile apart; I couldn't see any ball. It looked like Carlisle was marking the bases, but that couldn't be right. They were too far apart.

Suddenly a loud clap of thunder rolls across the sky, and Alice instantly abandons her game. 'It's time!' she calls. Emmett and Rosalie dart towards the pitch. I wait for Alice to approach the pitcher's mound, but then I realise she's already there.

Edward kisses my forehead lightly, and then darts off after Emmett. Emmett charges alongside Rosalie's bounding, and as Edward catches up with them, and even overtaking the two, I see his run looks more like a cheetah than the lion he had been claiming.

Another boom of thunder rumbles overhead. Esme walks towards me, and I give a little wave. 'You don't play?' I ask.

She smiles. 'No, I prefer to referee. I like keeping them honest.'

'Do they cheat?'

'Oh, yes - you should hear the arguments they get into! Actually, I hope you don't - you'd think they were raised by a pack of wolves.'

I laugh, and move my gaze back to the game. Emmett swings an aluminium bat, and it whistles almost untraceably through the air. 'Batter up,' Esme says in a voice merely louder than average.

Alice stands straight, still as a statue. Her style seems to be stealth, rather than an intimidating windup. She holds the ball in both hands at her waist, then, like a cobra, flicks her wrist out, and the ball smacks into Jasper's ungloved palm.

The sound echoes around the clearing as Jasper flings the ball back into Alice's hand. She grins briefly, then she swings her leg up, simultaneously releasing the ball.

This time, the bat somehow manages to swing round and hit the ball. I immediately see the need of the thunderstorm. The sound of the two meeting together was shattering, and I wince slightly. The ball shoots deep into the surrounding forest. 'Home run,' I murmur.

'Wait,' Esme says, listening attentively. I realise Edward is missing. 'Out!' Esme cries, as Edward springs into view from the trees, a huge grin visible on his face, even to me. It spreads even wider at my disbelieving shocked expression.

'Emmett hits the hardest, but Edward runs the fastest,' Esme smiles.

The game continues with the Cullens blurring round the bases. It was impossible to keep up with the rate of with the speed at which the ball flew.

At one point, the ball was hit, and Carlisle and Jasper raced to first base. When they collided, it was like the sound of two boulders smashing together. I bite my lip in worry, but they were both unscathed. They spring up, grinning, and the game resumed.

The score constantly changes as the game progresses. Carlisle walks up to bat, Edwards catching, when Alice suddenly gasps. Edward instantly darted to her side. 'What's wrong?' Jasper asks. 'They were travelling much quicker than I thought. I had the perspective wrong before.'

'Jeep. Now,' Edward growls to me. But before I've even taken a step, he stiffens. Not good.

Esme and Alice step in front of me, somewhat hiding me from view.

'What is it?' I echo Jasper.

And then I see them.


They walk with the same, beautiful grace as the Cullens - only with a more predatory swagger to it - the woman in particular.

She may be the most spectacular of the trio - her hair is wine red, contrasting greatly and burning like a brand compared to the hunting leathers she wears. The men - one extremely pale, the other with a deep olive tan - are also dressed similarly. They wear no shoes.

But the most striking difference are the eyes. Unlike Edward or his family, their eyes are blood red. 'I thought we heard a game.' The eyes of the other man do not stray anywhere - though somehow, he seems the most alert.

The man at their head lifts up the baseball. 'I am Laurent, this is James and Victoria. Is this yours?' he asks.

Carlisle steps forward. 'Yes.'

'Care if we join?'

'Actually, we were just finishing. But-'

I'm a heartbeat late to realise what happened.

The wind shifts, shifts so suddenly - and then James lurches forwards, jaws parted. Edward is already there, shoving me behind him as he mirrors James' stance. Their teeth are bared, and I hear a fearsome growl rip out from Edward's throat.

'What's this?' Laurent exclaims. His eyes are wide in surprise, but gleam sharper as he too catches my scent.

'We're leaving. Now,' Edward says abruptly, dragging my arm.

His grip is tighter than usual, nails digging into my skin, and I nearly cry out in alarm. Sensing my terror, he bundles me into his arms, and heads for the Jeep. I peer over Edward's shoulder. Carlisle is talking with Laurent in low, undercurrent voices - and James is still staring at me.

Alice was already in the Jeep before it came into view, and he wastes no time in sitting me in the back. The only sounds heard was of the seat belt clicking into place and my ragged breathing.

As the Jeep roared away from the forest, I asked, 'Where are we going?'

No one answered.

I asked again, quieter, 'Where. Are. We. Going?'

Finally, Edward said, 'Away. Away from here, somewhere you'll be safe.'


He twisted, and glared at me. 'Do not object. He was a tracker!' His voice rose, and he roared, 'A tracker, Alice, did you see that?'

And then I slam a fist into my seat. 'Charlie and Blaize are still there! James will just head there! I can't leave them!'

Edward snarls.

'My scent,' I snap, 'is going to lead James right to them. I tell them I'm leaving - then we go.'

Alice gazes at Edward. 'She's right, Edward.'

He slumps back in his seat, defeated.

'Charlie and Blaize. We're going home. Now.'

And there was such conviction in my voice that no one dared object again.