Blaize POV:

It's so abrupt. A deafening silence fills the atmosphere, and I tense. The pain is long gone; all I can feel is a tingling sensation throughout my body. But I'm in control again.

I open my eyes.

And gasp. Everything is so clear. Sharp. Defined. I can see each dust mote, dancing between the crack of light which spills through the blinds. It is so unnaturally beautiful, that I inhale in shock. I frown. The action suddenly felt wrong, but I liked it. Liked the taste of the dust as it swirled down my throat. I can also smell different scents, my brain instantly classifying them as lavender, honey, and cedar wood.

And then something beside me shifts.

I whirl, teeth bared, and I push myself against a nearby wall. Defensive. As I twirl, my eyes catch each detail in perfect precision, nothing a blur.

The thing that twitched moves again, and I growl, a sound so inhuman-like and feral that I blink, and freeze. Freeze because it feels natural. My body locks down.

Then the thing speaks in a musical voice. 'Blaize.'

And suddenly, a name comes to me. Edward. 'Edward,' I whisper. Wait. What? That doesn't sound like me. It sounds like... Alice's dainty voice, mixed with the delicacy of Rosalie's. It sounds... like music.

Edward chuckles softly under his breath, but I still catch it. 'How are you feeling?' he asks. 'I hope you're okay. I asked everyone else to leave and give you space.'

I bob my head, a quick jerk. 'Strange. But, otherwise, fine. I think.'

He stares curiously at me. 'Aren't you thirsty? Once you've fed, we need to talk.'

I pay attention to my throat. Yes.

Edward purses his lips. 'We need to get your thirst under control before you can see Bella.'

Bella. Her name strikes a chord inside me, and my dead heart warms. 'How long will that take?'

Edward sighs. 'Depends. But it takes at least six months for the red eyes to fade.'

'Six months?' I hiss in horror. Darting to the window, I yank at the blinds, tearing them away from the rail completely. In the glass reflection, ruby eyes mirror mine. Then I blink. That's not me. That- the hell happened? I look... different. Certainly, I mean, I'm still there, like there was a sculpture of me, but it's as if I were chiselled to perfection - hard, sharp angles take the place of my human softness.

I don't like it.

I want to be me again.

Everything had went wrong.

I still couldn't wrap my head round it. I was a vampire. I would never eat again. Never sleep. And I'd only find pleasure in feeding on blood.

Edward touches me arm softly, and I hear the rustle of fabric as he moves, so I'm not as shocked. 'You ready?' I look down at myself to see that someone else has dressed me in new clothes - probably Rosalie's. I'll thank her later.

Then I nod. 'Yeah.'

Edward takes me out through the window. As I land silently on the balls of my feet, I spot Edward, already halfway across the lawn. Come on, he mouths, with a teasing smile. So I run.

And it is exhilarating. I skim the lawn, feet barely touching the grass, until I approach the river. My horror, my disgust... it all fades as I fly farther and faster.

In a single bound, I somersault over the gushing water, and continue to pelt through the undergrowth, rocketing under, over, around the shrubs. It is a wonderful, glorious feeling, and I laugh with joy, the sound pealing like bells. And then I hear Edward chasing after me. Part of me is tempted to keep running, but I sigh, and twirl round. Gods, there is a lot to get used to. 'Yes?'

He stops a few feet away from me. Inclining his head to the right, he says, 'Just rely on your senses.'

I close my eyes, and focus, searching. A distant heartbeat thumps to the East, and I zone in to the sound. My throat starts to itch, an uncomfortable, dry texture. Like sandpaper. I dart to the source till I'm barely metres away from the buck, oblivious of its current situation.

And then the wind shifts.

I finally understand what James must have felt like, that day on the field. It was understandable, really. I jerk up from my crouch, and pelt towards the new scent. Its scent ruled out everything. My only focus was getting to that. I need it. Paying no heed to Edward, I dash through the forest. My predatory side dominates my mind, and my thirst is the only thing I could think of.

So when I hear footfalls in pursuit, I whirl, and grab my pursuer by the throat. Wide golden eyes stare at me, and I snarl, shoving the body roughly to the ground.

My prey is still totally oblivious. I dart towards the human, snagging the larger one from his companion, taking a second to marvel at my newfound strength, before closing my jaws round his neck.

The wet, succulent liquid soothes my throat as I swallow, and I drain him within seconds. The burn still unquenched, I spin to find the other human-

And come face to face with Edward. Waves of terror roll off the human behind him, and, just for a moment, I think of how easily that could've been me. I don't blame the guy. I probably look like a demon now. Edward glares at me, arms thrown wide. Guarding the human. Protecting it. 'Why.' I growl. Not a question.

Edward simply shakes his head. 'Don't.' But we both knew it; I couldn't leave, and he couldn't stop me. I duck under his arm, grabbing it, twisting it, and pushing it back upon himself. Edward grimaces in pain. Then I lunge towards the throbbing vein in the undefended human's neck.

The burn in my throat is satisfied, but not quite fully quenched, at the blood that flows into my parched mouth. A red haze swims to the surface of my mind, and I'm instantly craving for more. Raising my head, I draw in a deep breath.

And then something slams into me from behind, tackling me and grabbing both my wrists. The scent of Edward wraps around me, and I screech in fury. But he holds fast, refusing to let go till I've calmed down slightly.

Eventually, he steps back, and I look at Edward, standing motionlessly behind me. Edward only looks at me. I'm sorry, I say.

'I know, Blaize. You couldn't help it. I understand. It was my fault. I was careless. They shouldn't have been so far from the trails,' Edward sighs. 'Are you good now?'

I nod. 'I think so. Actually, can I get a bit more?'

Edward takes my arm and gently guides me back to our original hunting spot. 'The buck. Nothing else. Understood?'

I nod again, but we both knew that, if it happened again, the outcome was inevitable.