Eyes Open

Rin had been the only one of her two teammates to stay near Minato as he talked with Hiruzen. She didn't really have anywhere to go at the moment since Kakashi made it as clear as ever for her to stay out of his way. Naturally, this left her in the hallway right outside the Hokage's Office where she was pacing in worry.

She couldn't shake the feeling of it when she was all alone. It allowed her to think more about it and, well, worry more. The fact that she couldn't contribute to either Minato or Kakashi made it even worse. As she turned just in front of the the door leading into the Office, she bumped into something, no someone sturdy which caused her to stumble back.

Rubbing her head, she looked up and started to speak before she paused when she saw who it was. "I'm sorr~"

It was a older man with shaggy black hair and x shaped scar on his chin. Black robes covered his feet to his right shoulder as a can supported his movements in his left hand. He glanced down at the Rin before speaking. His voice was firm and intimidatingly deep when he spoke.

"Watch where you are going," his eyes briefly scanned her face, recognizing her. "Minato's student."

She gulped in fear as she stared at him, only able to mutter from his intimidating aura. "Y-yes sir. Sorry." She stepped out of his way as he stepped forward and continued to walk to the Hokage's door. She saw him and wanted to say something but she knew he'd turn her way and she didn't like it when he did. It was like he didn't like her and saw her as weak trash when he looked at her. It always caused her to get fearful of the dark aura that surrounded him wherever he went.

When he walked in, she sighed in relief as the heavy feeling in her chest ceased and it felt as if she could breath normally again. Maybe she should leave and let her Sensei come to them. She didn't feel like being anywhere near Danzō at the moment, or really any. But not right now especially. She was sure no one did.


'Where would Obito have gone?' This was the question hanging on Kakashi's mind as he jumped from building to building, searching for any signs of his teammate. He'd been looking for about 45 minutes but couldn't pick out the location of his teammate no matter where he looked. First his house, then his favorite restaurant, around the Uchiha Compound, and finally Minato and Kushina's house and still, he couldn't find his teammate.

It was a bit frustrating since he was a solid tracker but couldn't track a clumsy fool like Obito. A clumsy fool who he wished would remain that way. It was a dynamic of his team. At first he was adversed to it, but as time went on he got more and more used to it until he wanted nothing different. Minato; the kind and caring Sensei who knew what to say and when to say it. He was strong and reliable.

Rin; she was smart and bubbly. The medic of the team and the glue that held them all together. Him; the prodigy know-it-all who was headstrong and independent but caring on the inside. Somewhere inside.

Then there was Obito.

He was, without a doubt, an idiot. But a brave, hardworking and nice idiot. He was one to dive headfirst without thinking of a plan. He was one to help anyone in need even if he had to be late for a meeting with the Hokage. He was one that strive to be Hokage even without his Sharingan and was to never give up until he completed that goal.

And now he looked broken.

Kakashi really didn't know what happened to the light the Uchiha used to relish in. Sure it was annoying at times but he honestly could never get tired of it. Kakashi stopped on a building to rest from his nonstop search but as he did he thought of what was Obito's goal and a place he hadn't checked. He slowly turned to the Hokage Faces on the mountain across the village and his eyes narrowed. He had to be there.


"This has something to do with Obito, I presume?" The older man asked just as the door shut behind Minato's team. The behavioral difference that Obito displayed had not passed his old eyes. But it was so blatant that anyone who knew the boy would know immediately.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Minato nodded in affirmation, walking closer to his desk until he stood just before it. "I'm sure you of all people can tell, but it's how he's acting. It's like he's depressed or something and I can't shake the feeling it's from an outside source."

Hiruzen hummed lowly as he processed the information, taking his time. "Would you like for his mind to be read? It would give you the insight you seek."

Minato quickly disagreed with a strong shake of the head. "He'll never agree to that and I won't force it upon him."

Hiruzen nodded slowly. "What was he like days prior to this one? Did you sense anything wrong before?"

Minato gaze dropped thoughtfully as he went deep into his thoughts for the past couple of days prior to this one. "No sir. He was just fine; the same Obito doing what he would do. That's why I'm confused now. Because this happened today when Kakashi, Rin, and I went to go get him at his house."

"Hmm, perhaps we contact Fugaku to see if he knows anything. If you don't know as his sensei then perhaps his clan's leader will know."

"Yes, maybe." Minato wasn't too convinced at that but he really had no other way to find out what was going on. He knew Obito didn't talk with any members of his clan so he highly doubted it had something to do with the Uchiha. But the Hokage had a point.

A moment of silence passed between the two just before the door leading from the hall opened. Danzō stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

He spoke. His voice cold and indifferent. "Then we find another team suited for this mission. We have no time to wait until he feels they are ready. We're in the middle of a war."

Hiruzen was about to reprimand Danzō but Minato beat him to it, eyeing him warily. "Thanks for your advice, Danzo. But I didn't ask for it. I was talking to the Hokage."

Danzō's visible eye narrowed as his voice deepened in slight aggression. "And I answered because he wouldn't. A good Hokage would agree with me if he kept his emotions out of the decision and ruled with the village in mind."

"Danzō," Hiruzen spoke calmly but firm and held no room for argument. "That's enough. You have no say in the matter."

Danzō's face visibly tightened but he said nothing more. Hiruzen turned his attention back to Minato. "You should take my advice and go see Fugaku. I'll give you a few days to sort out the behavior in Obito. But you have to hurry, our Shinobi are dying every minute they're outside the border."

Minato nodded gratefully before teleporting out of the office.

"Danzō, you want to speak to me?"


"There you are." Kakashi said, walking up behind Obito as he sat atop the third Hokage's stone head. "Why are you running away?"

Obito didn't respond. His knees were tucked comfortably into his chest as he looked at the bright cloud filled sky above them. Only the soft breezy wind filled the quiet.

Kakashi stepped onto the rock and his voice hardened. "Why are you running, Obito!"

"Kakashi," the soft, vulnerable voice Obito spoke with took almost all the firmness from Kakashi. Obito turned slightly to him, only to where half his face could be seen. "Why do you care?"

"I don't." Was his immediate response. "I-I mean, Rin is worried. So what happened? You aren't usually like this."

Obito didn't know how to respond, so he kept silent and turned back to fully face the bright sky, hair flowing gently in the soft breeze. He didn't feel like facing any of his teammates right now. He almost couldn't bare it.

"Obito," Kakashi muttered before grabbing his shoulder and turning him around. What he saw in the eyes of his teammate shocked him deeply. "Is that the Sharingan?"