

I'm so sorry that this took as long as it did. I haven't abondoned this story at all don't worry. I'm changing this around from my original idea but things should progress to what I've had written.

But that to the wait I had time to write a lengthy chapter so I hope you all enjoy.

Later Peeps!!

Chapter Start

Kushina Uzumaki was doing what any other wife that wasn't on duty at the time was. Grocery Shopping. She was just about there when she felt Kakashi as he stalked angrily through one of the busiest Konoha streets. She could sense his negative emotions and immediately went to see what was wrong. Kakashi was always in a bad mood depending on how his day went but the way he was now was probably the worst she'd seen him in. She honestly hoped this would be the worst.

For the billionth time, Kushina had repeated the line she first said to Kakashi. First she had said it because she was a bit anxious but now she was saying it because it stuck and bringing him with her was something that had popped in her head before she could properly think. She could give advice though so it wasn't too bad.

"Kakashi, I can't help if you don't tell me what's going on."

And for the billionth time it seemed that the young prodigy had ignored her. He didn't spare her a glance but Kushina could tell that he wanted her by his side in comfort for right now.

'What could I do to get him to open up?'

Seemingly finding his voice, Kakashi muttered carefully. "It's Obito."

Kushina smiled kind-heartedly, walking a bit closer to the boy to let him know that she cared and had her attention. Even though he most likely knew that already.

He struggled to find the right words. "He's...he won't—"

Kushina placed a soft hand on his silver locks. A look of reassurance and patience spreading across her face. "Take your time. I'm not rushing you."

Kakashi nodded slowly and the quiet between them was interrupted by the bustling villagers around them. Is was about 10 minutes until Kakashi felt he had calmed down somewhat enough to talk. Before he could speak they had arrived at the supermarket which switched his focus briefly.

"What are we doing here?"

Kushina chuckled sheepishly, rubbing her head. "Well, I was planning on going shopping and since I saw you I just decided that you should tag along. I was trying to go for a two for one."

"Well let's go." He paused a bit as he started to walk and muttered for only her to hear. "And I'm ready to talk about it."

Normal personality gone, Kushina nodded surely. She knew whatever he had to say was to be taken serious if Kakashi was willing to open up. Even if only a bit.

"I'm all ears." She said sofly and he nodded, content with letting her lead through the store as he formulated what he wanted to say and how he wanted to say it.

Eyes downcast, Kakashi spoke in small murmurs. He didn't know how to start so he just said the first thing he wanted to talk about. "Obito has the Sharingan."

Kushina stopped, looking as if she had seen a headless chicken running around. She turned to Kakashi with that look which basically looked like she was asking are you serious.

He nodded.

"Wow." It looked as if she was very confused all before it turned into a look of barely concealed pride. "I'm speechless."

"Yea," Kakashi agreed in a murmur. "I was too. It surprised me. I wonder if that was why he was acting so strange. I thought he would've been bragging more than anything else."

"Acting?" Kushina questioned. "What do you mean?"

Kakashi studdered, not knowing how to explain his teammates behavior with words. It wasn't something he did well at all but this was a new type of situation with new types of feeling he hadn't felt since his father died.

"W-Well, Obito, he-he isn't normal." Hearing the words come from his mouth, he clarified. "He isn't acting normal. He's quiet, broody. And his eyes, they lack the same...brightness they had before."

Despite what he said, Kushina couldn't help the smile that graced her face. "You're worried about him."

"I'm not!" He immediately defended, crossing his arms. "I just, Rin is the one that's worried."

"Oh is that so?" She grinned before hitting him over the head. "Don't lie, dattebane!"

Kakashi gripped his head from the pain before glaring up at Kushina. "What the hell was that for!"

Kushina pinched his covered chin. "Because you're lying. There's nothing wrong with caring for a teammate. You should admit that to yourself."

Kakashi rolled his eye as he pulled away from her to rub his burning cheeks. "There's nothing to admit. I'm doing this for Rin and Minato-Sensei."

"Right." She muttered before her face brightened as she had found one of things she was looking for in the store. She grabbed his hand with a smile. "How 'bout a day with née-Chan."

Kakashi deadpanned, attempting to get his arm free. He wondered how many times he was going to have to pull body parts away from her grasp. "No, I'm good."

She gripped him tighter with a mock smile. Seeing Kakashi in a better mood was better than being a bit late starting dinner. "Nonsense! Now, let's get a move on!" She pulled him along as the two had a sorta shopping day together.


Obito felt a bit embarrassed. It had taken quite a while for him to calm down, trying to get used to being a Konoha Ninja and seeing his once dead team. He stood on the Third Hokage's stone head, overlooking the village as he wondered how he would face them. What his approach would be?

Obviously he couldn't just up and say he was fine. Minato would certainly think otherwise if Kakashi and Rin bought that lame excuse. And he highly doubted they would. Kakashi was smarter than that and Rin was too worried, sometime too much for own good.

Deciding that he couldn't stay away forever, the Uchiha jumped off the rock and landed on one of the buildings beside the Hokage's Office.

Over another building, he saw Rin walking with her head low, an obvious frown on her face. His lips drew a thin line before he sighed. He'd start with making up with Rin. Somehow.


"Danzō," Hiruzen's voice was sharp with his head low, looking at his old teammate through the corner of his eyes. "You were reported being in the Land of Water. What were you doing."

Danzō felt no need to answer his teammate, regardless of his position. "I simply was walking through there."

"Over a sea, huh."

"Was I reported doing anything?" He asked changing the subject from the why to the what.

"You weren't." Hiruzen said evenly.

Danzō's eyes narrowed. "Then why are you suggesting I did. What are you playing at, Hokage." He said the name with so much spite.

Hiruzen sighed. He didn't know when exactly Danzō and him grew this hostile and distrusting. They had been good teammates, rivals even, aspiring to be the best of their generation. And now they seemed as hostile as enemies.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Hiruzen decided to switch subjects, tiring of their conversation now. "As I asked earlier; you wanted to speak to me?"

Danzō grunted bul left it at that. "I came to speak of this," he went inside his right robes and pulled out a blank envelope.

Hiruzen regarded it with a raised eyebrow. "And what is this?"

Danzō frown deepened when he remembered how he received this; who he received this from. Though he didn't say that part, keeping that to himself because of what that thing said.

"It's some type of treaty, of sorts." He explained, almost unnoticeably frowning once more. He had read the letter more times then he could count but even he couldn't fully decipher its meaning. "From The Hidden Mist, it seems."

Naturally, Hiruzen's eyebrows furrowed from both confusion and his eyes widened in surprise. The Mist Village, while not the main faction they were fighting, were still very much a sizable threat during this war. For them to suddenly op out of the war with a treaty like this was, well suspicious.

"And what do you think of it?" The Hokage finally asked evenly, a long silence passing between them.

"Hmph, obviously I think it's a farce." Danzō responded in a doubtful manner, his face showing it as well. "After Iwa, they've been the main fighting force along side the Cloud. To think they've want a peaceful way out of this war with the forced they have would be a fool's thinking."

"And how don't we know that they actually want peace?" It was what Hiruzen wanted. He was tired of a lot of things. Some of the most important being hearing that young children fresh out of the academy had already been killed. Tired of the public complaining about such things. Tired of losing precious, innocent lives in a war that they hadn't started in the first place.

Danzō snorted derisively, his voice matching once more. "Don't be ridiculous. They're known as the Blood Mist Village. Those barbarians could never actually want true peace. Such an ideal doesn't exist in the first place."

Danzō made good points. They no doubt would have another war in a decade or less for some reason. Their world was just like that. No amount of so-called peace ever lasted as long as a decade.

"What we should do is use this to our advatage." He firmly placed the envelop on the desk as he turned to leave the room. "And strike them where they can't recover."

The old hawk left the room and Hiruzen sighed once more as he glanced down at the letter. 'What is going on?'


Just as Obito was about to jump down to meet Rin, the corner of his eye caught sight of Danzō and one of his Root talking to him from the corner of darkness created from the bright sun.

"What could they be talking about?" He silently asked himself, activating his Sharingan to lip read.

Their conversation was brief from his time joining, but he could definitely see Danzō telling him about a peace treaty, or something similar. But, without a doubt, he saw that Danzō told him to assemble their forces.

He decided he saw enough as he raced from his perched position. He still needed to talk to Rin so he formed a seal he'd seen preformed so many times.

'Shadow Clone Jutsu!'

Beside him, a puff of smoke erupted and a copy of himself emerged from it. He nodded to his clone and his clone nodded back in understanding. He performed a seal of his own and another puff of smoke erupted around him.

This time he was in an older form of himself. Orange spiral mask covering his form, the only thing missing was the Akatsuki Cloak in favor of a dark featureless one with a hood.

Obito's clone faded into the shadows and follows after the retreating form of Danzō. And Obito turned back to Rin who was nearly about to round a corner.

"I have to keep tabs on Danzō. But," Rin rounded the corner and he lost sight of her. "I have to fix my own problems as well."

Saying that, the Uchiha leaped over to the other side of the rode atop the building, intent on catching up and talking with the teammate that would most likely be the easiest to confide with.


Minato really didn't know what he was looking for at this point. He didn't get any answers talking with Fugaku and he was more than positive that Obito wouldn't answer his curious mind.

More than he'd like to admit, Minato was a sort of a nerd. He was the type of guy to try to answer any question that would pop into his mind, using anyway to solve that method. Even if it was asking for help. A good example of this is when he asked Kushina to teach him Sealing Jutsu when he gotten interested in its intricacies but couldn't fully figure it out on his own.

He couldn't do that in this situation, however. No one could provide the answers he yearned for but Obito, so he did the next best thing.

Search the Uchiha's apartment.

Now he knew it was a blatant invasion of privacy but he couldn't help both his curiosity and worry for the Uchiha. That brought him to what he was looking now, in the doorway trying to figure out what he should search first.

The apartment was more of a flat than anything else with how small it was but that wasn't what Minato was worried about. Just about everyone knew that the less space someone had, the least likely they would have something around. Especially important things.

Minato decided after an eternity of standing at the door to first check the small the desk in front of the window. He strolled over to it, intently gazing at it as he did.

When he was standing before the desk, his eyes searched the calendar that laid upon the desk, his eyes filling with amusement.

The calendar was filled with dates and reminders of him to it be late. That made the Jounin laugh when he thought of those days where the Uchiha had been extra late. He liked the effort though.

Looking over that, he found pictures stuck to what looked like a planning board. It was pictures of the days they had put where Rin wanted to take pictures to remember the moment. Looking at it now, Minato couldn't help the smile the swept his face.

Those were the times.

Leaving that his gaze swept the room again. It landed on an open book atop the dresser on the other side of the room. He went over and picked it up, reading it to himself.

It spoke of coming back and it spoke of a name. Even when he said it to himself, he felt a cold chill run over his body. It was something about the name itself that, for some reason, shocked his body into wanting to react as if an enemy was sneaking up behind him.

He questioned himself over and over what this feeling was. Was this why Obito was acting strange? If it was, then the blonde had one question.

Who the hell was…Kaguya?


Obito's clone had been following Danzō out the village for a little over an hour. Other than the talk he saw earlier, Danzō had talked to no one else since his departure from the Village. Obito had to wonder.

What was going on that made Danzō so…worried?

He said something about a peace treaty. When he thought this, his eyes narrowed. What was going on? There wasn't a peace treaty made for the Third Shinobi World War until about a year or two later. Why a was a one popping up now?

Obito made a annoyed sound as leaped to another tree in the dense forest he was following Danzō into. Was his presents already changing what was happening? He had only been here for a couple of hours, there was no way.

Just what was going on?

His eyes widened as he suddenly came back to his senses, when he noticed the chakra of hundreds of people he froze in his tracks and hid in the darkness the high vegetation of the trees provided.

His eyes activated his Doujutsu, enabling him to see minute details all around him. His eyes watched as Danzō preformed several seals before a formation of rock rose up. It was dark inside and from his position Obito couldn't see anything. He didn't have the Byakugan's zoomed in vision.

"Now what?" He whispered to himself quietly as the opening closed when Danzō went inside. He saw that it had Security Seals all around it and it required those specific seals to get in. He took notice of Root Members patrolling the area. Perhaps he should get rid of them first.


Obito landed exactly where Danzō had before 10 minutes later. There were more members then he expected but nothing he couldn't handle. He killed them all without a spec upon him, and even without being seen. It wasn't the toughest thing he had to do but it wasn't the last thing he would do.

Without hesitation, Obito redid the Seals he saw Danzō preform perfectly. His Sharingan was to thank. Obito's features scrunched up when the underground entrance stayed closed. Instead, the Seals began to glow and chakra began to spew from them at an alarming rate.

Of course it wouldn't be that simple. Danzō was through after all. The Seals had changed. They were chakra sensing and alarm seals and they were about to blown his cover!

That was until he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan.


With his newly acquired left eye, the Seals were sucked into the dimension connected to his eye, saving him from getting caught as the connection had been cut off.

"Arghh!" Obito almost yelled as he clutched his burning eye, trying to somehow relieve the pain. What the hell was this? The burning in his eye felt as if the Flames of Amaterasu had been solely focused upon it.

A long streak of blood ran down his face from his eye as he grimaced stiffened, his body beginning to wobble and his vision blurred. He had to wait 10 minutes until the pain he turned into a dull ache.

His hand left his face and he saw the blood covering it. "Surprised I didn't disperse." He said, with his left eye closed. He decided to keep it that way until his mission finished. He had forgotten all about not having Hashirama's Cells in his body. He was so used to just using Kamui that he just did it without thinking about the effects that using the Mangekyō caused. It was even worse that he was now a child and the effects were entirely worse because of that.

Ignoring the ache, Obito repeated the Seals he'd seen Danzō preform. This time, the formation opened and now that he was closer he could see that the darkness had been a Genjutsu, and that he was too focused on Danzō earlier to pay it much attention. His one Sharingan broke right past it and he could see torches along the wall which led down a long hallway.

"Here we go." Was all he said before taking his first steps inside with the entrance closing behind him.


Danzō let himself sigh tiredly when he sat down on his seat in his secret office. He closed his eyes remembering who, no…what he got the peace treaty from. He didn't believe it was human.


The weather in the Land of Water was always misty, always raining or snowing. If you were in this Country than one could full expect to walk without knowing what was ahead of them for a couple of miles. The mist was very thick in areas, a lot of them.

Such was the weather Danzō had to deal with as he and his subordinates traveled to the Mist Village. Their goal was simply to observe and see if they could get any information to help Konoha. Danzō had made these sort of trips many, many times and, for him, this should be no different that the others.

How wrong he was.

He stopped suddenly, the heavy rain and thick mist obscuring his vision but in the distance he could make out a person. But not just that, this person he was dragging another person.

What the hell was this?!

Danzō commanded his Root to stop and get into a protection formation. They did as told just as the person finally appeared in his full glory. Or it.

This thing was entirely black with yellow, deep eyes staring strangely. Covered by a black cloak made the figure even harder to notice from afar but what stuck out was what it was dragging.

Danzō's Root pulled out weapons as they prepared to attack. That was the body of a Konoha Shinobi, more specifically, a Hyuga. She appeared to be heavily injured and barely breathing. No doubt thanks to whatever this was.

Danzō looked at the body in disinterest. "What is this? Supposed to scare me?"

"No," it answered. It's deep, gurgled like voice resounded in the open area. It even made Danzō almost physically recoil at the darkness present behind it. His eyes did narrow though.

"It's an offering." He dropped the body on the muddy ground below them. "I represent the Hidden Mist Village. We'd like to pull out of this war."

"Then why hand me a dead comrade?" Danzō asked, already planning on how he would strike down the threat.

A deep chuckle was let out by the figure. "Let's be serious Danzō. We both know that you'd sell out anyone from Konoha to become Hokage. No matter who." He looked down at the body on the ground before kicking it until she laid on her back. "This isn't a regular Shinobi. As you can see, this is a member from the famed Hyuga Clan. But not just any member. She is the wife of Hizashi Hyuga. The brother of the Clan Head."

"What's she have to do with this treaty you speak of?"

"Her potent Byakugan is the gift to this treaty." He answered.

"And why would I want something like that?"

Chuckling, the figure pointed to his covered arm. "You've collected Sharingan on that arm of yours. I figured you want a Byakugan to help with your Doujutsu collecting."

Danzō couldn't keep the surprise off his face. How the hell did this thing know that?! What the hell was it?! Even most of his Root

"But I have a gift, this time for a different reason." The figure reached into his cloak and brought out a vial. Danzō could feel chakra in it from where he was.

The pureness made a sweat run down the back of his neck, with one question running through his mind. Was that his own chakra?

Holding it out, the figure spoke. "This is my gift to you. This is the most potent chakra; chakra from the Sage of Six Parhs." He lied. "With this chakra, and her Byakugan, I've found out that you could gain a slew of abilities."

If Danzō was shocked, he was great at not letting it show. "You wouldn't just be handing me this 'gift' if you didn't want something in return. You said that this gift is specifically for me, and that you knew of my 'collection.' So I ask you this; what do you want from me?"

The sinister chuckle that resounded from the figure was nothing short of frightening. "I want to know any abnormally strong individuals from you're Village. That's all."

Flashback Over

Remembering that night, Danzō clutched his covered eye which concealed that very Byakugan while he closed his book with his other hand. He had to write all this down but was unaware of who was watching him from the shadows.


Holy. Shit.

Obito's eye widened from what he just read. No way Black Zetsu had come back to past, there was no way! No way he could've gotten pst the Sage of Six Paths, or even him. In all of the mess he was going through right now, he was sure he would never, ever miss someone as slimy as Black Zetsu. He was sure of it.

Just…what the hell was happening right now?