Shisui Uchiha

Obito was walking through one of many training grounds inside the Hidden Leaf Village. So many things had happened to him since he woke up and he needed to think on it all.

First was his conversation with his teammates. He'd been able to tell them lies on how the Sharingan could be activated and thanked the Uchiha for the secretive ways as they couldn't confirm if he was telling them the true or not. Though Kakashi still didn't looked convinced he still took it, for now. What he was really worried about was Kakashi asking him who Kaguya was and saying that he gotten the name from Minato. But where did Minato get that name. Obito was sure he hadn't said it.

No he was getting off topic. The blonde already knew so it was no help to focus on it. He'd deal with that later since it was the least of his problems anyway.

Second was finding Hashirama's DNA. He couldn't have another time where he would be so vulnerable like being in a coma. Especially now that he was known to have the Sharingan. And while Fugaku was the only one who knew of the Mangekyo he didn't know how long that would last. He couldn't risk Danzō or Orochimaru taking his eyes away from him while he slept. He needed a way to find the snake though.

Third was he needed to find a way to kill Danzō without causing a stir if he could. Despite the hatred he held for the warhawk he knew the man held a lot of political weight and knew very powerful people. Killing him out of nowhere could put suspicious on anyone but especially the Uchiha as the village didn't have the kindest words for them. Killing Orochimaru was something that shouldn't be too big of a deal for him however.

Last but not least was his decision to follow along with Fugaku and make Itachi his student. He figured it would benefit to have someone as strong and intelligent as Itachi in his side if he were to need someone else to help him with the pest that needed to be eliminated. And if he were to need to sacrifice himself passing on his belief in ridding the world of evil to Itachi would be a good idea in his opinion.

The thunk of metal hitting a target grabbed him out of his thoughts and he looked ahead of a tree in the dense forest he was in to see a young Uchiha in a throwing position and 6 Shuriken imbedded in a target dummy.

The dark curls in his head looked familiar but Obito knew who this was when he saw the Tantō holster. This was Shisui Uchiha the prodigy of the Uchiha and the most powerful of his class. Obito was surprised to see him.

"That was pretty good, right?" The boy asked himself as he panted slightly and began walking to pick the Shuriken out of the target but he felt something weird. Like he was being watched. He turned to immediately to see Obito who was surprised at the speed he could move looking so young. Though he hadn't shown it. "Oh, hi. Didn't know I had an audience."

"You're pretty good, Shisui Uchiha correct?" Obito asked walking into the clearing.

"Yep, that's me. You come here to spar or something?" The boy asked.

Obito was about to say no when he stopped himself. He could use a spar after spending days laying in a coma. Of course having Shisui around could help him at least warm up. Not to mention see him potential with his own eyes.

Obito fell into a stance quickly, already felling the tension in his muscles. He'd go easy until he adjusted. "Yea, let's do this."

Shisui smirked and fell into his own stance, looking to be mixture between the academy standard one and the Uchiha specialized one. "If I win you have to by me some Dango."

Before Obito could agree the Genin sped forward, surprising the older Uchiha with his speed but it wasn't something he couldn't react to.

He blocked a punch that aimed for his face and watched the Genin spin around and get low to sweep his legs from under him. Obito jumped away, backflipping midair and landing on his feet.

Shisui kept on it and threw Kunai all of which were sidestepped and leaped at him to make up for the height difference, aiming a multitude of fast strikes at his face. Unfortunately, none hit home as Obito sidestepped and moved his head out of harm's way. He then used the momentum he already had to spin, cutting through the boy's offense with ease and pushing him away with a strong palm to the chest.

Shisui recovered quickly midair and flipped to his feet before keeping on the attack. He quickly whipped out his Tantō and aimed perfect strikes that were dodged again by Obito as he backed away. Getting tired of this quickly Shisui rushed in but wasn't prepared for Obito to push him away with a Kunai that he had thrown earlier. Shisui knew why he was backing up now but could not focus on it as Obito was now the one rushing.

Blocking and rolling out of the way, Shisui could barely keep up with the older Uchiha's movements and found himself jumping away every five strikes Obito would send.

He decided to back away a big distance, putting up his Tantō before preforming seals. When he finished he exhaled a large breath of air and curled his fingers around his mouth. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

The fireball materialized and came rushing at the Obito. Obito hadn't regained not even half his chakra and he could still use a couple of fire techniques but he decided to jump high into the air to avoid the flames.

Taking a quick breath, Shisui leaped into the air to continue his attack on Obito but the latter decided it was time to end the bout. He knew Shisui was definitely on Chunin level in every aspect but Jounin in intelligence. Obito launched the Kunai he had taken at the boy and it got caught on the back of his collar before he launched away and into the same dummy he was practicing on.

Obito landed on the ground in front on the boy with a small smile. That was exactly what he needed. "Guess I'm the winner of this spar."

"Dang it! I thought I had you." Shisui said removing himself from the dummy and landing on the ground safely.

"You did well. I suppose bringing you some Dango wouldn't hurt." Plus the Uchiha needed something to take his mind of what he needed to do in the near future.

"Really?" The Uchiha's eyes sparkled in amazement. Most of his money from mission went to pay house bills so he thought he wouldn't get his treat. "Then from this day forward you are both my Nii-Chan and rival! I'll beat you one day!"

Obito raised an amused eyebrow. "You don't even know my name though."

Sheepishly, the boy raised a hand to the back of his head. His cheeks were red with embarrassment and a small chuckle came from his grinning lips. "Heh, I guess so. Crazy, huh?"

"I suppose." He said in amusement before he held out a hand. "Obito Uchiha."

Shisui shook it. "Then you are who I strive to beat, Obito-nii."


They began their walk to the Dango Shop shortly after their handshake and it hadn't taken long to reach it. It wasn't too far from the Training Grounds and the area wasn't very packed like the Market District was. It had been that fact that had them meeting up with Anko who had a ton of soot on her.

"Yo, Obito. How's it going?" She asked but when she caught sight of the smaller Uchiha she grew a curious look. "Who's the kid?"

Obito looked at her with some familiarity. They hadn't really been close at all way back when he was a kid but they happened to catch each other at the Dango Shop now and again and had talked to each other about anything that really came to mind. They were more acquaintances than anything else so Obito hadn't freaked out when he seen her.

"Someone I'm training." Obito said neutrally. "What are you doing here?"

She shot him and grin and used a thumb to point to the shop before them. "Isn't it obvious? I'm here to chow down, of course."

"You like Dango too, Miss?" Shisui asked, leaning forward from behind Obito.

"And polite too. Totally unlike you Obito." She grinned more humorously when he gave her a blank stare for the comment.

"Anyway, let's get a move on." Obito said, turning around. He was about to begin walking when Anko said words that stopped him cold in his tracks.

"Hold on. I'm waiting for Orochimaru-Sensei to catch up. He had things to do after I training, Ya see." Obito turned around back to her, having a bewildered look on his face.

'Orochimaru was coming here? Already?' He hadn't expected to find the Snake Sannin so early especially when he was known for being very slippery and hard to find unless he wanted to be found. He should of expected it though. Orochimaru was still apart of the village so seeing him around somewhere shouldn't have come out of his head. From his thoughts, he hadn't sensed a pale white figure approaching them until he spoke.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here, Anko-dear?" Obito's eyes slammed on the Sannin and even with all his power he couldn't fully suppress the shiver that made its way down his back. The Sannin's aura was so unsettling and creepy that he felt the kid behind him shift. He could feel the boy clutch his leg and he felt the emotions he was feeling. Fright, nervousness, and a whole lot of tension. It was expected though. Even if he was very impressive for his age this was a Sannin.

"Eh, nothin'. Just happened to meet up with these two and we decided to wait till u would show up so we'd could go." She said with a shrug and Obito wondered how she was so unaffected by the Sannin. It was so difficult to even be near the Sannin for him.

"Hmm," a hum came from his mouth as he turned to them in interest. It sounded more of a hissing noise however. "I didn't think the two of you even knew each other. How interesting. How's your teammate, Kakashi-kun? Is he still breaking records set by the Academy?"

Obito's eyes only narrowed as the Sannin opened his mouth to speak again. "He's interesting, isn't he. I was even one of the ones who put my vote on letting him become a Jounin. While he still holds my interest I have some for you too, Obito-kun."

When a smirk set across his pale lips, Obito felt a bead of sweat drip from his brow. Somehow the Sannin had made him nervous. For his pride sake he blamed on his child body and his low chakra.

Anko blinked, wiping the inside of her ears with a pinky. "Eh? Why haven't we gone in yet? The Dango won't come to us so let's get a move on already." She grabbed Orochimaru's hand and began leading the Sannin into the Dango shop.

"Hey come on guys!" She yelled behind her as she saw the two a Uchiha hadn't moved.

Obito stared at the back of the Sannin in surprise. That Snake knew. He knew about his sudden Sharingan activation as well as it had been to its final state rather then the first. D-did that mean Danzō knew as well? The thought of two people like that knowing his secrets frightened him more than he would ever tell someone.

"I really, really don't like that man, Obito-nii." The boy beside him muttered almost inaudibly, tone low from fear. That Snake had his eyes on the boy as well and smirked at him.

"It's ok Shisui. You aren't the only one."

The quick snack at the shop went by in relative silence. Orochimaru had all but stopped talking and it was only Anko who was trying to keep conversation going. Obito didn't like putting Shisui through doing anything with Orochimaru for extended periods but he had already decided that he would need Senju Cells if he were to combat both Madara and Black Zetsu. He knew Madara was old but it would never hurt to be careful. And he knew Orochimaru was his only ticket way into getting it for sure. Getting it while he was fighting Madara was too risky.

He also decided that he'd go himself instead of a Shadow Clone. It would be better in his weakened state anyway. When the snack ended he sent Shisui home and began following the two using the shadows as cover.


Hot green tea brewed to perfection had been sat on Fugaku's desk as night began to roll around. He thanked his attendant before picking up the cup and taking a small sip. It was good, very good. He needed it after all.

Today was a hectic day for him as he had to deal with Clan Elders, police reports, Minato, and one very suspicious Uchiha. He only wished it could get any worse than it already had.

Fugaku thought back to his demand he gave to Obito. It had almost been an ultimatum. Of course he hadn't just said it on the spot; it was an important part of his plan. If he could have the boy teach Itachi then he could also keep an eye on the Uchiha for any unusual signs. The development of his Mangekyō Sharingan also was interesting, perhaps even more than the Uchiha himself.

He understood that the Uchiha didn't want to rejoin the clan; he could understand the reasoning as well but Fugaku was not blind to chance. The legendary eyes had to be kept in the clan and while he was more understanding about it unlike the Uchiha Elders he also understood why he needed to be in the clan. To be trained and for his protection. He could only see what the future would hold now.


After Obito had told them the secrets of the Sharingan he had practically escaped them by leaving the room as fast as possible. All it did was give Kakashi more questions than answers.

"Well… what do we do now?" Rin answered unsurely, gaze sweeping the room in confused gait. She honestly didn't know what to make of what they had just been told.

That this Mangekyo Sharingan was an effect of dramatic emotion and caused the user to gain the Ultimate power but at at heavy cost.

"Their own eyesight, huh?" The thought alone sent chills down Kakashi's spine he was lucky to be able to shake it off but Rin wasn't as lucky. The thought alone turned her skin pale.

Kakashi's face set a grim line. "Rin, you know what we have to do, right?"

She sent him a worried look. "I know what you're thinking and I really don't like it." But Kakashi's look of defiance held strong. She knew his mind hadn't changed.

"We're going to the Uchiha District. I want to know everything about this Mangekyo Sharingan.


Minato closed the door to the inside of his house as he walked absentmindedly, deep in thought.

If he couldn't get the answers he was looking for he'd have to find it himself. He felt Fugaku hadn't told him everything that happened to Obito. He couldn't help but not trust the Uchiha's words despite his own apprehension and the fact that they were long time friends. Something that the Uchiha said didn't stick right with him.

"Um, Minato?" The sound of his wife's voice broke him from his trance and he turned to the kitchen doorway to see her, a trash bag in hand. "Are you ok? You've been circling the living room for a while."

An embarrassed look crossed his face. "Oh, really? Never noticed." He rubbed the back of his in embarrassment.

"Well, if you say so." She meant to continue her task of taking out the trash when Minato grabbed her into a hug when she was close enough to him.

"Minato, the trash stinks." Despite her protest, the red head practically melted into the hug. He had put her close making sure no space was left between them. "What's this for? Are you ok, Minato?"

"I'm ok." He muttered lowly, voice softening as he let the stress he'd been under slip away from him. "Let me hug you for just a bit longer."

"Ok." She muttered quietly, letting the garbage bag drop on the living room floor so that she could hug him back. She'd clean it up later. They had stayed like that for a couple of seconds before Minato had released her. He gave her a thankful grin.

"Thanks for that. I really needed it, Kushina."

"What're you being a sissy about now?" She asked but glanced to the ground seeing the garbage bag still on the floor and went to pick it up. "Hold that thought. Let me finish this first."

When she was gone, Minato went into the kitchen to grab something to drink. The little affection from his wife had claimed him down considerably. He was glad he had someone like her.

"I'm back, Minato." She announced and seconds later walked into the kitchen. "Now what was that all about?"

Minato chuckled as he rubbed his head. "Can't I just hug my beautiful wife?" When he saw the look that spread across her face, he knew the answer. "Right. Well, I talked with Fugaku…"

"Yes, keep going." She egged on.

"Obito, has this power from the Uchiha Clan. Something they call the Mangekyo Sharingan."

She never heard of something like that at all.

"Hmm," she hummed a finger to her chin. "I don't think I've heard Mikoto mention anything about that ever."

Minato nodded. That was understandable. "I know. She wouldn't mention a Clan secret like that."

She raised an eyebrow. "Then how did you get Fugaku to tell you? He's more stubborn than anyone I know."

"I threatened to go to Hokage-Sama with my findings." Minato still wasn't proud of that. It had to be done however. He was tired of being left out of the loop.

"Wait, he doesn't know?"

Minato shrugged. "He might but I wasn't the one to tell him."

"Ok. Well what is this Mangekyo Sharingan, anyway? And how does Obito have it?"

"Fugaku told me that he didn't know the exact reason of why Obito had it but knew that it was because of some dramatic emotion."

Her eyebrow raised up. "And what emotion would that be?"

"It could be anything. But I'm certain it was a bad one and it has something to do with this Kaguya person."

As soon as that name left his mouth, she froze. Her pulse increased and her pupils dilated. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Agonizing pain shot through her stomach and she groaned loudly, falling to her knees. She could hear mutely Minato calling out in worry and felt him around her but she could only focus on the intense pain coursing through her.

Then she felt it. The sealing tattoos on her stomach began to show and her head also began to feel like it was being beat on. She felt the Nine-Tails' chakra leaking from her before she lost consciousness.

"Kushina! Kushina!"