She packed all her belongings and followed us to the car, is this my in-law? "yes ma'am" where did you meet this beautiful soul? It's a long story ma'am. she smiled and kissed her. It was a beautiful moment to seeing her in that mood. we drove away leaving the village and some villagers behind. After driving some metres away from the shamba mom's mood changed. I tried to crack joke's with her but she was still quite. The more I crack joke's the quieter she was. This made my wife Aisha to slower down the machine. Your brother went to Southern Rhodesia leaving me and your papa behind. Your young sister was married at the age of 16 in November Last year. My wife turned off the car's radio. Something caught my attention. she started sobbing. Son I don't know what to say and to do but I thank you for your good heart. She looked at me again and again. I was just alone in that small house in the village with no food or any activity to give me daily basic needs. I thought you had my farm ma'am? She looked nervous and said, your father sold all the fruits and the land to some merchants. He said he's gonna be in the city to enjoy but that sicknesses caught him by surprise. We spent all the money on his medical bills and he died leaving us with nothing to show. The villagers started laughing at me as to how I allowed you to leave us behind. Everything happens for a reason ma'am, "I encouraged her." In mean Time we reached home. She stepped out of the car, looked at me and her. Are you okay mom? "my wife asked her." Yes! she responded while kneeling down. please! please! stop this drama! I adjusted my steps from her so that I should not be praised by her. Her eyes looking to the sky sobbing while confessing in new strange tongue's none could understand. We watched and waited until she says amen.
To the other hand my in-law was staring at us through the barcony. She appeared so amazed and disturbed. This made me to be surprised and afraid as to what she was cooking in her heart towards my mom's arrival. I don't know let's wait and see.
She stood up and joined us. My interest was to see how these women will react with one another in the house.
What!.....what is this! I heard a strange scary voice from the sitting room. I saw my wife shaking with fear running towards my direction. What is it hun? "I'm really shocked by the sounds from the sitting room" that's my mom. We both waited for few seconds to see what has bewitched our house. Their laughter caught our attention. Richard! Aisha! come down here! They called us on the Same time on top of their voices which waked up the kid's.
We found them hugging each other while dancing to some very old songs.
"This is my very old friend from the opposite village of origin" My mom shared the story. We looked at one another and thanked the Almighty. This brought peace in my heart.
The next day, we visited our Uncle to let him know that all the relatives are in town. He was super excited to see his sister's in town. We further discussed as to how we should help our fellow relatives in the village. Politicians cannot develop our village. We are the right candidates to do it. I was happy to seeing my uncle geered to change the village. We both confessed that we shall never live to seeing others suffering at our disposal.
Everyone was quite happy and I was happy too. She told me all the village stories and progress. The only painful thing was the death of my Papa. Anyway life goes on. Love First Love.
~~.....THE END...~~