
The Blind and romantic advices

Vlasfimia was simultaneously speeding and walking through the street zig zagging through the crowd with questionable accuracy when he heard the distinct sound of a series 'pssts', this caught the grey mask intention and he took a sudden turn to the right into an alleyway.

Once there, he was faced with a man that dressed like nobility but not one from this continent, the man was dressed like a typical noble from an island not so far from this continent, called Rosbifs island, however he wasn't a noble at all, he just dressed like he was, which was ironic considering that Vlas was actual nobility but didn't dress like one at all.

The man had a nice mustache and equaled Vlasfimia's height thanks to his top hat, the man also held a cane which was not necessary for him to walk at all, it simply served as a weapon and as a fashion tool.

The fake noble's hairs were grey, it had always been the case but one would be right to assume that he was fairly old, close to reaching his forties, he had a case in one of his hands containing medical tools as he was a doctor.

Despite being versed in medicine, he was actually the treasuer of Infamy.

"What's the matter Numquacaptus?" asked Vlas, the fake noble had just used a signal to get his attention after all.

In reality however, Vlasfimia already had a good idea of what the man was about to ask, he knew him fairly well after all.

"I am going to needeth thee to keepeth mine own collection f'r a while" spoke the man in his usual way of speech.

"Could you speak normally for a bit?" asked Vlas, he could understand him but it sometimes got on the verge of nonsense.

"fine, very well, you see my dear, it would appear that law enforcement is on my track and I fear that they will inspect my noble dwelling thus laying their eyes on my beautiful collection" said the man, striking slightly exagerated poses as he did so.

"Really? I can't believe they can do their job correctly, that is a bit worrying" said Vlas as he crossed his arms.

"Right? Truly unbelievable" Numquacaptus shared the sentiment.

"Very well, I'll keep it for a while" Vlas responded, the fake noble slightly furrowed his brows and squinted his eyes, the absence of conditions was unsual for the grey.

"But obviously, you don't want your collection to have to be put away, far away from you again in the future, because as you must known they will probably do multiple searches" started saying Vlas.

"So why not hire me to install a secret area in your house? I am sort of an expert at this kind of things" uttered Vlasfimia, winking his only eye despite it being hidden behind a mask.

It wasn't a proposition, he was striking a deal.

"That sounds good, being able to let them inside to search and having the delight of knowing that what they are looking for is so close to them is worth quite a bit" said Numquacaptus, he was a man who took delight in messing with the police, going as far as to sends them letters which he signed under ridiculous names.

Such as for example, the time he signed under the name of 'Saucy Jack' after having refered to himself as Timothy in his previous one, the common name attributed to him however was that of 'The Blind' because apparently his habit of taking his victims eyes had made people believe that he ate them to regain his own sight or something like that.

"Then let's do it now" said Vlas as he started walking into the direction of his house, he had already been there before.

The house was pretty nice and was in a fairly rich neighborhood, it was made of hard wood, the kind that did not catch that easily on fire and since it was always cold around here it was unlikely to.

The inside was just like any other house of this caliber nothing out of the ordinary, going upstairs, Numquacaptus opened a closet that was quite a bit deeper than it seemed, revealing many glass jars containing pairs of eyes, there were five jars in total, Numquacaptus had only recently started to do his collection again, the previous one had been destroyed.

Putting them in his bag with attention, Vlas made sure that they wouldn't break.

"I'll be bringing that to safety, by the way tomorrow the festival will truly start with a fight between a beast knight and a burial knight, wanna come with me?" offered Vlas, Numquacaptus was nice dude to hang out with, especially since they shared a hobby.

"Thank you for the offer but I am not a fan of knights duels, I am more of a circus enthusiast" responded the fake noble.

"Aaaah, circuses" Spoke Vlas, wandering away into his own little world for a bit, his thoughts, definitely not the kind anyone would want to know.


"Do you know what the best way to get a female beast or ferocious knight is?" started saying Vlas to someone that absolutely did not know him.

But the young man found himself interested in the answer, so he responded: "No, what is it?"

"Listen the way to do it is simple but difficult" started saying the man with the grey mask, as he was looking at the fight that was ensuing, the first fight of this festival, the one he had invited Numquacaptus to, a beast knight against a burial knight, both female as the festival had yet to enter the mixed duels, for now it was separated by sex.

The burial seemed a bit too inexperience to face against the total agression and unsual fighting style of a beast knight.

"You need to be convinced in your strength" spoke Vlas, earning a raised eyebrow from the listening young man.

"They are very simple, you don't need to say much, you have to show how strong you are, they absolutely adore this" he continued, to the young man it sounded like he was actually giving the worst advice possible.

"I can tell what you're thinking but it one hundred percent correct, however there is an even more straightforward method" he then said, suddenly turning his face to the young man.

"W-What is it?" he said, stuttering a bit since the mask was but millimeters away from his face.

"You walk up to her and immediately overpower her, found this one by accident, they actually love it, it probably also works with the male beast and ferocious knights but I never tried it, they are way too masculine ro my tastes" he casually said, the young man was analysing the few bits that sounded strange.

"By accident?" he said absentmindedly.

"Holy shit, that was a suplex" exclaimed the masked man into a low tone, he wasn't paying attention to the young man anymore, he had just dropped an enormous bomb and him, hadn't elaborated and proceeded to ignore him.