
Directions and grey minotaur

'Damnit, I can't believe he actually found out where I was' thought Vlasfimia as he walked as if nothing was wrong.

'I should have invented a new name, he's gonna find who am I in seconds' he then thought, entering the dungeon and sprinting the moment no one could see him.

He had two options in mind either he just did everything like normal and ignored any of his attempts at cleasing the family name or whatever or he could just stay hidden in the darkness of the dungeon for a month but he would still have to go out at some point so he simply decided to lay lower for a bit.

He was going to prepare some monsters, starting with the minotaurs and defeat the boss on the fifth floor before going out again, he had everything he needed inside anyway.


Agios had actually found out about his brother's location a while back after interrogating yet another bandit but had had trouble reaching the city of Bcoudnege.

Going back to during his trip to get to said city, Agios had felt the pain of having no sense of directions, even with a map he somehow lost his way, he knew how to read a map and never misread the one he had gotten, the map was also correct, no he had gotten lost just like that.

This had extended the time needed to reach the location by a large fold but he was here now and apparently the locals knew Vlasfimia, apparently he went around with a grey mask on his face covered in dark clothes, no one he had talked to seemed to have a good opinion of him even though their had been no confirmation of ny misdeed on his part but Agios knew very well what he was capable of.

Agios entered the adventurer guild as he had been told Vlasfimia was a registered adventurer, going up to a receptionist that was not doing anything at the moment, Agios needed some more info.

"Hello, how may I be of help?" politely spoke the receptionist, giving Agios a warm smile, Agios ignored this and went straight to what he wanted.

"Hello, I would want some information on an adventurer named Vlasfimia or the grey as some seemed to be calling him" he said, surprising the receptionist and about everyone in the area since Agios had spoken clearly.

"Why would you want some information on him?" asked the receptionist, confusion visible on her face.

"I need to find him to request a duel, now, will you tell me anything?" he asked.

"A duel? With this guy?" she questioned absentmindedly before going back on track.

"I can't reveal any information on any adventurer except if you have any good reason to provide and a duel is not a good reason" she explained.

"Well, I'm his brother, is that good enough?" he said.

"There is no proof of that" she simply responded.


Agios simply turned around looking at all the adventurers that were listening in on the conversation.

"Does any of you know where he is?" he asked them instead.

"At Infamy probably" suggested an elf with a large forehead.

"In the dungeon I would guess" responded a human with a ridiculous helmet.

"Try searching the dark alleys, he roams in them" said a beastfolk curved horns.

"Nah, I saw him going to the dungeon earlier" spoke a dwarf, shutting all of the others up.

"My thanks!" said Agios, before exiting the guild, leaving a slightly upset receptionist behind.

After entering the dungeon at high speed and most likely, illegaly, Agios soon noticed a small issue as he walked for a bit.

"Ah, this is a dead end" he spoke out loud, perhaps he had been too hasty in his movements.

"Where did I come from?" he wondered once more out loud, speaking like that helped him forget the consequences of his own actions, it worked wonders.

He somehow was bad enough at finding his way that he never crossed a single monster, not even hearing any, monsters could also possibly signify the presence of adventurers that could help him but he only took the worst paths possible.

His noble quest would have to wait.


Meanwhile Vlas was training the minotaur he had captured, meaning that he was beating it up, making sure to break its bones cleanly so that they would heal stronger, in an attempt to make the minotaur a good tank, he subjected it to various elements to make it build up resistances.

Vlas was no mage but he knew how to use mana a bit, at least enough to produce some fire, a little bit, he repeated the action multiple times, burning the minotaurs with both magical fire and actual fire, they weren't counted under the same resistance apparently, after all they weren't the same thing.

He also held the minotaurs head under water as he burned it, the small pond was seeing some usage, with some luck it would gain an afinity when evolving or simply evolve stronger than it would have under normal circumstances.

He also handed it a variety of weapons so that it could gain at least the skill relating to them, at first the minotaur didn't even try to pick them up but it seemed that its intelligence went up as it started doing so after a while.

Vlas didn't usually go so hard when 'training' monsters but since the prices were going up he figured that he could increase the price even more, he made sure to make it watch him to a variety of stuff, hoping that it would learn from watching him.

The minotaurs horns were getting harder and harder to break, which wasn't necessarily a good thing for it since it meant the beating with its own horns was getting longer and harder everytime.

After a while, the same thing that had happened with other monsters in the past happened here too, the minotaurs was clearly looking at Vlas with hate, it was growing feelings, a sign of intelligence.

Knowing a bit about how minotaurs herd worked, Vlasfimia lured another minotaur to the one he was training and they started fighting, the minotaurs he had captured had grown too different to the others and wasn't recognised.

The minotaurs he had just lured got bodied in an instant, Vlas had trouble noticing how strong the minotaur had become since he was still no threat to him but seeing this, he decided to instead lure the evolved upgraded minotaur to the whole of the herd and let him get some XP and learn how to fight against a group.

Watching the minotaurs tearing and ripping apart so many of its own brethrens was quite the spectacle, the minotaur really had grown feelings as it was bellowing in rage and grief as it was forced to defend itself from its fellow minotaurs that saw him as a threat.

It had sustained minimal injuries and had killed twenty minotaurs so far, after countless more kills no minotaurs were left and the dungeon didn't seem keen on spawning more.

The upgraded minotaur fell to the ground with a loud thud and started shining brightly, it was finally going through evolution.

After a few minutes, it rose up again, it's fur an ashen grey and its horn seemingly made of a blue mana crystal, it had not grown in size at all but it certainly felt stronger.

The grey minotaur looked around itself, searching for the accursed being who had made him kill all of his brethrens but failed to see him, only feeling something at the back of its neck before falling unconscious, Vlas had just dropkicked it in the nape.

Looking down upon the monster that he had basically made, Vlasfimia could feel his hollow socket warming up, something had caught the fire's attention.