

After a while of making various monsters evolve and taking detailed notes on each of them to try and accurately price them, it was time for Vlasfimia to exit the dungeon once more, all of his cages had a monster inside, he had extended his time inside, even managing to make a kobold evolve a second time.

Alongside all of his notes, the grey, made his way to the outside through his own tunnel and then to the headquarters of Infamy, the night had since long fallen and the streets were pretty much empty, only fools and criminals would dare to go outside.

Vlasfimia however had no issue even at this time, the various criminals that lurked in the shadows and hidden inside small alleys knew who he was.

Entering the building of Infamy, even at this hour, many were still drinking themselves away, making one wonder just how large the reserve of alcohol were, the answer to this question was simple but unknown to the consumers of it.

"Hey, Vlas" spoke a not too drunk member of Infamy.

Vlasfimia turned his head to him and signaled him to speak what was on his mind.

"Some dude been showing up everyday to see you for like, huuuh, a long time, yeah" he said, making a coherent sentence a rarity in this place.

"A blond guy?" asked Vlas.

"Yeah" responded the member before collapsing face first onto a table.

"Mmmh" Vlas let out a small sound, making a quick decision before once again climbing up the stairs leading to Duaparc's office, turning the doorknob he was slightly surprised to see that she was still here at this hour.

"Oh, been a while, Vlas" she said as he entered.

"Why does it smell like something is decaying in there?" he immediatly askedas the smell was extremely strong.

"Because something is decaying" she simply answered.

"I see" he said back.

"Anyways" he then uttered as he put a stack of notes on her desks.

"I am have a lot of monsters to sell and they are high quality" he spoke afterwards, sitting down on the chair in front of the desk, an unsual action for him.

"Damn, how many are there?" she asked as she picked one note up.

"Three goblins, two kobolds, one minotaur and two ruin spiders" he listed.

"One of the goblins has four arms and three heads, another turned out like the last one I sold you and the third evolved into some sort of rock goblin, his skin his covered in rocks and is fairly large" he quickly explained the specificities of the goblins.

"The kobolds both turned into knolls, one of them can do a bit of magic though and the ruin spiders evolved into elementals species one fire and the other stone" he said, pointing at each of their respective notes when he mentioned them.

"I see, you've got some talent don't you? What about the minotaur?" she asked.

"The minotaur developped mana crystal horns, they can't be harvested for anything but it can use them to protect itself against magic and let me tell you, it's not shit" he explained.

"Mmmh" she rubbed her chin after going through each of the notes.

"Taking into account the increased prices of the market, how about five thousand deniers?" she said, sounding unsure about her own price.

Vlas thought about it for a bit, this sounded like a good price, it certainly was nice money, especially when considering how little effort he needed to make evolved monsters.

"Alright deal" he said.

"By the way, are you managing to find for what I asked for?" he asked her.

"Don't worry, I've found lots of stuff and you, don't forget, the meeting is in a week" she reminded him.

"Alright then, it will be the usual place as always, let's do it in two days, I'll probably be slightly busy tommorow" he said, picking the interest of Duaparc.

"What could keep you so busy?" she asked, usually, when he sold monsters, the exchange would always happen as soon as possible.

"Family situation, I need to have a talk with my brother" he responded.

"Aah yes, I heard of that, I didn't know you had a brother, is he the boy who keeps showing up in front of here?" she asked, her smile as present as ever.

"It would appear so" answered Vlasfimia.

"He doesn't look a lot like you though" remarked Duaparc, a common thing said back when Vlas was in Marianna islands.

"It's simple really, I look like our father and he looks like our mother" explained Vlas.

They continued to do some small talk for a while and when Vlas exited the office, he seemed a little different.

'She might as well drown me with her mucus at this point' he thought, coughing a bit.

He walked down the stairs and headed to the exit, pulling the doors open, letting the sun light inside, blinding the drunkards.

"Hey Agios, how are you doing?" he asked immediately.

"Vlasfimia! It's time that you faced the consequen-" started saying Agios before being interrupted by Vlas.

"Come on, don't yell like that in the morning, you'll wake people up" he said, as he casually walked up to his brother.

"How's dad?" he then asked.

"He's doing fine" responded Agios looking caricaturally angry.

"What about Puranon?" he then asked, Agios was turning red from anger in place.

"She's fine too..." he responded.

"And Meya? Did she managed to become an executioner like she wanted?" he continued asking news of his family.

"Yes" simply uttered Agios, he wanted to yell but Vlas was right waking people up would be rude and he just couldn't do that.

"Listen here Vlasfimia, I am here to challenge you to a duel" he explained.

"I refuse" simply stated Vlasfimia.


"What?" Agios conveyed his confusion, was that allowed? Could he just refuse?

"You know Agios, I think there is one thing we can agree on, some things may be important but there is something much more important" spoke Vlas, putting his hand on his brother shoulder.

"What is it?" asked Agios, he had forgotten how is brother was like after so long and was a bit overwhelmed.

"Family" said Vlasfimia.

'Fuck, he's not wrong' thought Agios, his eyes as empty as that of a dead, blind fish.

"So let's not fight, I am certain you can clean the family name through another way" said Vlas.

"Wait a minute! You're messing with my head!" suddenly exclaimed Agios.

"You may be right but you're still wrong!" he then said.

"Do you realise what you just said?" asked Vlas.

"It doesn't change what you did, so let's have a duel but not to the death, that's a good compromise!" said Agios.

"Come on Agios, it's been years! I'm certain people barely remembers the details!" spoke Vlasfimia, indeed it wasn't like it was that big of a deal, it hadn't caused any issue just some mockery.

"I traversed an ocean filled with horrible monsters and fucking pirates with weapons that explodes in their own hands, I am not giving up now!" responded Agios.

"You need to find something else to do Agios, it's unhealthy" said Vlas.

"Shut up and duel me!"

"Okay, if you insist but since you are the one provoking me in a duel, I can choose the weapons" spoke Vlas.

"And I decided that this duel will happen with nothing than our own bodies, no weapons, no magic, only the physical strength of our fists, legs and everything else" he uttered.

"Huum" Agios would have liked to say something but it was within the right of the provoked.

"Also, we do it right now, right here" he added afterwards.

"Hold on a sec-" tried saying Agios before receiving a kick right in his balls.