
Angelic and falling

Vlasfimia ran his hand through the water of the forty-fourth floor and noticed that the water was just like in the first ocean, extremely dirty, unidentified things floated in the water, ressembling pieces of flesh, this ocean certainly seemed to be similar to the first one in terms of both water and monsters, however, this one also had a thick fog that blocked the view to only a few meters and after some research, Vlas had found out that a few scattered islands were present as well as small rocky platforms that protruded from the water.

All of the islands were real ones and they were inhabited by these semi-aquatic goblins, however they seemed to have some link to the abyssal as they had eyes growing on their heads, apart from that a few mermaids were waiting around, mostly spending their time on the few rocks, waiting for preys to come by, so that they could lure them in the water with their infamous songs.

The abyssals watchers of this floor seemed to be more active as they regularly popped out of the water to check the surroundings, all in all, this floor was a more dangerous version of the fortieth floor and the exit was hidden on a random island, giving Vlas a great idea, since he had some advance on the expedition, he could start a time and fire consuming task.

To do so, he enlisted the help of some monsters by using their own fires to fuel his own and prepare a great 'spell', the number of monster who met their end in Vlasfimia's pursuit of this goal was high and unknown but it was worth it, they weren't worth much anyways.

A large, ominous and large eye made of only orange fire was gazing down on the filthy ocean, its purpose was simple, it didn't shoot any beams sadly but it was linked to all of the monsters and Vlas through the affliction and transmitted its sight to them, that way, they would be able to always know were the expedition was and thus throw a constant assault on them, after leaving this for people to delal with, Vlas made his way to the next floor yet again, making sure to conceal the entrance the this floor even more than it already was.

As he stepped onto the next floor he was met with a strange sight, the atmosphere was serene, weirdly serene, he had just come from floors filled with monsters that used tricks against very specific preys and monsters that were said to worship gods that existed outside of this world and yet, he was suddenly standing in floor filled with whiteness and caring light, the floor ressembled water but he had no trouble standing on it, the entrance he had come from was nowhere to be seen, only the seemingly unending serene and calm light was in sight.

It was too calm to be reassuring and also, this ambience was much to Vlasfimia's dislike in general, the fire agreed with his sentiment as it could feel something Vlas couldn't yet, soon it appeared before him.

Before him, appearing from a gentle flash of light, two large white feathered wings spread out, attached to a man most similar to a human with a halo floating atop his head, his features were hard to tell for some reason, he was garbed in white clothes, he landed a few meters in front of Vlas.

"Greetings human, no need to be scared, I am an angel and am only here to talk" spoke the being calling himself an angel.

"The dungeon has angels?" spoke Vlas, looking ready to knock the lights out of the angel at any time.

"This truth matters not, I am tasked with assessing the travelers coming to this floor and take action based on the result and you, human, are a being of sin and host to a most heretical being, most of those coming this far are not clean of sins but you, seems to have become nothing but it" spoke the angel.

"Usually, I would put onto you a delibitating ailments for it, however, I am but a simple angel of the lowest order of the third sphere, I do not have the strength to punish you and I can tell, that it is not necessary, you are already on the path to retribution as far as I can tell" the angel spoke with a lack of emotions or intonation.

"However, as sinful and debauched as you may be, let me wish you luck to avoid that fate and may you find pardon in the eyes of the divine architect" the angel disappeared after this words and the heavenly scenery faded away, revealing the place Vlas was in prior to this, right next to the entrance he had just taken.

"I should have shanked him when he was talking" he said to himself, he would have done that but strangely enough the angel had been speaking interesting stuff, Vlas had not expected an angel that was trapped in the dungeon to make sense to him, he wouldn't even have expected it from just an angel.

Stepping into the actual forty-fifth floor, Vlas was met with another serene ocean, however this one had an eerie vibe to it, more to Vlasfimia's liking, a bunch of small boats, only big enough for maybe two small people were line up on the shore, no monsters were to be felt anywhere, a white, faint mist covered the clear water, no island or rocks, just the unmoving water.

'Welp, I have the feeling this will turn out to be a shitty idea' he thought before climbing up into one of the boat, there were no paddle but it was no issue, since the boat simply started moving on its own, it moved at a slow speed for a while and after a bit, Vlas could already feel the beginning of the shitfest as he felt himself falling asleep, seeing as nothing was in sight at all, he let himself doze off and suddenly found himself in in bulding made of red bricks and with lots of steam machinery.

"Huh" he let out a small sound, that didn't convey how bad this situation was at all.