
The Nameless King, Host Of Heresy

The paladin strike was stopped by the king by simply putting his hand in the way of the mace, the paladin pulled his mace out of the nameless king hand before he could get a good grasp of it and started swinging it again, this time aiming for his opponents legs.

However, even when striking directly the king's knee, he did not move at all, the strikes seemed to not have any effects.

The king stabbed his weapon into the ground and injected a large amount of fire into it, causing geysers of orange flames ti erupt randomly around the inside of the dome before repeating many of his previous attacks at wild speeds, fast waves, slow waves, slashes and thrusts, the king was getting covered in more and more flames as time went by, instead of losing energy as he used the power of the fire, he was getting stronger and stronger, from his helm like head, fire endlessly rained all around him, the fire part of his weapon had expended to a ridiculous length, it seemed impossible to wield properly but the king was using it just like before.

Seeing the fast increase in power of the nameless king, the paladin covered himself in holy mana, if he wanted to be able to fight against the king, he would need to go all out, he shined in gorgeous yellow light, a light that disgusted the nameless king.

The paladin rushed directly toward the king, breaking through his attacks head on, the both of them soon clashed weapons, the fire and holy mana were in a constant state of destruction, fighting back the opposite energy with a force that shouldn't be achievable without the direct intervention of their users.

The blows they exchanged caused explosions of holy and fire, blocking the sight of the saint but it wasn't an issue, to cast buffs, he didn't have to see the target, the saint chanted something as he put his hand in a prayer, sending a blessing to the paladin.

In terms of strength and technique both the nameless king and the paladin were at a draw, however, it was becoming clear that the orange flame was overpowering the holy.

In a swift motion, the king raised his left hand up and large ball of orange flames formed around it, immediately, the king slammed it into the ground, causing a large and loud explosion, unable to evade the large scale attack, the paladin focused on defending against the blast.

Surprising even himself, the paladin found himself to be in the same state he was before the explosion, the saint had helped him by casting a barrier around him.

The paladin had gotten too focused on the fight, he had actually forgotten the saint was there and had fought as if he was alone, a bad habit he had thought to have lost but it was only because as he had progressed in power, he hadn't gotten in such a dangerous fight since then, had he failed to properly avoid any hit, the king would have killed him in a single hit.

The nameless looked at the paladin and then at the saint, not attacking for a moment, his hand still and the scorched ground, he then removed it from the ground and stuck it in his helm, grabbing a handful of flames out, putting it in front of his face, the fire formed into a ball and rose up at an extremely fast speed, it then expended and took on the appearance of an eye gazing down upon the holy duo.

Immediately after that short interruption of the fight, the paladin and nameless king immediately went back to exchanging blows at speed unimaginable to most, the eye of fire helped the king get a better idea of the paladin's movements as well as allowing him to keep track of the saint and thus gave him a small edge.

The paladin fought more mindfully of his ally, letting the saint cast some spell without having to worry about hitting the paladin but with the eye on the battlefield and the ever increasing power of the nameless king, the tides were slowly but surely turning completely to his favors.

The king was winning ground and starting to lands hits on the paladin, his strikes completely ignoring the existence of the armor as they cut through it without any resistance, the saint kept on healing the paladin but healing could only do so much, the king had basically become immune to holy mana, the fire that covered him swallowed and destroyed any that approached him.

His victory over the holy duo being certain at this point, the king commited a crucial mistake and let his guard down for a moment and the one that took advantage of this wasn't even in his sight, it wasn't the saint or paladin that had struck him but an unseen assaillant that had thrown a spear right through the dome and straight through the nameless king's chest.

Clearly distracted for an instant, the king was left wide open for the paladin to strike him directly in the face with his mace, sending the king flying onto the wall of his own dome before getting pierced by a large spear of holy energy, sticking him to his own dome.

To set himself free, he dispelled the dome and let himself fall back down, inspecting the first spear that pierced him, he saw a residual energy that ressembled that of holiness but wasn't, it wasn't simply yellow but golden.

This golden energy had disrupted the fire for a moment and left the king exposed to holy magic.

Before the king could fully recover from the blows he had sustained, an especially concentrated and powerful holy bullet was shot at him, piercing right through his head and causing the fire to be extinguished, the king seemed to scrunch up, as if something was sucking his body inside of itself and his body disappeared smoke.

A single mistake had cost him his victory but victory had not been what he had truly been after, his main objective had been accomplished.

The sound of something breaking was heard throughout the large room and the three people who had just defeated the nameless king turned to the source of that sound.