Leaving afterimages behind Alice moved quickly through the streets until she arrived at the registration site and found it almost empty with the clerks working the front desk ready to close registration and leave.


With a wave of wind she appeared in front of one of the registration sites startling the man who was there and causing him to scream in fright, "I would like to apply." Alice didn't mind the scare she gave the man and declared her purpose as she held out her grimoire to the inscription.

"Sorry girl, but the application phase is already over..." The man took a deep breath and tried to communicate that the applications were closed but stopped talking when he saw Alice's half-closed eyes looking at him, "I didn't ask if the applications were already finished, I'm here to sign up." She said as if she owned the place and the man sweated a little thinking of a way to reject her but seeing the cold look Alice was giving him he silently signed her up with his head down.

" Thank you." Alice declared and leaving dust behind went towards the testing place, the man who stayed at the reception let out a long sigh before taking a paper and putting Alice's information out and let out another long sigh when he realized he would have to look for his boss to ask where to put her application form.

Unfortunately for him Alice was so fast that he couldn't even notice that her Grimoire had 5 clovers.


Without any waiting I entered the test site and came across a rather strange scene, "Are these birds?" I wondered when I saw several black birds flying back and forth among the candidates.

" So cute." I thought and tried to approach one but at the exact moment I took a step as if there was an invisible barrier all the birds within a 20 meter radius immediately flew away from me causing a small commotion in the place, "What happened? birds are moving away?" Some candidates said when they saw the birds next to them move away before they lived for me that they had a frown on their face.

"Did she push them away?" One candidate muttered and took a few steps to get away from me and test his hypothesis and the moment he walked 20 meters away from me the birds came back around him making another wave of sighs from the candidates, "Hey she's the second person here that doesn't have any birds around it is it?" One candidate muttered and soon another wave of gossip came from the place.

"How troublesome." I thought while clicking my tongue and decided to go to the middle of the place looking for Asta and Yuno but it didn't take much effort to find a noisy dwarf in the distance, my eyes turned to the screaming noise of Asta that I was familiar with and the In the distance I saw a figure of a large man in a black cloak holding my little brother by the head.

The veins in my head immediately swelled and showed under the skin as I bristled, "How dare you, in front of me even lay hands on my brother." Alice muttered and without hesitation her grimoire opened and she took her sword from him and with a popping sound she advanced towards Yami who was crushing Asta's head.


Alice charged forward at great speed with her sword pointed at Yami's head with the intention of piercing him on the first blow without hesitation but of course, a magic captain wouldn't be so slow as to be unable to react.

"Huh?" Yami, feeling the approach of an unknown presence and with the intention of killing him approaching quickly immediately released Asta and drew his katana taking it against my sword.


A loud clatter of metal was heard throughout the place and the candidates immediately let out a surprised shout, "Damn, who are you?" Yami asked while maintaining pressure against my sword.

I was silent as I looked him in the eye clearly showing an angry look and a silent tension settled in the air, "What's going on?" Finral who was hitting on some candidates immediately turned around only to see Alice and her captain staring at each other as they held each other's blades in shock.

"And who is this beautiful girl?" He wondered and prepared to intervene in the conflict and try to come out as a Hero but he saw Yami giving him a look he knew well and immediately his face turned serious, "EVERYONE GET OUT NOW!" He screamed loudly and without hesitation opened a portal behind Asta who had just recovered enough to see Alice attacking the man who said he would kill him.

"Sister Ali..." He tried to call out to her but before he could do that he was pulled by Finral and at the same time the candidates started to back away opening a wide space between Alice and Yami who continued to stare at each other, "Well since you didn't will introduce myself, ojo-san, I will introduce myself first." Yami Said and put a little more pressure on the sword pushing Alice back who flew a few meters before dropping back to the ground and positioning herself again.

"I am Black Bull Captain Yami Sukehiro!" He introduced himself while pointing his blade at Alice who skidded her foot on the ground raising some dust and pointed her sword at Yami in the same way, "Alice Pendragon!" She declared and the two were silent for a moment.

A silent tension covered the area and before anyone could even say anything two huge auras exploded one golden one from Alice and one black one from Yami making those weaker feel hard to breathe.

Yuno, who was in the distance, opened his eyes when he felt the pressure emitted by the two and there was surprise on his face because it was the first time he saw Alice release the pressure of her Mana in 10 years, since they were little she always held back. as much as possible as the mana that leaked from his body scared the other children when they were younger.

" I am going!" Alice declared and causing the ground under her feet to crackle she advanced towards Yami swinging his sword towards her and the latter retaliated in kind, "CLANK! THING! CLANK!" In just a moment a show of pure swordplay unfolded in the eyes of the people around.


Hi everyone, this is author-san and I would like to humbly ask you to rate the story to increase engagement, but if your rating is negative it will upset me a lot.