12-Monster Invasion

As the War between Typhon and the Monsters began, Some Small Flying Monsters managed to penetrate through the Beaten Zone. They crawled around the Preservation Shuttle and fortunately didn't manage to damage the Preservation Shuttle. The Attack Drones quickly cleans the Preservation Shuttle of Monsters. Typhon, who was within the Preservation Shuttle, noticed the intruder in the Damaged Thrusters.

"An Intruder?" Typhon mumbled while looking through the Radar. The Hero Type Monster was rising and was about to begin its attack. She had her hands tied as the Monster had good stealth against Krieg Technology. The Monsters were probably adapting against the Krieg. After seeing that she couldn't handle this alone, She sighed in disappointment. It was supposed to be a secret weapon. It can't be called a secret weapon if it gets used after being made.

"I should call for Master," Typhon said to herself while looking at one of the Automaton Chambers. The Automaton they get were the Oldest Ones. They were primitive. Typhon would rather build the strongest Automatons, but she didn't have time to revitalize the Preservation Shuttle and create a Base. She looked at it, and the Automaton within the Chamber with the Number Zero had the same face as Rogue.

Meanwhile, in the Virtual World, Rogue finally finished studying and downloading the Intermediate Knowledge. It was quite advanced, and she could easily make Weapon of Mass Destruction. She was excited about the future knowledge, but she would rather train the All of the Basic Fighting Techniques. "That took a lot of time..." Rogue sighed as Typhon appeared right behind her.

"Is there any problem, Typhon?" Rogue asked without any interest in Reality. She needed to complete most of her mission in this Virtual World to enter Reality without any Regrets. Typhon then bowed towards Rogue, which made Rogue a little bit surprised. "Master, The Problem has gone out of control," Typhon said honestly as she needed someone to deal with the Monsters outside. She was an Artificial Intelligence that could only control things. She had fewer things to control, and she couldn't produce things to control.

"You're honest? The Problem must be serious?" Rogue smiled after seeing Typhon being honest with her. She was a bit happy with Typhon trusting her, but if the problem can force Typhon to asked like this. It must be too serious for Typhon to handle. She had no preparations against the problem, so she needed help. "Yes, The Monsters are Invading the Preservation Shuttle," Typhon answered with a serious tone.

"Monsters?" After studying within the Virtual World, Rogue was knowledgeable about the Enemy Races. They were the Undead and the Monsters. The Monsters were a Biological Behemoth Species amongst the Cosmos. The Undead was a Former Race Empire that sacrifices their Bodies for Immortality. They had a beef against the Krieg that stopped their Progression.

"When did the Monsters begin attacking us?" Rogue asked with a serious tone. She thought that it was the Natural Species of the Planet Exodus. If it were the Monsters, It would be better to exterminate the Planet before they could spread. "During the Warp Travel..." Typhon answered while Rogue was gathering her thoughts.

"So you hid this Information from the beginning of our journey?" Rogue asked as her Cold Tone got noticed by Typhon. Typhon knew that she was going to get punished for withholding Information about the Monsters in Reality. "Yes, Master. I hid the Information about the Monsters. I will take all punishment needed to redeem myself." Typhon kneeled in front of Rogue.

"No need... I am an Understanding Leader and Master. I know that my Age is currently as of a Child. My Treatment is different from the other Kriegs, and I understand the reasoning. After all, I won't believe a 5-Year-Old Child would be able to command or do something good." Rogue nodded as she told the Truth to Typhon. She wasn't angry about being seen as a Child. She understood that her circumstances were Abnormal, Especially with her Background as an Orphan.

Typhon wanted to reject her words, but she couldn't find anything that she could use to reject it. Even though she was an Advance Artificial Intelligence, She assumed everything about her Master from the Information that came from others. That kind of thing was dangerous and was dumb to do for an Artificial Intelligence. It was a Rule to check the Information for yourself. She forgot what kind of person her Master was.

"It seemed that you realized your Weaknesses. It should be a good lesson for you. Even though you are an Advanced Artificial Intelligence, You are still easy to be lied to do. You need to learn and get modules about the Nature of Lies and Truths. Some can find truth from Observation, but your Eyes could also tell you some Lies. Wisdom is hard to get. Unlike knowledge that is learned with intelligence." Rogue said as if she was an Old Man.

'As expected of Master... Her Wisdom is high despite her Age.' Typhon thought to herself while kneeling. She couldn't help but get surprised at the Wisdom her Master gave with her Age. Rogue was like a Sage that was within the Mountains for years to earn Wisdom amongst the Stars. After Rogue had her moment of being old, It was time to solve the problem in Reality.

"Let's stop talking about Wisdom. It's time to solve the problem outside." Rogue said as Typhon nodded without any disagreement. The Two of them then disappeared from the Virtual World and finally entered back to Reality. Rogue woke up and found herself in a Chamber. She looked around and saw Typhon through the small Window. The Door of the Chamber then opened, and Rogue exited the Chamber.

She was naked when she exited the Chamber. Rogue looked around and took a look at her Body. She understood that it wasn't her Original Body. It was something different. After seeing the confused expression of Rogue, Typhon quickly explained the situation. "Master, You are currently within an Automaton. Your body is still under the Preservation Capsule, and I cannot open it without you completing Trials."

"I understand... Explain to me the current situation of the Battle." Rogue said as the two head towards the Main Bridge. Most Living Compartments and Modules of the Ship were near the Main Bridge. Outside the Living Compartments and Modules was a Factory for the Future Krieg to used. Typhon didn't have time to execute the Factory Modules.

Arriving at the Main Bridge, Typhon took out General Clothing that was fit for Rogue. Rogue nodded and wore the clothing without any question. She looked like a Small General with White Silver Hair and Golden Amber Eyes. Even Typhon was surprised at Rogue's beauty. Rogue then looked at the Radar and the Battlefield Table.

"They are quite numerous. Our Area of Effect Weapons is not that numerous, so choose the targets wisely." Rogue ordered while looking at the Battlefield Table. It was a Hologram Table that would send Information about the Battlefield in Real-Time. It was a good technology, and disturbing its frequency was hard. While looking at the Battlefield Table, Rogue noticed a Signal within the Preservation Shuttle.

"A Monster managed to penetrate through the Preservation Shuttle?" Rogue was curious at how this Monster managed to avoid their Defenses and their tracking abilities. "Master, The Monster within the Preservation Shuttle is the reason why our Thrusters are damaged," Typhon answered Rogue's question. Hearing Typhon's answer, Rogue nodded and understood what kind of monster it was.

"The Monster is a Parasite Type Monster called Hive. They are the Highest Type of Parasites that are hard to produce. They can take control of the Krieg's Mind, which was something hard to do as the Krieg's Mind are heavily defended from Mind control." Rogue began talking about the Monster that managed to enter the Preservation Shuttle.

She gained knowledge about the New Reality. She was sometimes amazed by things that got recorded within the books. The Monsters and the Undead were some of the main subjects that managed to interest her. They were creatures that could easily make a Planet a wasteland. Some of them can even turn Planets into their Allies. The Krieg was strong to handle two races at once, but since the Core Imperium disappeared. Reinforcements wouldn't come and help the Colonies.

"Typhon, Bring me to the Preservation Capsule," Rogue ordered as Typhon nodded. The Two of them exited the Main Bridge and heads towards the Preservation Capsule. The Preservation Capsule was where the Original Body of Rogue was preserve. After a while of walking through the Preservation Shuttle. The Two of them finally arrived at the Chamber where the Preservation Capsule got kept.

Rogue could see many Metal Gates sealed tightly. The Chamber was strong that it could easily survive a Super Nova. A Monster couldn't get through it. Such Chamber was meant for the Future Kriegs, so it would be hard to break through. The Metal Gates slowly opened as thousands of Locks got unlocked by Typhon. "It would be Impossible for a Monster to break through it." Rogue smiled while looking at the opening Metal Gates.

After the Metal Gates opened, The Two of them entered the Chamber. It was quite cold as there was Ice everywhere within the Chamber. Rogue looked around and found the Preservation Capsule where her Body got kept. She walked towards it and finally found her body which was in deep slumber. It got Frozen under a Strange Liquid. "This is my body..."

"Yes, It is currently under Preservation, and it would be complete in a few days. The Time Dilation would then begin, and Millenniums would pass in Reality while days passed in the Virtual World." Typhon began explaining how the Preservation Plan worked. Rogue already understood how it worked, so she had no problem with it. While looking at her body, A Strange Idea appeared within her mind.

"I wonder if this Idea works..." Rogue mumbled while looking at her body. Typhon was curious at what plan her Master would have about the Current Situation. Rogue then continued her words. "The Monsters are numerous. It would be hard to take care of all of them without Terminating the World. Termination would cost resources and could delay my Preservation which is why it is not a good thing to do."

"The only way for us to continue on our plan is to be unexpected as possible," Rogue said as a smirk slowly appeared on her face. The Plan was risky, but it was one of the best plans out there. She would gain many things and evolve into something new. She didn't plan on abandoning her Krieg Identity, but the Krieg did tell that evolution was something important for all life forms.

"Typhon, let us begin this plan..." Rogue said as she began explaining the plan to Typhon. Typhon disagreed but after a few words. She agreed to the plan. They then began preparing for the Plan, and Typhon was preparing the Virtual World for something grand. They were about to give the Monsters a good surprise. Rogue was a bit excited as her first battle was about to start.

As Typhon completed her tasked, She exited the Preservation Shuttle and stood upon it. She looked directly at the Hero Type Monster without any Fear. The Hero Type Monster was Gigantic. It looked like a Gigantic Basilisk that could easily topple Mountains. It would be hard to fight it with a Weak Automaton, but Typhon could handle it without losing her current body.

Rogue was staying in the Chamber as she was guarding her body. The Metal Gate was left open as it was part of the Plan Rogue created. It was a Plan that would conquer the Monsters and make them kneel upon her legs. It would probably be bloody, and she would suffer a lot, but if she could get stronger. She wouldn't mind losing blood and feel pain for Power.

"Monster, You shouldn't hide within the Darkness," Rogue said while staring at the Metal Gates. A Strange Monster slowly revealed itself to Rogue. It was Ugly and looked like a Parasite which was expected. Rogue looked at the Monster with a Cold Stare, and a Crazy Smile formed on her face. "Found you..."