39-Last Fight against Odds

Within the Eastern Forest of the Land. Numerous VanMonsters ran through it like a stampede. They were escaping from the Machine Forces within the Former Main Base of their Emperor. The Current Situation was Critical as the Emperor was still unconscious. Even the Hivemind couldn't talk to her, which meant that she was currently wipe out. As they continued running through the Cold Forest within the East, A Figure sleeping on top of the VanMonster began twitching.

The VanMonster stopped moving as its Comrades quickly surrounded them. The Figure on the back of the VanMonster had White Hair and looked like a Little Girl. She slowly opened her eyelids which revealed her Golden Amber Eyes. She looked around and found the VanMonsters looking at her. "Thanks for saving me..." Rogue said towards the VanMonsters with a Calm Tone. The VanMonster kneeled and spoke through the Hivemind. *It is our Duty to Protect the Emperor with our Lives...*

Rogue sighed after hearing their words. "Can you bring me down?" Rogue asked as the VanMonster nodded without any questions. She then jumped onto the Ground with Beautiful Grass. She leaned on some Thick Tree and looked at her own Injuries. For some unknown reason, She couldn't use the energy within her body, which meant that something from Typhos's Blade blocked her Energy Network. "Why should I do?" Rogue asked herself as an Idea popped up within her mind.

"I'll use Inspect and observed it." Rogue thought to herself as she looked at her own body. It would be hard to use Energy directly from within her body, but as long as she could tap in a droplet. She could successfully take herself out of the situation. With this in mind, Rogue activated the inspection towards her body which generated a lot of pain due to the disturbance in her Energy Network.

She gritted her teeth and continued inspecting her body. A Window Screen appeared in front of her with a Long Written Code. She then looked at it and began reading the Code. She then noticed a Red Coded Text on the Window Screen. She didn't know what it meant, but she at least felt like it was the thing that stopped her from using the Energy within her body.

"I wonder if I could copy and paste my body. As long as it is connected to the Hivemind, I could come back to it." Rogue mumbled to herself as she nodded in confidence. There wasn't anything to wonder about in a time of destruction and chaos. There was only Do or not Do. There was no Try...

With this in mind, Rogue hardened her will. She needed to do it as she would be trapped in a body lacking the ability to absorb energy. This might destroy her current body into a Critical State. But if she could use copy and paste. So be it... Rogue forcefully activated her Copy and Paste. It was time for her to try it for the first time.

Primos Energy then began circulating in her body. She felt painful destruction within her Flesh. Her Blood Vessels erupted, and her Organs imploded. She got pulverized into a Small Flesh Puddle on the Ground. The VanMonsters were surprised at what happened. Their Emperor just turned into Small Flesh Puddle, which was a bit Horrifying. A Bright Light then illuminated right beside them.

The VanMonsters turned their head at the same time and looked at the Illuminating Light. A Little Girl with White Silver Hair slowly formed within it. They were quite shocked, but they quickly concluded that it was the Emperor. The Scene of Rogue changing her body on a whim was the sign that the VanMonsters thought of a word. *Divine...*

Rogue finally fully formed herself in a New Body. There was nothing different about it. She began using her limbs and found that it was the same as the Original. Rogue activated the Copy and Pasted ability as she entered the Hivemind during the destruction of her Original Body. The Energy from the Original slowly turned itself to her New Body. It was the result of Activating the Copy and Paste without caring for One's body. There was no Inferior Version as a Copy and Paste would be the exact original.

"That worked..." Rogue thought to herself while smirking. No one would be crazy to clone themselves while not being able to think if that Clone was them or just a simple copy. Rogue was different as she transferred her consciousness to the Hivemind. She went back after the Body got created. It was a Simple Idea, and it would only work towards Crazy People who think it would work.

"I can finally use it," Rogue mumbled to herself as she was finally free to use the Primos Energy. Not being able to use Primos Energy was like losing all her limbs. It wasn't a good feeling. Rogue then looked at the VanMonsters with a smirk plastered upon herself. The VanMonsters were kneeling towards her. "I don't know if this could work... But this is the best way to defeat the Rebel."

What Rogue wanted to do was simple. She wanted to evolve her Core to an Unimaginable Level. It would be quite hard, but she needed to do it for her own Survival and her Army. With this in mind, She furrowed her eyebrows and spoke towards the VanMonsters around her. "All of you should call for remaining Monsters in the Planet. I want all of my Monsters to gather." The VanMonsters quickly nodded without any questions and began dispersing from the Area.

She closed her eyelids and began to use one of her Primos Skills. It was called Energy Drain. It was a Dangerous Skill that would drain a Being's energy for Primos Energy. She opened her eyelids which revealed her Golden Amber Eyes. She looked around and noticed that she was within the forest. A smile slowly formed on her face as she activated the Energy Drain.

Meanwhile, within the Former Main Base of Rogue. It has been a week after the Coup. Typhos stood atop the skies and looked upon the World as if she was some God. She lost contact with the machines that chased after Rogue. She also couldn't sense them, which meant that they were masking their own bodies. The Machine Army was repairing itself and building more of its Army. She smiled after seeing her own Army as something echoed within her mind.

It was a Monotone Voice that comes from the People outside the Simulated Reality. She furrowed her eyebrows after hearing the Monotone Voice. There must be a reason for the call. Typhos then listened carefully to the message.

{Notice. Entity Zero has lost its Energy Disturbance Liquid. It is going too fast in terms of Power and Strength. Artificial Intelligence Typhos wouldn't be able to defeat it efficiently, and it would take a lot of time even if the Artificial Intelligence Typhos could defeat it. With the orders from the Executives, The Reinforcement would come down to the Simulated Reality and help the subjugation of the Entity. The name of such Reinforcement is the Prototype God... We advise buying time for the Reinforcement to come.}

"What the..." Typhos didn't know what to feel after hearing such messages. It seemed that the Energy Disturbance Liquid was ineffective. The Entity was also gaining strength at a considerable speed. Typhos shook her head and thought to herself. 'It's too late... She's already here.' Typhos looked at the distance within the heavens. She could see a Young Girl that was 16-Years of Age.

"You have grown a lot during the Week," Typhos spoke with a calm tone while looking at the Young Girl that had White Silver Hair and Golden Amber Eyes. The Golden Chains of Loyalty then formed on her Right Hand. It was time for the Subjugation to begin. Seeing the Golden Chains, Rogue slowly form a smile as a Golden Sword appeared on her hand.

Numerous Golden Spears appeared on the Skies. She already sensed that there weren't any Monsters in the surroundings, which meant that she could go all out. The Golden Spears were behind Rogue as they pointed themselves to Typhos. The Golden Spears were different as they were in different sizes. Some were as Small as a Dagger, while some were like a Giant Building Spear.

"Let's fight Typhos... I will let you pay for messing with me." Rogue said as she disappeared and appeared right behind Typhos. Typhos raised an eyebrow and quickly kicked Rogue, who was behind her. "You have also gained speed." Typhos smiles as Numerous Golden Portals Appeared in the surroundings. Golden Chains then exited the Golden Portals. It was time for the Final War to begin.

Rogue disappeared from her Spot and swung her Golden Sword towards Typhos. Typhos dodges the Sword as it passed through her. The Swing was Strong as its Strength created a Giant Sword Slashed that destroyed a Part of the Main Base. Typhos furrowed her eyebrows and began her counterattack. The Golden Chais surrounded Rogue as Rogue disappeared from the spot. Numerous Chains kept chasing her as Rogue didn't have time to attack due to dodging the Golden Chains.

"You should give up being Rebellious Rogue. It's time for you to be loyal to the organization that created you and your Identity." Typhos spoke towards Rogue while smiling. Rogue disappeared from her spot once again. Typhos looked around and saw that Rogue wasn't behind her or around her. She then looked up and quickly dodged Rogue's swing. The Swing flattened everything below the two of them.

"Despite being an Emperor... I won't give up my Freedom for something worthless as your Organization." Rogue spoke as she continued swinging her sword towards Typhos. The Machine Army then began pointing their Cannons and Barrels towards Rogue. They fired their Cannons and Barrels, which created numerous Thunderous Sounds within Main Base.

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

"That wouldn't be enough," Rogue said as she swung her Golden Sword towards the Machine Army. All of them exploded without any problems. Machine Warships fell from the Heavens and created explosions everywhere. Rogue looked around her Former Main Base. It was different than before. She could still remember the night where all of her hard work ended. It was something she didn't want to remember, but she had to.

Rogue disappeared from her spot and appeared right behind Typhos. Typhos quickly attack Rogue, but Rogue once again disappeared and appeared in front of Typhos. Rogue punched Typhos as hard as possible as Typhos went flying throughout the Main Base. *PANG!!!* The Punch created a Thunderous Sound that echoed like a Giant Slap. Typhos, who went flying, landed on the ground and created an Explosion. *BOOM!!!*

"You will pay for destroying everything I work for, Typhos. I will personally torture you after I survive Typhos." Rogue said with a cold tone as she appeared in the Skies above Typhos. Rogue looked at Typhos with a Cold Gaze as her Golden Amber Eyes. "That was painful," Typhos mumbled while smiling. It seemed that the Punch didn't have any effect on her. Rogue then sighed as it was time for her to begin something unimaginable.

The Golden Spears Rogue created was right behind her. They began Copy Pasting as their numbers grew into an Unfathomable Number. They blocked the Skies as Rogue began their next orders. The Golden Spears that covered the skies began engulfing each other. Their size got bigger as the Final Result of Rogue's power revealed itself.

It was a 5,000 Kilometer Giant Long Spear. It could rival the Moon of the Planet Exodus. Typhos seeing it didn't know what to say. Rogue then ordered the Giant Golden Spear to fall, but before the Golden Spear could fall. It broke apart as a Strange Being appeared outside the World of Exodus. Rogue looked at the Being and saw a Monster.

It was a Golden Wheeled Being that had many Numerous Eyes with its Seven Golden Wheels that surrounded its Main Eyes that looked upon the Reality itself. It was a God that could slap the Planet Exodus off the Cosmograph Map. It was shocking to see such monsters by Typhos was smiling at seeing it. The Prototype God finally arrived.