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Be A Legend(Ch 3)

As we all know,the contest has started with The Teens running as fast as possible to get there glory!

'Am gonna get a Legendary Creature and be myself better than anyone' Maxine says in his mind as he has reached the mountains as he starts climbing for the high ground to get the path to The Dojo.On the other hand,A prepared Matilda got tools to help herself as she got Ice Axes on both her hands and has already reached high.'I hope Maxine gets his way to the DOJO,he's over confident but wish it doesn't gets worse' says Matilda in her mind as she continues climbing.

Meanwhile,Grand Master Zawk has arrived in the Finishing Point,i.e,The DOJO with his Frost Drago as he orders The Frost Drago to get some rest as the creature flies away and Zawk meets Jindra.

'Looks like you got early!' says Zawk. Jindra replies,'I guess so,Master'. 'I fear Akira and Soni will try to attack someone today,it's a habit of Satun's people' says Zawk to Jindra in a very low voice as Master Astako arrives as he says,'If I see that colour mad girl again,I will simple make sure she becomes colourless'.Zawk and Jindra kinds of nod there heads yes and sits on the benches.

'Don't worry,I have taken care of them' comes from someone behind them as they turns behind to see as Mistress Reas as she says,'My Elemoth(here,is a combination of Elephant and Mammoth)was everywhere and

checked every place with his army just to see no one'.'We hope that you are right,Mistress' says Jindra as they waits for the Teens

Meanwhile back in The Ring Mountain,we see Maxine is struggling after climbing that huge mountain and is barely walking as his friend,Danny arrives and offers him some water from his jar.Maxine sits on a rock to drink it but the huge wind waves blows away the jar far,far away.' And here ends the life' says Maxine to Danny as Danny tells,'Don't give up,I heard there's some water nearby and you shouldn't die with thirst atleast'. Maxine gets up and starts walking to cross The Pepper Forest!On the other hand,Koda has killed a Tiger in the Pepper Forest after a big brawl as his body got way many scratches and his chest in bleeding heavily.Koda says in his mind,'I cross this but I hope,I don't have to work with the Nerds.Let's see,that Maxine named guy and that Daddy's Boy Cediri.Let's go the Dull Lake and prepare some entertainment for the duo'.Koda continues his journey as many teens starts getting killed by creatures including Anacondas,Baby Bears and Eagles in the Pepper Forest as Maxine and Danny reaches it and Maxine climbs a tree where he also finds Matilda and Cediri hiding as he gives his hand to Danny but it's too late as A Anaconda simply eats down Danny with way ease as Matilda says,'This is way unfair,this is something the gods have done intentionally to end the population of us'.' Don't say that Matilda,they have warned us many times,and to be a big buy who have to deal with things,don't you remember what Master Jindra said' replies Cediri as Matilda answers,'I do remember him saying that Dark is seeming to rise again' as Cediri replies,'Yes,it is in a rise after the sudden dissapearance of former,Grand Master named Shekura Mawar,they say he's dead,well no one knows since my father met him like twice or thrice'.Maxine interferes and screams,'Can you guys focus on this,we can chat later'. The Trio looks down as Cediri realises that A Crossbow on a hole of the tree in opposite direction as he calls Maxine and says,'Look over there!'.Maxine and Matilda together says,'That's a bow,but why is it here'.'I forgot to tell you guys this but in some places,there are some weapons for you to use but now the problem is that how am I gonna get there' says and asks Cediri.'Use see that whip,well be a Tarzan and go there' suggests Matilda. Cediri without any ifs and buts jumps on the Wild Whip and safely swings over the other tree as he gets the Crossbow from the Hole and starts shooting all unless lightning strikes on him as he screams in fear just to realise that nothing happened and all the creatures going backwards of Cediri. The Trio jumps from the trees as they continues there journey with the other survivors for the The Dull Lake.

'These fools gonna get a great taste of pain and wickedness' says Koda in his mind as we can see he has tamed some crocodiles somehow and runs for The Last Stage.

Maxine,Cediri and Matilda arrives in The Dull Lake as some crocodiles have attacked Cediri as Maxine starts stabbing the animal with a knife as it leaves Cediri and a lightning hits Maxine too as Matilda uses her bow and shoots down the crocodiles and realises there's a Anaconda behind Maxine as Matilda screams,'Watchout' as she shoots at the Anaconda and lightning hits her too. The Trio then runs for The Last Stage as the surviving creatures still chases them.Koda is seeing the things from a Hilly point as he kicks a rock as lightning strikes on him and he fells as without thinking much,he angrily runs to reach The Last Stage.

'Are you guys ready?'says Akira and Soni to their separate men and women as they stared at each other with mean eyes.'Remember Akira,I gonna get my award' says Soni as Akira replies,'We will see about that' as he goes forward to his demons and uses his black magic to provide them blood to drink and goats to eat!

Meanwhile Maxine,Matilda&Cediri have come in The Last Stage which is a complete pitch dark place with literally 1% light as Matilda realises that she can see everything through the dark somehow as both holds her hand from a side and starts walking just to realise A Beast Dragon,A Red Phoenix and Shark Eagle as they goes through the trio as they open there eyes just to see that they have finished and come to the DOJO as Grandmaster Zawk,Knight Jindra,Astako and Reas comes towards the trio as Zawk says,'Congrats little fellows,you officially are in the faction' as The Trio hugs each as Matilda turns back just to realised that The Darkness has gone for him on Last Stage and there are way big holes with Lava underneath!

Maxine walks forwards and notices Koda as he has a creep expression on his face as Maxine goes towards him and asks,'You were one behind the extreme danger events,weren't you' as Koda ignores him and throws a leaf on his face and goes towards the Administration Room as Maxine meets his friends as Grandmaster Zawk says that,'My Frost Drago has ensured that there are no more contestants so let's move to the administration room'.

'Cediri' screams Master Jindra as he uses his power and see's Cediri's spirit as he smiles and says,'You officially got a Legendary Creature,you are aligned with a Shark Eagle' as Cediri jumps in happiness and goes with papers as comes Koda who is judged by Mistress Reas,'Let's see charming dear' as she seems like impressed and says,'You have officially got a Legend too,The Dark Pegasus' as Koda smiles and Zawk got some fear as Astako asks him,'Any problems,Master' as The Grandmaster symbolises a 'NO'.Times passes as two more have got Legendary Creatures who are Hikaru,a ripped girl with brown hair and dimple cheeks,getting a Knight Tiger and Suleman,a young boy with cuts in his face and green hair,who has got The Unicorn.

'Matilda' screams Master Astako as he sees her soul creature and says,'Another Legendary has been caught,you got a Red Phoenix' as Matilda seems way happy as last comes Maxine who is being judged by Grandmaster Zawk himself as Zawk sees him getting The Red Dragon as Maxine celebrates with his friends.

As Grandmaster Zawk was gonna talk,comes a strange envelope from the open window as A Junior Knight opens it up as Smoke covers the whole room and comes out Soni with his men,who almost captures Koda unless Akira comes from other side with his men and Soni threatens Akira to leave the side as Akira disagrees as Soni calls out his Soul Creature,A Ultrarilla(here,is a Gorilla with Ultra Power) as Akira calls out his Night Wolf as The Night Wolf bites the hand of The Ultrarilla but then The Ultrarilla punches The Night Wolf hard as he fells unless The Smoke goes as Master Jindra sees them and screams,'I knew you Morons would be here' as he calls out his creature and comes a Trinaconda(here,is a Anaconda with three heads) as it holds both of the animals in his mouth as Astako's Light Goblin arrives and punches both of them way hard as nearly faints and Akira&Soni says some other day as they again throws smoke and disappears leaving Koda on the floor.

Night has felt with Koda on a Bed as Maxine asks Cediri's Father about those two as he answers,'Well,nothing to hide from you since you have joined us,they are two of the strongest demons alive of this civilization,heartless and only cares for themselves.They work for The Demon GrandMaster,Satun who no one knows,where dissapeared as they says that The Night Wolf and The Ultrarilla may seem small but they are too powerful if got a proper habitat since they are legends too!' Maxine is joined by Matilda&Cediri who asks him about the things and Maxine's tells them all as Cediri exclaims,'Satun?' as Maxine nods his head for yes,as two person's laughing voices came as the trio goes towards the Well to realise Hikaru and Suleman who throws Star Blades at them as Hikaru says,'Stop spying on us,Maxine' as Maxine replies,'Wasn't that something you did back there' as Hikaru ignores him and continues his chat with Suleman.

The Sun has risen as Akira and Soni are in a quarell in Hell as Akira says,'I should have killed you,leaving you was a big mistake' as Soni replies,'I should have kicked your ass so bad that your organs comes out of your mouth and I can use them to feed your own men' as Akira holds the neck of Soni as Soni's men points there Spears towards him as Akira leaves him and goes inside a cave.

'I don't know what's going on,why is that going on but I am sure that am gonna find things' says Maxine as he is joined by his friends as they stare at The Moon as Master Jindra comes and says,'You got your rules session tomorrow morning and you and those other 3 kids have been ranked as Junior Knights not only because you got Legendary Creatures but Grandmaster Zawk sees some energetic potential in you guys'.Master Jindra leaves the place as he meets Grandmaster Zawk and asks him,'I heard that when you learned that boy,Koda is attached with a Dark Pegasus,then why you seemed feared'.Grandmaster Zawk replies,'Please don't tell anyone about this,but I have experience with the former Grandmaster,Shekura Mawar and many unknown stories and when these 6 creatures died after the death of there Masters,there was all of these except the Dark Pegasus which was only Pegasus'.Jindra got fear in his face with frowns as Zawk says,' Dark Creature means that he is attached to The Demons out there and that is why those 2 idiots came today and will probably come again,I hope they somehow not only need him for fights but also personal stuff' as both looks up to the Bright Moon and starts thinking something.