"Legend has it that before The Great Emperor Phoenix established the 'Kingdom of Sirius', the world was ruled by The Dragon Lord. He hated humans considering them as filthy creatures and killed zillions of those who didn't offer him sacrifices. It is said that he had mystical powers beyond the cosmos. He breathed fire and was the potentate of the Sky, the Water, and the Earth. He was feared by all, for he was invincible, the greatest and mightiest creature of all. But one day a brave human warrior slayed the dragon's heart and became The Great Emperor Phoenix who brought light and prosperity upon the world. He named his kingdom 'The Kingdom of Sirius'. "read Céleste from the storybook on request from her little cousin.
" WOW!!! I have goosebumps all over me. Emperor Phoenix is so cool," said Layna "Do you think he was scared or nervous when he faced the dragon?"
"I do not know," replied Céleste.
" Did the dragon have any family? What happened to them?"
"I do not know."
" Do you think the story is real, cousin?"
"I do not know."
"Do dragons really exist?"
"Obviously they don't. It's just a myth."
"Then who is the dragon lord in the story?"
"For god's sake Layna, stop asking me questions," shouted Céleste. She then stood up from her seat taking her coat that was on the coat hanger beside the door and informed, " Aunt, I am leaving."
Hearing her, her aunt came running from the kitchen and addressed her with," Stay for tonight dear."
"Yes, cousin. Don't you get bored and lonely living all alone? Please stay." added Layna
"I will stay some other day. I am heading home for now. Have a good night." said she and left.
"Good night!" they both replied.
Céleste was a 17-year-old young but mature girl living all on her own in a Chateau near the forest on the outskirts of the town. Her parents had died in a car accident a year ago on their trip to the Purl City which left her soul so void that nothing could fill. But like a fine lady, she carried herself and like her name, her beauty was celestial too. She resembled the ocean, calm and composed yet so dominant and powerful. However, her aunt always sympathised with her, for she knew that though she seemed tough, she was sad and heartbroken inside.
Before the day had turned into night, Céleste was home. She changed her dress and stood by the balcony of her room with a cup of black coffee as she pondered on the insignificance of life.
Suddenly the pink-red sky that was bidding farewell to the sun turned green and black as if to ensure humanity's doom. It roared and in a blink of an eye, the heavy sky started pouring with lightning and thunder strikes. The pattering of rain against the ground and the smell of the forest with that sound brought her the peace of solitude. What was meant to be scary turned into a moment of soothe. The cold blowing strong wind ruffled her long black hair while she was gazing at that mystical spellbinding vista.
"What was that?" she screamed with surprise when her confident yet soulless eyes caught the sighting of a mysterious object striking the forest. "I'll go check it after the storm calms down."
Soon the storm had ended. Céleste carried her father's pistol for safety and promptly marched towards the place where the sky object had fallen. After a deep walk into the woods, she finally found it. It had formed a huge crater on the forest ground. She started to search for the object and upon exploring the area, she found a crystal-black pearl-like stone.
"It must be the mysterious sky object. It's pretty but I can't quite figure out what it is," said she while examining it closely. But suddenly there was a rustle in the undergrowth behind her. She quickly put the stone inside her right pocket and pulled out her gun and pointed at it.
"Who's there? You'd better show yourself or else I'll shoot."
" Help…..me!" exclaimed a feeble voice.
She didn't let her guards down but approached the voice cautiously. There she saw a boy who was injured gravely. His body was covered with bruises as if he was the one who had fallen down from the sky.
"Please…..help me," he said looking at her with his gloomy eyes.
Céleste did have an unsympathetic character but wasn't cruel enough to leave a wounded person alone in the forest filled with beasts, especially when it was about to get dark. She took him to her Chateau to get his injuries treated.
"You are severely wounded. It'll take quite a time for you to recover." said she while laying him on the couch, "What were you doing in the woods? Did you not know it's dangerous to be out there alone?"
"You were alone there too."
"Well, I had a gun with me," said she," You don't seem to be from here. I'll call the doctor to treat you."
"Please don't call anyone. Can you not nurse me?"
"Why do you think I am capable of doing that?", looking at him momentarily, she folded her hands and asked, "How did you get injured?"
He averted his eyes and remained silent.
"I need to know to treat you. Was it the sky object?"
"Yeah, kind of."
She now knew that this mysterious boy had something to do with the storm. However, that was none of her concern. She did not inquire him any further. Also, from the look of him, it seemed that someone was after him. So, despite not being the generous type but she made an exception.
"You can stay here 'til you've recuperated. But lemme warn you, if you cause me trouble, I'll kick you out. Do you understand?"
"Yes. I won't cause you any inconvenience. Thank you very much for your kindness."
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Truce" he replied