

But no sooner one more thunderbolt fell near them because of which a kind of hole appears beside them with a white light emerging from it and before they could understand anything suddenly they were sucked up by that portal

And the very next moment , they reached once again into the same location which she also visited in her dream and suddenly the place got lit up as if someone has switched on the lights because of which she is able to see the whole place

Whereas , Chris fell unconscious soon after reaching that place and before she could understand anything suddenly she hears someone speaking but that person is unable to be seen anywhere while the statement is as follows :-

"It has been very long since I am finding you , but finally after such a long wait , I am finally able to find you after almost 25 years as I am trying to hunt you from last two and a half decades"

And soon after the completion of the sentence , a huge horse kind of animal appears before her which is looking attractively charming and the very next moment he transforms into a human being , but before he could speak anything further

Suddenly one more being arrives there who is looking like a god as he is wearing a pitch white dress with a beautiful crown on his head and while she is still trying to figure out the situation , suddenly the god figure ends up chopping the head of that horse like being who turnef into a charming human and after doing so he tells her to run after which she again loses her consciousness

"I am extremely sorry but it happened just by mistake as I just ....." , she opens her eyes listening to Chris' statement which once again brings her back to reality

But she intervenes in between and tells him," No it's okay but actually I must be sorry as I am very much scared of thunderbolts and so ended up doing that"

She apologizes when she sees herself lying on him totally wet as she opens her eyes listening to his voice

"Anyhow I hope that you must be alright because that was really very scary, the incident of thunderbolts falling on the ground and then on the bar building , but anyhow we are alright and now I think we should just get back to our house in the same condition as I really don't find any other option", Chris tells her while both get up from the ground as they get half dip in the water collected on the road due to uncertain and heavy rainfall

And as soon as they start walking towards their destination in order to reach their respective houses as she doesn't thinks that it's a right time to hunt him down and as they barely complete few footsteps distance , the evry next moment one more thunderbolt falls and this time directly on her

Because of which she again gets one more vision which is the continuation of the last one as once again she sees another unusual specie who appears there and this time that specie ends up drowning a kind of knife in the back of that god figure

Because of which that god figure starts bleeding and soon disappears and the very next moment that same specie throws that knife her who is watching everything standing in a corner of a dark place only for her to come back to her senses with voice of Chris as she once again finds herself on the same road still getting wet in rain and surprisingly standing with both her hands raised towards the raining sky as if she is asking something from clouds

But soon after realising the fact she again comes back to the normal position which also scares the hell out of her because of which she ends up hiding her face with her hands as she is really unable to figure out of what exactly is happening with her today

"Don't worry everything is alright because we are safe and I think that the situation is definitely not fine today as it's thundering like hell , but anyhow except of going to our houses we don't have any other options", he tries to calm her down patting on her shoulders slowly

"I am sorry but I really won't be able to go further in such condition as I am really very scared, so I really won't be able to go anywhere from this point onwards", she tells him about her condition

"I can understand Monica , but we also don't have any other options but to reach our houses anyhow as the climate is getting worst with each passing moment and so just be brave girl and come with me ", He tells her

"But I .....", Before she could complete

"You believe me or not ?", He intervenes in between asking her a question

"Okay, if you are insisting than I'll come but let me tell you that I am really very much scared and I really don't know ....." , And once again before she could complete her sentence

"Just come with me ", he intervenes and holds her hand and they both starts walking towards their destination which is their respective houses as they need to reach there earliest

But only after walking few steps suddenly her leg got fractured after coming across uneven place on the road which is not visible due to the water logging on the road

" Oh my god", She sits on the spot when she A sudden stretching in one of her leg

" What happened ?, Are you alright ?", Chris asks her as she sits down

"I don't think that I can walk anymore because I think I got fracture as one of my leg is paining like hell", she tells him while sobbing as the pain is unbearable

"Okay just come, first let's go to the doctor as I think that you really have got a fracture", he tells her while picking her up in his arms

That moment is so unbelievably true for her that for a moment she forgets about her pain and just tries to feel his heartbeats by keeping my ear on his chest while in his arms and his heartbeats are pounding at its verge because of which even he is breathing heavily as well as shivering due to cold

And she unwillingly even closes her eyes closed out of tiredness only to once again come across the continuation of the same scenario which continues after that being threw knife on her , but before that knife could harm her suddenly it just falls down on the ground just an inch away from her eyeballs

And this time she hears the voice of a women , " You have to stay very much alert about whatever might happen in your surroundings from now onwards because you really have to care about yourself" , and once again she opens my eyes soon after that

But suddenly when she looks towards his face , she is amazed as well as scared as his face suddenly turns into a skull with fire burning in it, and he said looking towards her," You have to pay for your sins as you can run but really cannot hide from me"

Because of which she starts shouting breathlessly only for Chris to ask her,"What happened ?"

Which makes her realize that it is just my hallucination, but seemed so real that it is really hard for her to believe that it is just hallucination about which she doesn't tell him, so once again he starts moving ahead while still carrying her in his arms while the rain is falling to its fullest strength

"I think we should stop somewhere because it won't be good for anyone of us to walk in this condition as we don't even have any other options instead of it", She tells him

"But we are just very close to reach our location which is your house and if you want than I can also stay at your place because I really don't know that I am really going to be okay till I reach my house as I am not in an appropriate condition right now", He responds

"I think that we should rather wait here for some transportation facilities as it's very important for us to find something which would help us out to reach to our location as the rain is increasing its speed with passing time along with the fact that we are still almost a kilometer away even from my house ", She explains him the current situation

And as suggested by her , Chris makes her sit on the bus stand bench under the shade and starts waiting for the bus to arrive at even though it is raining heavily but still we saw few buses on the road and as taught by them , no sooner they stopped on the bus stand suddenly a bus came there after just few minutes and they entered inside it without wasting a second

And after few minutes the bus is standing outside her building and until then she heals her fracture with the help of her healing powers as she didn't wanted him to come at her house which will only be possible if she is not well and as she gets down suddenly Chris asked her," If you won't mind can I just come to your location as I really don't think that I'll be really able to reach my location properly as I am feeling quite dizzy because we were wet for more than hour"

But she doesn't permits him to come to her house even though his condition is really not well as his eyes also turns red due to coming in contact with rainwater and she just gets down and takes quicker steps towards her apartment and stops only outside her house as she really didn't know what is happening with and around her today and soon she gets inside her house in baffled condition

But surprisingly soon after she enters in her house the very next moment the system informs her about someone outside her house and as she looks in the monitor , to her surprise it's none other than Chris who is standing while raindrops still pouring down from his clothes

After which she opens the door as she is little angry now as even after her opposition he came behind her and as she is about to speak suddenly he starts as soona s she sees her on the door,"I am sorry to bother you , but you just forgot your locket in the bus amd so I am here to just return it"

But before she could speak anything she sees out of the window and the scenery outside scares her even more because the situation outside is getting worst due to heavy rainfall with each passing moment , so unable to understand anything she just thanks him and also tells him to reach home quickly

Because the rainfall is getting more and heavier which is not good for any of them because at the back of her mind she knows what might happen next and so it's better for him as well as her to stay far away from each other even though she is brutally attracted towards him at very first sight

And accordingly he also goes away from her place and she too closes the door only to hear voice of something falling on the stairs as soon as she closed my door, only for her to open it again and see that Chrid is flat on the stairs outside as his legs got slipped in the water which is collected on the stairs because of which he gets badly injured

As he is unable to even move and not having any other options she goes for his help and brings him inside her house in order to treat him only to come across the fact that the veins of his legs have build tension in them due to which he is unable to move his feet an inch