Blood filled Investigation

At Police station, one of the detectives was currently dealing with a troublesome case.

A car accident, seemingly caused by recklessness of the driver. Two dead people, Toga Masume and Toga Lyue. Working for quite big company and in result, being quite rich. They left behind a daughter, named Toga Himiko. Girl herself would be assigned to further parts of her family or go straight to the orphanage.

But ... something did not feel right for detective taking care of the case, Eizo Tanuma.

He felt like something fishy was going on, but without any evidences he couldn't do a thing. But it did not mean that he completely agreed with accident version.

He did not know anything, but decided to investigate further.

After contacting a few friends of his, he got an evidence.

A bullet.

Even though body in itself was completely crushed, after serious amount of various operations, like fishing out the car, he finally found what he was looking for. Bullets of this type were mostly used in heavy guns. Specifically, sniper rifles. This only confirmed his assumption.

Who was so incompetent as to just place it off ?

Anyways, what to do now ?

These were the thoughts of detective himself. He did another report with photos of bullet and preliminary examination, requesting on continuing the case.

"Man, what a fucked up case."

Said Eizo. He was currently in cafeteria getting himself a coffee. As he was waiting for reply and no other things required his assistance, he was currently free and thirsty for some black-brown energizing liquid.

"No swearing Eizo. You know Kenji-san does not appreciate that."

Said a familiar voice from beside him. Detective turned around and faced the person in question. Before him stood a man with short black hair, taller than himself. This man was named Naomasa Tsukauchi, a fellow detective of Eizo. Though they were not on being friends and all, they were still acquaintances and worked together quite often.

"Geez, Naomasa, chill a little. Give this old man a little rest, ok ?"

"You are still working, thus we have equal rights. What is exhausting you so much ?"

Asked Naomasa. Men himself was a very good detective not only because of his intelligence and deduction abilities, but also his quirk. His individuality allowed him to know if someone is lying, or not. Ability is quite simple and would not be of much use in hero business, but it was a very valuable thing in police department.

Eizo then proceeded to explain his case to Naomasa.

"And now I am waiting for approval from higher ups."

Men only noded at his explanation. He himself started feeling fishy about it.

"Then how about we visit their daughter ? She has to know something about her parents, like their enemies, their worries or something like that ?"

Proposed Naomasa.

"That is ... surprisingly good idea. We are currently on a break ?"

Replied Eizo. He himself did not think of that. Age is catching up, probably.

"Yes, we are. Grab that coffee and let's go."

"Yes, yes."

And so, they found themselves ringing on the door. And the one to open them ...


"What is it ?"

Was none other than Himiko Toga, daughter of the Toga family, herself. Ash blonde hair let loose, easily reaching down her back. Currently wearing a simple T-shirt with blue shorts.

"Hello miss, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. I am a detective taking care of your parents case. I would like to ask some questions. Can I come in ?"

Naomasa asked professionally.

"... Sure."

She got out of the way and allowed us inside.

I still kept looking around for anything that would help the case and, unfortunately, found nothing. House was clean no matter where you laid your eyes on. It was ... inhumanly clean.

"Sooo ... care to tell me what happened with my parents ? They did not come back last night."

"Your parents ... they died in car accident. Very sorry for your loss."

Girls eyes widened a little at this revelation, which was way less of an reaction than we expected. She then just looked a little gloomy and looked down.

"*Sigh* No can do. Well ? What are those questions ?"

The girl asked with straight expression.

"Okay then, firstly I would like you to tell us if your parents were having any enemies ? Maybe in their jobs, or private lives ?"

Naomasa told with unchanging expression. He was going to be the one to talk because of his quirk, while I would look around for any clues. I wouldn't probably find a thing, but who cares ?

"... I know nothing of this. My parents did not have any problems aside of regular stress at work. As to personal life ? Still, I do not know."

Answered the girl. Tsukauchi noded at this, indicating that girl was saying truth.

"Well then, the other question ..."


17 minutes later.

Toga POV

And so continued the chain of questions and answers. I was naturally aware of policeman's quirk, as he was one of not so many introduced police mans throughout My hero academia. I was giving only vague answers to not be caught by his quirk and, it really seemed to work.

After another set of questions, they decided to leave. Luckily, cause I was becoming hungry, and I would not have my neutral look while hungry.

So without any resistance, I gulped down a whole floating ball of blood.


30 minutes later.

"Why would they ..? I have a very good evidences against it ! This definitely wasn't an acci-."

*Bang !*

A loud shot resounded throughout the area, and the next sound to follow was a thud of a body. Eizo laid on the ground, while blood was streaming down his face. The only person in the vicinity, was none other than culprit of the mess.

Bald headed, muscular man dressed in the suit. Currently ? Cleaning the evidence.

Task ..?


[Okay, I plan on having 4 reincarnators. While I have 3 of them ready, I can't think of fourth one. So, I am asking for your insight. Chose da waifu ! Also, I am sorry for any mistakes made in this chapter, mostly investigation procedures.

Btw, volume ending in next chapter and I will have little break for two days, cause I need to rewatch anime.]