Stain-less incident.

I was enjoying myself on this little peace that I had. I passed through various stalls offering even more various amounts of food. I, of course bought myself quite a lot.

I was currently wearing a grey cap, black T-shirt paired with yellow blouse, as well as yellow shorts. I wasn't probably standing out THAT much.

I was just walking around aimlessly and I had too much time on my hand. Albedo was back to learning, Oka was enjoying herself in hero school, no researching of blood clones or abilities was needed, I am just free to go around.

By now, a retrieval of Hero killer should also be done. I am going to meet up with him in one of my hideouts. He will be in confusion for a while, but I left a few people to explain it to him.

While walking, I met a few soon-to-be heroes on their internships. It being;

Bakugo shouting at some kids, all while having ... this weird hairstyle. In anime it looked quite funny, but allow me to tell you, this thing is such a fucking joke that I am kinda sympathetic with him. I did take a few photos, which earned me a furious glare from him. Running away was quite a pain but it was funny, didn't have such fun in weeks.

Seeing Tsuyu on her little adventure at fending some villain away. I did not help because 'I am just a civilian.' Protect me or something, I feel endangered.

Kendo going somewhere around. I was even able to talk to her for a little while. Such a nice girl, we had ourselves some lunch. I was paying of course.

An entertaining afternoon one may say. I was currently walking around the square with a smoothie in hand. I did buy myself some glasses, it felt really good going around in those. I mean, I was walking. Just now I got information that my clones already ended the extraction. Yep, here goes my free time. I quickly made my way to one of the hideouts outside the city. It was a bunker bought by one rich guy to be safe in times that war may break out. You can probably tell that he wasn't really that safe.

A human figures were standing before the entrance, moving out of the way to allow me to pass.

Passing through corridors, I went towards last door that lead in a single medium sized room. A table in the middle, as well as two sets of chairs. One chair was already occupied by no one other, than Hero Killer. I took my place on opposite of his, while still wearing this ever present smile on my face.


[As I am too lazy (and out of Narrators ...) I will shortly summarize the meeting so we can get to juicy stuff.]

Meeting went quite as I expected it to go. Mainly about him attacking me.

Yep, guy tried to attack me. I mean, I did leave his weapons in his hands as to not make him feel helpless, but lounging at me out of nowhere ? That is beyond being rude. I did immediately put him down myself, cause guy did not hear my offer. He did struggle, but increasing blood pressure made him change his mind rather fast.

After a little convincing, he sat down and started listening. Not hard, is it ?

I then told him about my plan and his use in it. What was the plan ? I did not tell, now did I ..? Okay, allow me to explain then.

As some of you may have connected the dots, his quirk allows him to stop people in place if he acquires their blood. My ability gives me ability to control blood, making it easy for me to lay my hands on someone's blood. Beside of this perfect combo, it was just so he would continue doing what he is doing, which I already explained. Already asked him joining forces with League of Villains, to which he agreed. Dunno why, don't ask me.

With that out of the way, I gave him a contact to me and made my way back. I had a already free day, may as well continue. But as much as walking around appeals the most, I had to go and show around in my villain outfit.

So I did, going through various parts of the city, surprisingly not spotted. I mean, I probably don't look like a wall or a piece of road, they could at least, I dunno, scream 'A villain !' and start running around. It would entertain me even better than just going around alleyways.

Talking about alleyways, I am in one and seeing a lone hero. Not that him being in some squad would do much. As it happened to be dead end, I jumped in his way towards the exit. Finally spotting me, he turned around, while making this scared face.

He was wearing some strange clothes ..? Not really interested in them.

I just leaved his brain without blood, which if not taken care of immediately would cause death. Guy just fell, nothing that entertaining. I would just extract the blood, if not for a presence speeding from behind me.

I spun, caught a limb aiming for my head and twisted it in quite sick angle accompanied with a loud crunch. Scream followed just after while I tried to identify the attacker.

And the person was ... Iida ? What is that guy doing he-

Oh wait a funking minute, I turned around and looked towards a pro hero on the ground. Yep, Native. He probably tried to use his cultural appropriation quirk, but I interrupted him.

So I am on original place of Stain ? How surprising, I thought that Tenya was in Hosu because of his brother, not on an internship. Suspicious~

I mean, Iida is quite a nice guy if you skip through his strict and nerdy personality. But, as common knowledge says, 'If you are ready to hurt someone, be ready to be hurt yourself' or something like that. I won't let him out without injuries, I will at least see what he can do ... oh, I won't. I did kinda break his leg, his main weapon. Tehe~

I looked back in his direction. Guy was trying to stand up, with emphasis on trying. Standing with one broken leg was painful and not rational. You would just worsen the wound and harden the healing process.

I then just proceeded to ignore him and draw the blood off the dead hero. Iida was not going to be any issue, even with his 'will' the only thing he would achieve is his own death and more pain. Also originally, Midoriya would be making his way here any time soon. But, as Oka traded places with our protagonist, she would be the one getting coordinates. But as I know her for quite long, she would not be stupid enough to rush here without a second thou-

"2nd fist !"

Shout resounded as shock wave reached me. I stilled myself and withstood it. Not the most impressive one I have seen, but a mid-tier one. And one can probably guess who was the cause of the attack.

"Iida, are you ok ?!"

Asked the worried voice. Yep, Oka. Who would have guessed~?


[Little PoV change.]

Oka PoV

I rushed here as soon as I got the message. Iida sent a coordinations on our group chat and as he is not the one to make jokes, I guessed that he was in real trouble. And oh, he was.

Once I made it into the alleyway, I was met with ... something that I would rather not see. Iida was howling in pain while trying to stand up, but deeper in the alleyway was something so gruesome, that I feel like I will be having nightmares. Further down the alleyway, a pro hero, was being brutally murdered. His blood pouring out of every possible way, eyes, noes.

All of this flowing in one big, red blob that was floating up in the air.

All of this happening because of the villain standing before the body. A red, moving substance covering every inch of woman's skin, while long, dark-silver colored hair were dangling behind her back. She wore a commander's hat from old times of world war, gas mask and weird fluffy cape drenched in blood.

As villain wasn't paying attention to me, I decided to don't fight her, instead making my way towards the hospital with Iida. I presumed that if we fought her, we just wouldn't stand any chance if a pro hero didn't.

As it was later proven, woman seemed to be a new villain, having killed a few dozens of pro hero's already.

We may have gotten scolded for acting on our own accord, but I only thought about one.

I was just glad that I was alive.

[... and cut ! Okay guys, it should suffice for a chapter. A Stain event happened, but differently. Next chapter I am going full preparations on Forest training Camp arc.

Hopefully, I ca-

I stopped as huge nodachi was lodged beside my head.

"Why are you writing something like this ?"

Asked me a figure standing just before me. They took my work and glanced upon it.

"Foolish gibberishes."

Well, then please put them down, I don't fell like dealing with you today.

Ekhem, back from the issue-

"I am not any issue, you rotting piece of sitting hazardous shit !!"

Okay, okay ! Just put the swords down ... yes, yes. Just like that.

Okay, so back to things. Hopefully I can fasten my update rate (as it has been tragic in recent week) and do better than that.

Now, sorry but I must go. I will die if I won't make it on time.

Probably still alive, ATrueWaifu.]