Preparations and a little bit of Spying.

We will be attacking in some time and because of that, I did some final corrections to my plan. I decided to bring few of my runners and brawlers to assist, not attack. They will try blocking Aizawa from telling the students that they have permission to fight back. I was always curious, what if they didn't receive it ? Would they ran back and not fight back ? Maybe they would still fight back anyway ?

I am also planning on bringing tens of other brawlers, just in case. After Hero Killer being arrested way earlier, I was able to guess that some reincarnator is trying to prevent bad events from having fatal consequences. Because of this person, I need to think way more, as such, I will try to get him or her, dead.

I will still be trying to get as much fun as possible. It is always just to entertain myself, isn't it ?

Back to our little attack, I am going on the main front, with Spinner, Magne and Uraraka. It seems like Shigaraki got smarter, ordering a Nomu to accompany Mustard. He is quite weak physically which is his only weakness, as such covering it will increase disadvantage that the heroes already have. Twice has been given the order to duplicate me and Mustard, as to why, let me explain.

It was I who suggested it. Mustard had a very good area quirk and I have blood manipulation, which does not require any physical contact. Twice's clones have the same quirks but are less durable, as such the clones would be accompanied by two Nomus.

This leaves one Nomu, Muscular, Moonfish and Mr Compress. Muscular and Moonfish have the same jobs as in the anime, Muscular goes on killing spree and Moonfish is ... strolling around trying to kill. Mr Compress, in addition to his original mission, I asked him to help me later on with containing a student.

Yes, I am going to kidnap this little Oka. She has been going around, only causing trouble to myself. But it is me, she probably won't complain that much. I realized that she wouldn't be happy in this hero society, not with so many villains going around. I just can't help, but be really worried for her. Also, her One for All means that she would eventually have to fight fully evolved Tomura ? I don't think that she will be able to do that, she can't do that. Maybe I should outright slaughter Shigaraki and All for One, all to just end the meaning of One for All ? Then she wouldn't have to worry about anything, and maybe finally remember me ?!

Am I being overprotective ? Maybe, but she didn't even contact me ONCE during her being at UA. She didn't visit once, she didn't even tell me about her quirk and did not respond to my message asking for explanation. I-I am sure that she must be quite busy, but leaving a friend hanging isn't the best way to show that.

I ... just want my friend back. I had such fun while going around with her, taking her to places, even doing minor things together.

*Sob* *Sob*

N-No matter ... let's continue on.

I won't be slaughtering them all, no. It would only agitate Oka when I would reveal myself. She wouldn't complain anyway, even if I did it, right ? I will only ... secure them. So they can't do harm to themselves or others. Am I becoming nicer or what ?

I created a few little spy flies to go around the camp, let's see what they see.

As it is currently afternoon, from what I know, they should be training. I am really curious on what has changed ?

I first looked for Oka, finding her dodging blows from this big cat men. She seems to be doing quite fine, way better than canon Izuku would.

In this moment, some of my flies got blasted away by none other than Bakugo. Their acted bzzzzzzting noises seemed really annoying for him. What a bother, to get him back alive.

I focused back on my best friend, a fiancé in the future, hopefully.

I would eventually take over the world, or at least leave some space for blood bags. She would then have nowhere left to go, leaving her defenseless, no one able to protect her from me~.

And who would even oppose me ? I am a ducking villainess with army of hundreds of thousands, every unit in it can regenerate and convert others into my troops. It is like zombie apocalypse but zombie are not dumb and are more powerful, all while immune to normal weapons.

Nothing they can do. Like, right now I am following the plot just for shit and giggles. And my amusement. And Oka.

Ok, let's go back to my dear little friend.

She continued on fighting big cat guy. Dodging his elbow, she wanted to counter with a punch towards his face. However cat, as if expecting it, caught her hand and kneed her in stomach, sending her flying.

Watching it happening before my eyes, I wanted to order all the flies to merge and just squash this son of a prostitute to a mush, I stopped myself however. I can't do that because then they would end camp right there. I can't have that.

I continued to watch.

My little, brave Oka got up, more fired up. She activated her quirk and got before the cat, wanting to, once again, punch him in the face. Mistake. He expected it, dodged and punched Oka in face. In my Oka's beautiful face. H̺͉̝o̟̦͓w͚͉ f̴̙͎͉͛́̕u̸̡͓̙̐̓͌c̴̙͉͚̓͌̈́k̵̠͇̺̐̕͘i̸̘̠̦̾͘͝n̵̘̞̼̔͛͘g̸̪̟͍̓̒̀ d͉̼͙a̺͓̼r̼͔͔e̺͚͚ h̸͓͔͍͊̈́̓e.

It took seven brawlers to hold me down from going there, which were barely able to hold me down.

After a whole ten minutes, I calmed the fuck down, just to have clarity of mind when making this decision. Am I killing this guy when we meet ?

Is answer not obvious ? Yes, I fucking will ! He will be squirming under my boots, all while pleading to lick my shoes.

Well, maybe not. It would be too grateful from me. It is supposed to be a torture ... maybe make blood clones rape his friends in front of him ? Or even better, make some dirty thugs do it. Imagine despair in his eyes. Laying, pinned to the ground and being forced to watch three of his comrades getting raped in front of him, with him being unable to do anything.

I felt a wide smile creep onto my face.

To execute this plan well enough, I will have to kidnap them too. Kids will get in the way if I don't. So maybe also kidnap some of them ? Who would I even kidnap ? For what ?

In the ignited world, they will be last pillars of hope, still reminding people that they can be saved, uplifting their morale ... only for them to get squashed. Hope would cease to exist, everyone would just give up.

That is the kind of future I wish for ! Taking down whole good side of human conflict, just by taking out certain individuals.

But to force their hand like that, I need to decrease amount of heroes in this world as well as show everyone that heroes aren't as good as they think heroes are.

First one isn't that difficult to do, really. Just organize this clones of mine and make them do the job.

I looked back at Oka. She was being taken care of, which made my nervous heart calm down a little. She should be okay by now. Their training seemed to end, I judge by their tired faces crawling towards their resort. I stayed on, watching my friend bath with other girls. Saying that I am jealous would be an understatement, however, positive thoughts. You will have whole time in the world to take hundreds of baths with her.

I decided to end the spying session, for now. I got back to my work. On walls were various images of my cute friend, making this room even cuter. I changed into my undergarments and went towards the bed. I usually slept with only them on, all while hugging my body pillow.

Soon ... soon enough. You will be mine~

[I came back ! With milk ! I, of course, won't show you the milk itself. I-I ... drank it already ! Yes !

I am very happy to announce that I am coming back to somehow stable schedule. Or I will try at least.

I also posted other story on my side-account, BeggarNoChoser. Please see if it is to your liking for yourself.

With gore and blood, ATrueWaifu.]