Scars And Grace


Candy looked around her beautiful room. Sometimes she still couldn't believe it was hers.

"Who would have thought that walking into Carter High that day would change my entire life? I mean, obviously I knew the education would help me in the future, but never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined all this!" she thought happily. "Meeting Aunt Mel and Uncle Rich is something I'll be grateful for my entire life. If Aunt Mel hadn't found me that day…I'll never be able to repay all that they've done for me, all the love they've shown me since I came here. Before meeting the Kanes, I never knew a family could be like this!"

Inevitably, her thoughts turned to Matt.


In the past few months, everything had changed.

"Who would have thought the boy who existed to make my life a living Hell would one day be my best friend?" Best friend, protector, and of course, the secret crush of her life.

Candy sighed. Though Matt had changed completely, taking care of her to the extent of being over-protective at times, she wished he would look at her as something more than just a friend.

"He flirts with me, he teases me, and I'm positive he feels that jolt of electricity too when our hands brush or he touches me by chance," she thought. "And I know for certain that he hasn't been out on a date with anyone after I moved in. Then why…"

Her musings were interrupted by a knock at her door.

"C'mon, Candy, let's hang out by the pool." Matt grinned mischievously at her. "And this time, wear one of those cute bikinis I know you bought with Mom."

"Matt – I don't know…"

"C'mon, can't you do that for me? I just wanna see you, Candy." Seeing her hesitate, he continued. "Of course, if you don't want to it's okay. But I'd really like it if you wore a bikini for me, baby."

Fifteen minutes later Candy stood in her bedroom in an agony of indecision, staring at the selection in front of her. True, Aunt Mel had bought her some very cute and sexy swimsuits. She had told Candy that one day she would be comfortable enough to wear them. The question was, was this that day? On the one hand she wanted, more than anything, to please Matt. But what if his reaction was revulsion rather than appreciation? She didn't think she could stand Matt's disgust.

She jumped as a knock sounded on her door.

"Candy! Are you ready, babe?" Matt asked impatiently.

"Uh…just give me a few minutes."

"Okay, love, I'll be in my room. Just hurry, okay?"

Candy hesitated for a few more minutes, then squared her shoulders, making up her mind. A few minutes later, she knocked on Matt's door.

"Come in!" he called.

Candy went in, her heart beating so hard she thought he would hear it. Matt was lounging on his bed, shirtless, wearing just his boxers. He looked devastatingly handsome, making Candy feel even more conscious of her flaws. His jaw dropped as he saw her in the brief black and white polka dot bikini she had chosen.

"Wow, Candy…you look even sexier than I imagined!" he breathed.

"Wait, Matt, before you say anything else, I want you to see the real me." Candy turned around. "I'm ugly."

She heard Matt's sharp indrawn breath as he saw the scars crisscrossing her back. Her heart sank, waiting for what would inevitably be his reaction. Matt was the hottest guy in school and he was used to dating the most gorgeous girls with scarcely a blemish to taint their sexy good looks. Seeing her scars would put him off her forever, she knew, but she owed it to him – and to herself – to be honest with him.


Matt had moved up behind her, so close she could feel the heat radiating off of his body. She felt his lips touch lightly on her back and jerked in surprise.

"What happened, babe? Did I hurt you?" he asked quickly.

"N-no, you didn't hurt me – I just – just thought you would be – be repulsed…" her voice trailed off as Matt kissed her again.

"I could never be repulsed by you, baby…if anything, these scars make you even more beautiful in my eyes," he said softly.

Candy turned around to face him, searching his eyes for the truth, but all she found was unmistakable sincerity.

"Don't mistake me – I want to kill your uncle and aunt for what they did to you." Anger flared momentarily in those bright blue eyes. Then they softened again as he looked down at her. "But as far as you are concerned, to me these scars just show that you were strong enough to overcome whatever tried to hurt you, and that makes you even more beautiful to me."

He pulled her into his arms, holding her close as his hands gently stroked her back.

"Thank you for trusting me, baby," he whispered, dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

The next day after school, Candy was waiting patiently for Matt so that they could go home together. As she waited, she relived the events of the previous day for the hundredth time. "Yesterday was different…" she thought. "When he held me like that, it was something more than just friendship, I'm sure…"

"Hey, Candy!"

Candy jumped. "Y-yes, Cole?"

She was still not used to most of the other kids accepting her and treating her as one of them. Another result of having Matt in her corner, she knew.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go for a movie with me on Saturday?"

Candy gaped at him, making him turn beet-red.

"I mean – if you're not doing anything…"

Her eyes automatically looked around for Matt. "Where is he? He's not usually this late –" she thought, wishing he would show up.

Then she spotted him, talking to Cara. Cara Johnston was a new girl who'd transferred to Carter High a couple of weeks back. She was a stunning blonde with an hourglass figure showed off perfectly by the designer dresses she wore. Of late, Matt had been spending a lot of time with Cara, Candy realized suddenly. And why not? They were perfect for each other, she thought, a knife twisting painfully in her heart. Cara was flawlessly beautiful, not damaged like herself.


Candy realized abruptly that Cole was still waiting for her answer. "Matt probably couldn't care less who I date…he looks pretty happy there with Cara," she thought unhappily.

Before she could say anything, Matt sauntered over. He looked relaxed but his eyes were like lasers as he saw Cole with her.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything here."

"Nope, I'm off now." Cole smiled at Candy. "You'll let me know, right, Candy?"

Matt looked at her as soon as Cole was gone. "Let him know what?" he asked in an overly casual tone.

"Umm…Cole was…asking if – if I'd like to go to a movie with him."

"And what have you decided?"

Candy remembered him standing and laughing with Cara. "I'm not sure…what do you think?" She looked up at him, willing him to protest.

He shrugged, looking unconcerned. "He's a good guy. You should probably say yes. Come on, let's go."

They drove home in strained silence, with none of the usual banter they shared. Candy opened her mouth a couple of times to speak, but Matt's expression was so grim that she thought the better of it.

That evening at dinner, Melinda looked from her to Matt. "Is everything okay? You guys are awfully quiet today."

"No, Aunt Mel. Everything's okay." She hesitated. "I – I was wondering – is it okay if I go out on Saturday? C-Cole asked me to a movie."

Melinda smiled at her. "Of course, honey, I'm very happy you're planning to go on a date!"

"I mean – I haven't said yes yet but –"

Candy's voice trailed off as Matt got up abruptly. He dumped his plate in the sink with a crash and stalked out, slamming the door behind him.

Candy stared bewilderedly after him. "What's the matter with him, Aunt Mel? He's been like a bear with a sore head from the time we left school."

Melinda smiled. "I think it's just possible Matt may be jealous for the first time in his life."