
They had planned a pool brunch with some of their friends coming over the next day, which was Saturday. Unfortunately, from Candy's perspective, Cara was among them. Her pleasurable anticipation of the day was soured somewhat by the thought of having to socialize with Cara. At least Layla and Hayley, her closest friends, would be there. And there would be enough kids from school that she wouldn't really have to even speak to Cara, Candy comforted herself.

She slipped on a bright yellow bikini, barely conscious of the scars on her back any more.

"Hey, babe." Matt was just raising his hand to knock when she opened the door.

"Hey," she said, smiling shyly at him.

"You look beautiful."

Matt smiled down at her, making her heart leap. He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and Candy's heart beat so fast she thought he would hear it.

"You look pretty good too," she replied a trifle breathlessly. He looked awesome, she thought. His body was perfectly chiseled, hard and muscular, not an ounce of extra flesh anywhere on him.

Matt grinned.

"C'mon, babe, let's go down."

The poolside was already set with several loungers and big umbrellas to shade them. A couple of picnic tables stood ready for brunch to be served.

"You go ahead and relax, sweetie, while I check on everything."

Candy wandered over to a lounger and flopped down on her stomach, enjoying the feel of the warm sun on her back.

She woke with a start to Matt's voice.

"Hey, Candy, everyone's here," he said cheerfully.

Candy was just about to get up, still a little groggy from her nap, when someone screamed.

"OMG, who's that FREAK?!"

Candy sat up hastily, grabbing her wrap and pulling it around her.

"It's you – I should've known – you shouldn't be scaring people like that, you – you disgusting FREAK!"

Cara's voice was loud and shrill, and everyone was stunned into silence.


Candy jumped as Matt advanced furiously on the pretty blonde, his hands clenched at his sides. "Cara! How DARE you speak to Candy like that? Apologize to her, now!"

"Apologize to that skank? She should be the one apologizing to all of us! You should be in a circus, you ugly freak!"

Candy stood frozen as Cara yelled at her.

"Cara, get out – get out of my house NOW."

Matt's voice was low and lethal, his body trembling with rage.

"It's all your fault, bitch!" Cara yelled at Candy. "I warned you not to come between Matt and me – now look what you've done! I'll never forgive you!"

She turned and stormed out.

There was an awkward pause. Then Layla and Hayley ran to where Candy stood, frozen and pale.

"Candy – Candy, are you okay?" Layla hugged her.

"You know what a bitch she is – just ignore her, Candy," Hayley urged.

Matt turned slowly and came towards them.

"Guys – everyone – I need to speak to Candy – could we take a raincheck on the brunch?"

"Of course," Hayley said immediately, and everyone nodded.

"Just – just take care of her, okay, Matt? This isn't the first time Cara's picked on her," Layla added. She hugged Candy again and then everyone trooped out.

"Candy." Matt's arms came around her, pulling her to him. He held her to him, just like that, till at last she relaxed into him.

"Baby, are you okay?" Matt kissed the top of her head.

"I – I'm okay, Matt," Candy replied in a low voice. "All these months of being with you and Aunt Mel and Uncle Rich, and all those therapy sessions have made me accept my scars, even forget about them. But I know it may freak someone out if they see them for the first time."

Matt's arms tightened around her.

"I'm so sorry, Matt." Candy's voice broke a little.

"Why're you sorry?" Matt asked, puzzled.

"I don't want to ruin things between you and Cara. I really tried to keep out of your way and everything…I'm sorry about today."

"Candy, baby, it's that bitch who should be sorry, not you."

Candy could hear the anger in Matt's voice though he spoke in a mild tone, knowing that she still feared displays of anger after her life with the Clarkes.

"Baby, has Cara got at you before this?"

Candy hesitated.

"Tell me, Candy."

"She – she told me not to – to tag along with you guys when you went anywhere after school," she said at last.

"Fuck!" Matt swore under his breath. "So THAT'S why you kept disappearing on me. Didn't it ever strike you that SHE was tagging along with us, not the other way around?"

Candy raised startled eyes to his. Matt nodded.

"It was always you and me, Candy – she just joined us."

"But – but – I thought you were into her…"

"Candy, babe, I told you yesterday and I'm telling you again today – I thought she was nice to talk to, but I was never into her."

"Then why –"

Matt sighed.

"Look, I need to confess something. Shall we sit down?"

When they were seated on a lounger, Matt took Candy's hand in his. He was sitting so close his thigh brushed against hers, and Candy trembled in reaction to his nearness.

"When Cara joined, we had a lot of classes together and she didn't seem to have any friends, so I started talking to her. I didn't want her to feel the way you had when you were new, Candy, and I guess I thought I could kind of make up for the way I treated you by being nice to her. Anyway, she seemed like a nice person so I thought maybe you and she could be friends too." He paused. "But that was all, Candy – I never wanted to date her."

"But – but – you were holding her yesterday…and you kissed her…"

Matt shifted uncomfortably.

"That – that was because of Cole," he said at last.

"Cole? How does Cole figure in this?" Candy asked, totally confused.

"Well, you see – Cole asked you for a date and you didn't turn him down, so I – I – I guess I was jealous."

"Jealous?" Candy was even more confused.

"Yeah – I didn't want to see you with another guy, so I used Cara to show myself – and you – I didn't care."

"Matt." Candy squeezed his hand. "I DID turn him down, you know," she said softly.

"What?" It was Matt's turn to be stunned. "You did? Why?"

"Because I saw that you were upset, and I didn't want to do anything you didn't like," she replied. "And because…" she paused.

"Because what, Candy? Tell me," Matt said urgently.

"Because I didn't really want to go out with him – or anyone else, Matt."

"Candy, do you mean -? Candy, would you – would you go out with me if I asked you?"

"Matt, I go out with you all the time." Candy gave him a mischievous smile.

Matt groaned.

"I mean, like a date?" he asked.

"In a heartbeat," she whispered.

"Oh, Candy!"

Matt stood and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm gonna kiss you now," he said softly, his brilliant blue eyes on hers as he lowered his head slowly, giving her plenty of time to back off if she chose.

Candy's whole body thrummed in anticipation of that first meeting of lips. She tilted her face up to his, offering her lips. Matt brushed his lips lightly over hers, just a fleeting touch, making Candy tremble.

Then his mouth captured hers again in a hot, searing kiss that Candy could feel right down to her toes.

"Ohh…" she gasped.

Matt raised his head to look down into her eyes.

"Candy, babe," he said huskily. "You are as sweet as your name…was this your first kiss?"

"Uh…yes…" Candy's cheeks reddened, remembering Gina taunting her. Never-been-kissed Candy, she had called her.

"Good, I'm glad." Matt broke into her thoughts. "I want all your firsts to be with me, baby."

Candy felt his hard length pressing against her through his boxers. She responded instinctively, pressing her slender body to his.

"Ahh…Candy…" Matt groaned. He took a deep breath to steady himself, then grinned down at her devilishly. "That too, princess, but later. Right now, you have some serious catching up to do in the kissing department."