Aka Ryu

"47… 48… 49… 50." Hana breathed out heavily as she collapsed to the floor.

Now lying on the floor trying to catch her breath, she didn't want to get up, the cold concrete cooled her overheated body nicely.

But alas she wasn't done with her training and so she, with shaky arms, pushed herself up into a sitting position.

Suddenly she heard the door to her room being unlocked.

Quickly standing up she straightened her white t-shirt and black shorts.

As the steel door swung open it revealed the outline of a man.

"Seiji-san" she nodded towards him.

"Hannya-san," he said, dipping his head slightly.

Hannya Shigaraki, that was the new name she received from her sensei, whose name she now knew.

All for One, she thought it was a strange name but well a lot of strange things happened nowadays.

As always Seiji walked into her room with a platter filled to the brim with food and handed it to her.

Dipping his head again Seiji was about to leave but Hana called out to him "Seiji-san!".

"Hm, yes, what is it, Hannya-san?" he asked, turning back to look at her.

"Could you please tell me what time it is?"

"Yeah sure, it's around 1 P.M. right now. Is there anything else?"

"No," Hana said, shaking her head.

Then with a bang the door shut, sighing Hana took the food over to her mattress and started eating.

Food consisted of almost a whole chicken, a salad, and some mashed potatoes.

After she finished her meal she rested a bit waiting for her body to digest the food and after that, she would go straight back to training.


It was currently night time and Rumi Usagiyama was standing outside a large warehouse.

She had been scouting out this location for the last few days and the reason why she did that was easily obtainable by a quick look inside of her notebook.

The day after Rumi had visited the alleyway she had locked herself in her room and gone through everything she knew till that point but strangely everything just led her to believe that Hana had ended up somewhere close to that alleyway.

Just then her notebook had fallen off her desk and as it hit the ground opened to reveal the sketch she had done of the graffiti.

Thinking it might be a possible lead Rumi immediately searched up what the symbol meant and wouldn't you know it, it was the symbol of a specific gang from Hosu city.

She then for the next month searched for any info about the gang known as Aka Ryu.

Then at last she found a member of the gang, cornering in an alleyway she had interrogated him in her own way till he spilt the beans and told her where Aka Ryu's main base was.

So now Rumi was positioned outside their headquarters, wearing black joggers, a black hoodie, and a black ski mask she almost blended into the night.

Of course, her white hair was preventing that but Rumi didn't really mind.

The only reason why she didn't attack them during the day was that she didn't want to get in trouble with the law.

So walking forward, her hood down, she approached the warehouse cautiously.

As soon as she reached it Rumi laid her ear against the cold steel and waited.

Closing her eyes she concentrated, her ear twitched a bit picking up the sound of someone talking even though it was muffled.

Now that she knew that there were people there she walked back to where she was before and sprinted towards the warehouse.

Springboarding herself off some wooden crates she reached out and grabbed the ledge to a couple of windows that were placed just below the roof.

Luckily one of the windows was open so shimmying her way over she climbed through it landing on a girder.

Looking down she saw aisles and aisles of industrial shelves packed with wooden crates.

Moving along towards the center of the warehouse Rumi kept an eye out for any sign of movement.

She only walked a few meters when she heard some whispering coming from up ahead.

Quickly sneaking her way over there she stopped when she saw them.

Four people all huddled around a large wooden crate, it seemed as if they were discussing something.

Moving further ahead Rumi slowly made her way to hunker above them.

Making as little noise as possible she listened.

"So when is he gonna come pick up the goods?" asked a lazy voice.

"Tomorrow night he didn't give an exact time." answered a high-pitched one.

"Who does he think he is, bossing us around like that?" This voice was rather normal but the tone it used was that of someone angry.

Suddenly a gruff voice answered, "It doesn't matter he kept up his end of the bargain and so shall we."

"So what is he using them for anyway?" asked an excited voice

"Don't know, don't care?" answered the gruff voice.

The lazy voice then added "Yeah, the boss is right, why should we care what he uses them for? Business is Business."

Suddenly there was the sound of metal rhythmically tapping the ground "Hey boys, hey Misaki-Chan." The voice was feminine and arrogant but the kind that radiates confidence.

"Hello, Higurashi-San" the gruff voice greeted back.

"Ikeda-San, it seems your senses have gone dull."

Rumi suddenly felt a great snake of danger and jumped to the girder across from her.

It seemed to have been the right decision as just as her feet left her earlier perch it was impacted by several bullets accompanied by several loud bangs.

"Cause you seem to have some little birds flying around."

Looking down she now saw six people looking at her, she froze up, not because she feared the people no it was the things they were holding each one of them held a different firearm.

The tall woman wearing a nice dress had a Makarov, while the bearded man beside her had a desert eagle.

Next were two men, one was wearing an open Hawaii shirt while the other wore a white shirt under a suit they both had Colt M4 aimed at her.

The last two were a man and a woman, the woman was quite short wearing a onesie with huge dog ears, and holding a Glock.

As for the man he was off to the side partially hiding in the shadow and had a beretta aimed at her head.

Sensing danger again Rumi jumped to another girder and just like before the earlier one was

pelted by bullets accompanied by loud bangs.

Rumi, knowing she couldn't win this fight, decided to live another day and flee.

quickly moving back to the window she entered from Rumi kept dodging the bullets fired at her, one or two nicked her shine but she would be ok.

As soon as Rumi reached the window she swan dived out of it and landed on her feet.

'That was enough excitement for today.' Rumi thought to herself as she sprinted back home.


So I hope you like this chapter. I was first planning on her fighting those villains but ultimately decided against it.

She's still only 11 years old and she definitely isn't strong enough to defeat a handful of adults with guns.

So no fight scenes yet but you won't have to wait much longer. There will be one soon I just don't know when I sometimes underestimate or overestimate how many words one scene will take.

But yeah you'll get your first fight scene soon.

Question: What's your favorite quirk?

Mine's Permeation, Mirio's quirk.

I just love how OP he made it.

Have a nice day or night depending on where you are, bye ;)