
Passing through the glass sliding door's Hana who was being carried by All for One exited the building and stepped foot onto a small concrete balcony.

It was about two by three meters and had a table with two chairs placed at the center of it.

After placing Hana on one of the chairs, All for One sat on the other.

"Sir, Miss, what would you like to drink?" asked the man wearing the kimono.

All for One didn't say anything and just looked at Hana.

"I-I'll just have some water," Hana said timidly, she didn't know if she could have anything else since water was the only beverage she had for the last two years, so playing it safe she just asked for some of it.

All for One cocked an eyebrow "Hannya you know you can have any drink you want."

A smile instantly brightened up her face, blinding everybody around her.

"Really?" she asked excitedly.

All for One nodded, he was sad that she thought she needed his permission to order something she liked.

He would have to change that over time, but for now…

"Then I'd like a Qoo: mango, please," she said already quite thirsty from the workout she already had today.

The man nodded and then turned to All for One "And you, sir?"

He pondered for a while before answering "I'll have a umeshu."

"Then I'll bring them shortly." The man then disappeared through the doors.

"So how's Tenko… I-I mean Tomura, How's Tomura doing?" Hana asked, over the last couple of years, whenever All for One visited her he would tell her what was happening in the outside world and how Tenko was doing.

"He's doing well, still has an urge to kill everything in sight but otherwise he's doing great."

Hana sighed and put her face in her hands "Why?"


"Why must the world be so cruel to our family?" she asked in a hoarse voice.

Standing up All for One moved over to crouch beside her, extending a hand he patted her head. "It'll all work out, come think of it positively at least you two survived."

Hana removed her face from her hands and looked All for One straight in the eyes.

"Yeah… thank you."

All for One smiled "No problem".

Just as he sat down, the kimono-wearing man came back with a tray.

"Here you go," he said as he placed down their drinks.

All for One's honey-colored drink was given to him in an Old Fashioned glass and Hana's orange-colored drink was in a Collins glass.

Lifting his glass All for One moved it towards Hana, she did the same and they taped them together.

"Kanpai," they said simultaneously and took a sip.

"Sir, miss, what would you like for lunch?" asked the black-haired man.

Hana frowned as she taught about it.

Seeing as she was thinking about it, All for One ordered first "I'll have a Okonomiyaki."

Hana's face relaxed and she smiled "Then I'll have the same."

The man smiled back and bowed "Excellent choice. I hope you enjoy your drinks and I'll be back with your food shortly."

He then turned and exerted through the doorway.

Turning back Hana looked at All for One "Sensei, what's the date?"

"It's the 11th of July 2299."

They then talked about random topics until their food arrived and after that the happenings in Japan.

The sun was about halfway to the horizon when All for One stood up.

"Come, Hannya, you said you were going to show me your new Jutsu."

She quickly stood up and nodded "Yeah,"

"Good" he then reached down and picked her up.

Holding her against his chest he walked back inside and to the lift.

Reaching over All for One clicked the button with -5 on it.

As the lift distended Hana started playing with the buttons on All for One's shirt pushing them through the hole, taking them out again, twisting them, and pulling them.

While she was distracted by the buttons All for One just watched her, an amused look in his eyes.

He then checked and patted her head "Are you having fun?"

Se let out a squeak, turned her head to look at him, and immediately looked away "S-sorry,"

All for One laughed "It's fine, I don't mind."

The lift then stopped and a ding sounded and the doors opened to reveal an observation room.

It was lined by consoles with a large window that overlooked a huge training hall spanning from one side to the other.

As they entered the room All for One turned right and exerted through a door that led to the large concrete training hall.

Entering it Hana was let down by her sensei "Hana before go I have a present for you."

Her eyes shone in excitement "What is it?"

Smiling All for One reached out and touched Hana's forehead, suddenly some sort of red vapor exerted his body and entered Hana's.

It didn't hurt at all if Hana was being totally honest it felt good.

"What was that sensei?" she asked excitedly.

Letting go of her head, All for One smiled "I just gave you one of my quirks, it's called pain reduction."

"But what about you if you gave it to me that means…"

"No, it's fine I have more than one. Now go show me how you have improved."

Nodding, she walked to the center of the hall.

Stretching out his hand All for One activated one of his many quirks and as a result of that several metal slabs emerged from the ground, some of them were small and thin while others were large and thick.

Walking over to one of the thinner ones Hana reeled back her arm and punched it with all her might.

A loud bang reverberated through the hall as the metal plate was bent so bad that it touched the ground.

She then moved on a thick one and again punched it with all her might, this time there was a sizable dent in the steel.

Seeing how much Hana had improved made All for One smile, now she could protect herself he was sure.

Next Hana moved on to her Jutsu.

Walking back to the center of the hall she made a few hand signs and then 'fire style: fireball Jutsu a stream of fire that condensed into a ball about the size of a Galapagos tortoise came out of her mouth.

It traveled a few meters before crashing into one of the steel plates and dispersing.

From then on she showed him every Jutsu she knew except for one "Sensei, there's one I thought of but it's a bit different."

All for One looked intrigued "Oh, how so?"

"Well, I called it the Summoning Jutsu and it requires me to use a scroll and some ink infused with my energy, luckily I have one already made. But it's in my room."

All for One nodded "Then let's go get it."

"No, no I have a better idea with which I can show you one of my new discoveries."

All for One raised his eyebrows "Okay, then show me."

Hana nodded, before closing her left eye and her right eye turning red with a shuriken-like pattern.

"Oh yeah, I've come up with a name for my ocular ability. The normal one will be Sharingan as in copy-wheel-eye and the special one will be called Mangekyo Sharingan as in Kaleidoscope copy-wheel-eye."

Then suddenly a spiraling suction force came from her open eye and pulled Hana in.

All for One looked at the spot bewildered 'What just happened?' he thought to himself.

Then only a few seconds later there was a ripple in space and Hana emerged in the same way she disappeared.

I've got it." she said as if nothing happened.

"What was that?" All for One asked wide-eyed.

"Oh that, well I found out that by pulling myself into my dimension I can choose where to exit it."

All of One started chuckling which then escalated into full-blown laughter.

"What a monster your enemies won't stand a chance against you."

Hana chuckled awkwardly while scratching the back of her head "Yeah,"

All for One's laughter slowly died down. "Now show me this Summoning Jutsu of yours."

Putting the scroll she had in her hand down, Hana unrolled it showing a complex formation of Kanji.

Making a few hand signs Hana slapped her hand on it shouting "Summoning Jutsu" and a puff of white smoke emerged from the scroll.

As the smoke cleared away it revealed a pair of socks.

All for One's eyes widened "Quite impressive but do you have to say 'Summoning Jutsu' when you perform the technique?"

Hana grinned "No, it just sounds cool."

All for One chuckled "Of course, now let's head back."

He was about to turn when Hana called out to him "But there's one more thing I want to show you sensei."

"Fine, show me."

Pointing the palm of her hand forward a stake of wood slowly emerged from it grabbing hold of the stake before it fell Hana cocked her arm backward and threw it.

Making the Ram seal Wood Style: Cutting Sprigs Jutsu the stake suddenly produced long spikes from it eventually hitting the wall of the training chamber.

All for One raised his eyebrows "Now how did you do that?" he asked, intrigued by the technique.

"Well, I infused my energy into the wood allowing me to turn it into a Jutsu," Hana said, scratching the back of her head.

"If you're done, then come I'll show you to your new room."


Rumi was jumping from roof to roof observing the streets below.

As she leaped over a particularly wide street her ear twitched, she could hear a faint conversation in the distance.

Usually, that wouldn't be anything special, but there was a name mentioned 'Aka Ryu' that piqued her interest.

Since that day a few years ago Rumi hadn't found their gang anywhere.

But now someone had mentioned them.

Landing on the opposite roof she spun on her spot and dashed in the direction the voice came from.

As she traveled she heard the same voice again but clearer.

The person was close, stopping at the edge of a building she looked down into an alleyway.

There below her stood about ten people, two of whom she recognised.

Ikeda the boss of Aka Ryu and Higurashi the woman that had spotted her last time.

Crouching down she eavesdropped on them, "Do you have them?" asked Ikeda in his gruff voice.

"Yes, of course." answered someone whose voice she didn't recognise.

"Good, and Higurashi, did you get us some transport?"



Higurashi chuckled, "I'm so excited, at last, we can have our revenge."

Ikeda chuckled with her, "That bastard will regret everything he did to us after we're done."

Suddenly a loud bang echoed through the neighborhood, having narrowly dodged the bullet Rumi jumped back further.

Having a déjà-vu, Rumi shook her head and retreated.


So here are the first proper changes to the story.

Tell me what you think and if you find any mistakes please tell me I'll try and fix it.

Question: What's your favorite Kekkei Genkai?

Mine's the Rinnegan but not counting dojutsu I'd say Mokuton.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)