
It was the dead of night when Hana woke up to four loud clicks.

Jerking upright she looked around only to find a dark shadow looming over her.

She was about to let out a shriek when the person punched her in the face.

Pain raced across her nose and she fell back against the headboard knocking her out.

Seeing Hana fall unconscious the dark shadow moved into the light revealing the slightly tanned face of Seiji.

Taking out his phone he put it to his ear, "She unconscious you can come down now."

The first thing that reached his ears was the distant sound of a helicopter.

As the sound came closer a whirring accompanied it.

Looking over at the large window, Seiji saw three dark silhouettes hanging from cables in front of it.

Picking up the small form of Hana and laying her over his shoulder he carried her over to the window.

That's when one of the silhouettes removed their glove and out of their finger came a small red laser.

Placing it to the window the person drew a large circle, pushing against the cut-out glass he let it fall onto Seiji's outstretched hand.

Taking Hana off his shoulder he passed her through the window.

Reaching out one of the silhouettes grabbed the eleven-year-old girl by the armpits.

As soon as Seiji saw that they had hold of Hana he climbed through after her.

Extending an arm he grabbed the outstretched hand of one of the silhouettes.

That's when the third and final silhouette tugged on his cable and they were pulled up.


The first thing Hana felt when she regained consciousness was a painful tugging feeling around her wrists.

That was weird, why were her wrists hurt, did she maybe train too hard.

But when she opened her eyes she didn't see what she expected, 'A warehouse?' She thought, confused about the situation.

That was when the memories came back and with them a massive headache.

She tried to touch her head to ease the pain but couldn't, looking up Hana saw that her wrists were incensed in some weird metal cylinders, which were attached to a long metal chain that was fastened to the ceiling.

Hana's eyes widened as she recalled the dark silhouette that had knocked her unconscious.

She started struggling against the chain holding her up but to no avail.

A loud chuckling reverberated through the warehouse and Hana looked at the origin of the sound.

It was a woman, she was quite tall with long black hair and purple eyes, she also wore a dress embroidered with flowers,

"I like your spirit, little one, but it's no use. Those are quirk suppressant cuffs."

Fear passed through Hana's eyes, she was defenseless, her quirks meant nothing if she couldn't use them.

"W-what do you w-want with me?" she asked fearfully.

The woman put a hand to her face and chuckled, "I heard you were supposed to be smart, but I guess not."

Taking a few steps forward the woman put her face close to Hana's, "I'm gonna have fun breaking you."

A shiver ran down Hana's spine and her breathing quickened.

Walking over to a small table Hana hadn't seen earlier the woman picked up a whip and with it in hand slowly walked over to Hana.

(Torture ahead, you have been warned)

Now standing behind Hana the woman grabbed the small girl's red pyjama top and with quite a bit of force ripped it off, revealing her bare back separated by a line going down the center of it separating the normal skin from the white one.

Hana stiffened, scared of the pain that would follow.

Raising the whip behind her back, the woman slashed towards Hana's back, the whip in hand.

A loud crack echoed through the room.

Hana gasped from the pain. It felt like a red hot piece of iron had been laid on her skin.

And again a loud crack followed by pain, but this time a scream followed it.

Behind Hana, the woman had a manic grin on her face, as she whipped Hana again and again.

The gashes started to accumulate as rivers of blood flowed down the young girl's back.

(Torture scene finished)

The woman soon stopped, letting the whip fall to her side.

Walking around the nearly unconscious Hana she leaned closer to her face.

Reaching up she grasped Hana by her hair and pulled at it forcing her head up.

"Did it hurt?" she cooed, a soft smile on her lips.

Opening her bloodshot eyes, Hana looked down at the floor, "Why are you doing this?" she asked quietly.

A spark of anger flashed through the woman's eyes and she punched Hana in her stomach, making her cough up a mouth full of blood.

"Because your 'sensei' killed all my friends.", she spit out between clenched teeth, "Now play along like a good little girl."

"Enough!", shouted a gruff voice from behind the woman.

Turning around she glared at the man that just came into view, "Why should I?"

Sighing, the man shook his head, "Because you'll kill her if you carry on."

Turning back to look at Hana the woman narrowed her eyes, "She can take a few more, I'm sure she's a strong girl."

"No," the man said in an annoyed tone of voice.

The woman rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Fine,".

But just as it looked like she was going to walk away she turned, pulled out a switchblade, and stabbed Hana between the ribs.

That man cursed and rushed forward, "OUT, OUT RIGHT NOW!"

Reaching Hana he pressed a hand to the wound, "KENMA, KENMA GET IN HERE!"

Just as the woman was about to reach the door to the warehouse they burst open.

"I'M HERE." a short blue-haired boy shouted, as he rushed towards the man, a briefcase in hand.

Hana felt herself slipping into unconsciousness and the last thing she heard were the shouts of the man as he tried to patch her up.


So I'm not really sure if I wrote this well so please tell me if you don't like things and I'll see if I change them.

If there are any mistakes please tell me and I'll try and correct them.

Question: Is Kaguya stronger than Momoshiki and Hagoromo?

Personally, I think she is but before you start saying that I'm wrong just listen to me.

As we know the ten-tails is a combination of the God tree and Kaguya.

So wouldn't that make Hagoromo and Momoshiki both Jinchuuriki's of Kaguya?

That also means that they both are borrowing Kaguya's power like Naruto does with Kurama.

Do you think Naruto would be half as strong if it weren't for Kurama?

And as for the thing that Kaguya was scared of Momoshiki well she underestimated herself I mean she literally never used her Mangekyou Sharingan ability and neither did she really use the abilities of the Rinnegan.

Also, I saw this guy Ricardo Warren talking about how Kaguya is stronger than Momoshiki so just check it out.

I rest my case.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)