
Inside the dojo where Hana had explained her quirk to All for One so long ago, stood three people.

One was Hana who wore an orange Shaolin combat uniform.

Then there was the man opposite her. He was about 180 cm tall with a well-built body and spiky, slowly greying green hair. His attire was exactly the same as Hana's but where hers was orange his was grey and where her's was small his was large.

And lastly, there was All for One who just stood to the side observing them.

"So, you must be Hannya Shigaraki." The man said his voice was raspy, likely from smoking too much.

"Yes, and thank you for teaching me," Hana replied while bowing.

"Good, you know how to respect your elders.

My name is Fushimi Yashiro, but you'll call me Fushimi-sensei.

Now, let's get started.

The first thing we have to do is loosen up a bit."

He then started bouncing from one foot to the other, never stopping, "Come, follow my example."

Hana started doing the same, by following his movements after about a minute of doing this Yashiro slowed down till he eventually stopped.

"Now, we do some stretching."

Bending down his legs straight he grasped his feet with his hands "Try and touch your toes!"

She followed his example and managed what was required of her.

They did some more stretching for about ten minutes.

"Now that we're all loosened up, I'll show you my personal combat style, and how to use it."

His stance was strange, standing perfectly straight he relaxed his body.

Then suddenly he moved kicking out his foot which went higher than his head.

Instantly retracting his leg he sent out a whip-like palm strike following it up with a spinning kick.

Using the momentum he gathered he backhanded the invisible enemy.

As he hit the enemy he grabbed them and kneaded them in the face.

Holding on to the invisible enemy's head he half front flipped half somersaulted over them and smashed them into the ground.

Turning around he sent out a roundhouse kick which then turned into a corkscrew-flip.

Now standing upright Yashiro punched forward twice in quick succession.

Turning to the other foot he belly kicked the invisible enemy, using the momentum gathered his lower palm struck them with increased force.

After a few seconds of standing perfectly still, Yashiro straightened up and turned to Hana.

"And that's what you'll be learning from me for the next two years."

Hana nodded eagerly, already excited to learn the combat style, "Yes, Fushimi-sensei."

"Good, then copy me from now on, whenever you make a mistake I'll show you how to do it properly. Is that clear?"

Hana's happy expression suddenly morphed into a stern one and she nodded.

Going into the same straight stance as Yashiro, Hana watched him attentively, her black eyes turning into the blood-red Sharingan.

From then on for three hours Hana followed his movements.

When he punched, so did she, when he kicked, so did she, when he dodged so did she, and when he parried, so did she.

For the rest of the day, Hana just learned how to use her fake sensei's combat style.

She never deactivated her Sharingan allowing her to perfectly copy his movements, she had already learnt them the first time he had shown them to her but practice makes perfect so she kept copying him till the end of the session.


Breathing out Hana opened her eyes, her stance was straight but relaxed.

Moving their right hand up to their chests Hana and Yashiro did the seal of confrontation.

Nobody moved, nobody breathed as the whole dojo became quiet.

Yashiro blinked and Hana rushed forward, sending a kick to his abdomen.

He dodged and sent a backhanded strike to the side of her head.

Ducking Hana tried leg-swiping him but Yashirom jumped at the last moment sending a spinning kick to her head.

Just as her swipe finished Hana leaned forward going into a roll and coming up behind Yashiro.

Seeing an opening Hana sent a palm strike to his spine but was thwarted by Yashiro's Hand that grasped Hana's wrist.

Using his weight Yashiro let himself fall pulling Hana with him.

Seeing no way out of her predicament Hana decided to just go all out and try and get a tie.

Reaching out Hana grasped Yashiro's top with one hand and with the other started pummeling him into oblivion.

Waking up, Hana found herself on the dojo's floor.

Sitting up Hana looked at the floor "What happened?" she asked groggily.

"You lost, and so we'll try again." her fake sensei said.

Nodding she stood up and went into the same fighting stance.

This time Yashiro attacked first, sending a high kick towards her face.

Dodging it Hana upwards hucked his ankle, making him fall backwards.

Leaning as far back as he could, Yashiro used his hands to do a flip back onto his feet.

Rushing after him Hana sent a roundhouse kick at his head which he parried.

Using that momentum he tried backhanding Hana but she ducked under it.

Balancing on her hands she kicked him in the jaw sending him tumbling backwards.

As they fought time seemed to move at a rapid pace visibly showing Hana ageing two years during their spar her fighting style also slowly changed thanks to the different martial arts she had copied over the years.

In the blink of an eye, two whole years passed and Hana was having her last spar with Yashiro.

As her fake sensei sent an axe-kick to her stoic face, Hana dodged and palm struck the knee joint making Yashiro stumble. At that moment she lashed out sending a powerful knee kick at his abdomen making him stumble back further.

Just as she was about to strike him with her fist he parried and kicked her right leg from under her.

Grinning, Yashiro tried punching her in the face but Hana moved to the side and used his momentum against him.

Pulling at his arm Hana made Yashiro fall on his back, as she had turned him at the last second.

Razing her fist she punched him in the face with full force.

A loud cracking noise sounded and Hana felt something under her fist break.

Red, red like her eyes, red like the legendary Higanbana.

The emotionless mask that covered Hana's face suddenly vanished and she looked down blood, blood everywhere.

Pulling her fist away from her sensei's broken nose she inspected it.

Blood, it was a strange thing that could give life as easily as it could take it.

Sighing, she looked over at her real sensei, "I need a new sparring partner."


So here you have your first fight scene tell me what you think.

If there are any mistakes please tell me and I'll try and correct them.

You may be wondering what happened with her getting older, well I imagined one of those training time skips where you can see her ageing during the fight.

Question: Six Paths Sage Mode or Six Tomoe Rinnegan?

I usually prefer the Sahingan over Sage Mode but here I'll have to choose Sage mode just because of the Truth-seeking orbs.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)