
My name is Akame Tahara, and I'm a student of class 2-A of Soumei Privat Academy.

It's been a bit over a week since Nakayama Seijun joined our class and from the moment I laid eyes on her I knew something was inherently wrong about her.

I mostly had this feeling because of my quirk, beast spirit, gives me the abilities of a carnivore.

With my enhanced nose and ears, I could sense that behind that frail, nervous girl lay a totally different person.

What kind I didn't know yet, but I had to find out.

So, when my idiotic classmates who had already fallen head over heels for her asked the girl what her quirk was, I listened closely.

"Super strength" was what she said, that could be true but I wasn't sure.

So I called her out and made her prove it to me, of course, she tried to tiptoe around it but that wouldn't work.

Then noticing that there was no way out she showed me her quirk.

Super strength was quite the fitting name.

Seeing as I had found out what I wanted, I just scoffed and walked away.

That evening after school I looked her up, and wouldn't you know it, I found nothing.

A deep frown appeared on my face, for there to be nothing written about a girl who had a private chauffeur that drove her to school was very strange.

Who in the world was she to have nothing written about her, I thought that she might be using a fake name but when I inputted a photo of her into the search engine nothing came up.

She might be the daughter of some rich villain but these are all just speculations, I can't just confront her, because if I'm wrong it might be suspicious and if I'm right then she might attack me.

I then resigned myself to watching and observing her for the time being.

Over the next week I didn't see anything suspicious about her, she just acted like a normal shy girl.

But then a week later on Wednesday, something happened.

The school had just finished and I had left the classroom.

I had almost reached the front entrance to the main building when I noticed that I had forgotten my phone so turning around I headed back.

Walking up a flight of stairs I turned right only for someone to run into my chest and bounce off.

Looking down I saw her, Seijun Nakayama, the girl I had been observing for the last week, just lying there, on the ground staring up at me.

"H-hi," she muttered while blushing and looking away.

I narrowed my eyes and growled, "What the fuck, you think you can walk into me and just get away with it."

Suddenly the blond boy Hirooki, I think his name was, stepped in between us, "Don't talk to her like that!"

Laughing, I said, "And what are you gonna do about it?", and then punched him in the stomach, sending him into the opposite wall.

Grinning, I was about to walk over to the blond kid when I felt a sharp pain on my cheek.

Stunned I didn't move, I had rarely actually felt pain.

My quirk gave me extra hard skin and slight pain nullification.

Reaching up I touched my cheek.

It was hot, extremely so, probably the blood flowing there.

Regaining my senses I looked around, they had both gone.

My suspicions were pretty much confirmed, she was hiding something.

Running back to the classroom I grabbed my phone and ran to the front gate.

Not seeing any of the girl's friends I looked down either street.

Just catching a glance of Hirooki's blond hair I quietly followed them.

Soon the four of them reached an arcade.

As they entered the girl looked around in amazement.

I wondered if it was real or fake.

Following them in, I watched how she failed and failed at every game until they played whack-a-mole.

My eyes went wide as I saw her beat the high score of the arcade.

It was a few hours later and the group of friends left the arcade.

I watched as they said goodbye and as Seijun jumped into a limousine.

Quickly sneaking past the remaining three students I ran after her.

Her house wasn't what I expected, it was smaller, not much bigger than a normal suburban house.

Seeing the girl step out of the car I hid in a nearby bush.

I watched while she said goodbye to her driver and entered her house.

Activating my quirk I started transforming, I grew larger with two wolf-like ears, a wolf-like tail and a wolf-like snout growing out of my hairy blue body.

Hunkering down I sharpened my ears trying to listen to anything suspicious happening inside the house.

But annoyingly the television was switched on, growling a bit I switched senses and started trying to smell anything suspicious.

But that was again thwarted as she seemed to have used a very strong perfume that stung my nose.

Now disgruntled I led down and waited for nightfall.

It seemed like ages till the lights were turned off and I was able to exit the bush.

Tiptoeing closer I tried listening to any sound coming from inside.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, no movement, no sound of breathing.

Sneaking closer I started scaling the side of the house and looked into the windows.

Again nothing, it seemed inhabited but there was not a single soul inside.

I now had enough evidence, I was sure that she was hiding something.


Another chapter done, another step closer to canon.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: Dog or Cat?

Personally, I'm more of a dog person since we have a dog at home, but I really like cats too since their fur is so soft.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)