Seeing Izuku again

(6 years later)

Running up the stairs to his apartment the sweat-drenched Izuku Midoriya nearly fell but caught himself with a muscled arm.

Standing back up he judged over to the front door and rang the bell.

There was a commotion inside but soon the door was opened, a wide smile decorated his face as he saw who let him in.

"ONEE-CHAN!" he shouted as he jumped at the older girl.

Catching him Hana pulled him into a hug, "It's good to see you Izu-chan."

"It's good to see you too," he said in a muffled voice since his face was buried in her chest.

Only then did he notice what position he was in, his face became as red as a tomato and he jumped back waving his hand in embarrassment.

"Hey, Izu-chan why are you so sweaty?" leaning forward she got close to his face, "Have you started training for the U.A. entrance exams?"

He quickly nodded and ran past her into the apartment, Narrowing her eyes, Hana remembered the slight nervousness she saw in Izuku's eyes.

Smiling she turned around and walked back in closing the door behind her.


It was, the next day after Izuku had finished school, that Hana decided to find out what he was hiding.

Following him down the streets of Musutafu she made sure not to get caught,

They soon reached Takoba Municipal Beach Park, where, as Hana noticed, there was less rubbish.

Running down the steps to the beach Izuku disappeared behind a pile of washing machines.

Shrugging, Hana quickly climbed one of the waste mountains, it only took her a few seconds and as soon as she reached the peak she could see the ocean.

A bright smile bloomed on her face as she gazed across the wide expanse of water.

Hearing a commotion from below her Hana looked down, her eyes widened at what she saw, Izuku pulling a cupboard while All MIght watched.

She was so stunned that she lost her balance for a second, but luckily she caught herself at the last second by sticking to the car door below her.

A loud clanging reverberated across the sea of trash, she had accidentally knocked a tin-can of the pile and it had unluckily hit every hollow object on the way down.


(Izuku Midoriya POV)

"YOU CAN DO IT MIDORIYA-SHOUNEN!" All Might shouted as I tried to pull the large steel cupboard across the beach.

I struggled and struggled but it only budged slightly, that's when a loud clanging echoed around us.

Dropping the rope I looked up, and what I saw equally shocked and terrified me.

"Shit." I heard All MIght say from next to me.

The figure on top of the trash hill then waved and lept off landing right in front of me.

"O-O-Onee-chan?" I exclaimed, baffled at her sudden appearance.

Wrapping her arm around my shoulder she quickly pulled me away and whispered, "Izu-chan is that who I think it is?"

"Um… um… y-yeah."

Letting go of me she walked straight over to the number 1 hero, leaning closer she narrowed her eyes, "What's a fully grown my doing on a beach with a 15-year-old."

At her words, it looked like All Might, might have a heart attack, "I-it's not what you think it is young lady."

Cocking her head to the side she raised one eyebrow, "Then… what is it that you're doing here?"

Placing his fists on his hips All Might smiled that brilliant white smile of his and said, "I'm training Midoriya-shounen for the U.A. entrance exams."

Hearing All Might's words my blood ran cold, as I saw Seijun turn and glare at me, "So you lied to me Izuku Midoriya."

I gulped, she never used my full name except when she was angry, stepping backwards I waved my hands in front of my face and tried to explain.

"I-I-I wa-" that when she chopped me on the head, "Don't lie to me again."

I quickly nodded while rubbing the top of my head, "Sure,"


I think I'm about to vomit at the terribleness of this chapter but I really wanted to get one out today so here you are.

Please tell me how I can make it better since my brain somehow just can't see the difference between good and bad writing right now.

Thank you.

Question: What continent are you from?

I'm from Europe.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)