Aka Ryu 2

Sitting on a barstool, in a small dark room with a counter, was a man of about 20 with white hair, red eyes and hands that clung to his body.

Laying a newspaper on the table he could barely contain his laughter, "Did you see this joke?" he asked the misty man in front of him.

Putting a glass of whisky down on the paper he continued not waiting for an answer.

"It says he's a teacher now.

Hey, what do you think would happen… when the mighty symbol of peace… is finally killed by the villains."

A light chuckle equed through the room as an orange masked individual walked past the curtain that was placed behind the bar.

Looking up from the newspaper the white haired man stared at the singular hole in the mask.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked in his usual raspy voice.

Another short laugh seemed to come from the figure, "Oh, nothing."

Looking at the woman up and down the white haired man asked, "Is that the costume you ordered from sensei?"

She nodded, taking the drooping green scarf and throwing it over her shoulder.

Removing the whisky the man threw the newspaper at the woman and she caught it with practiced ease.

"We should execute the first part of our plan tomorrow, I'll cause-"

"No," she interrupted him, "I'll do it on my own."

The man frownd, "Are you sure?"

She nodded and disappeared into the hole in the mask.


Hinata Higurashi POV

Over the last few years I've been enlarging our gang to the level of one of the largest Yakuza groups in Japan, and through my efforts I have risen to the position of boss.

It was quite late in the evening, and I was sitting at my desk in my penthouse.

Looking down at the piece of paper before me I read through it, the small desk lamp next to me the only light source in the room, expert for the moon shining in through the large windows behind me.

Reaching over I drank a sip of coffee and continued with my work.

Suddenly out of nowhere a whirring noise echoed through the spacious office.

Looking up I grabbed the small handgun that was lying next to me and pointed it at the slowly appearing figure.

That's when I realised that I had seen that ability before,lowering my firearm I smiled.

"It's good to see you Shigaraki-sama." I said as I stood up and bowed.

As the figure of Hannya Shigaraki came fully into view I saw how much she had changed.

She now had the body of a fully matured woman with decently sliced breasts, a slim waist ,and curvy hips.

She also wore a full body dark blue combat suit with grey plates of steel covering the arms and legs.

Now standing in front of me Hannya sat down on my desk, "So, how have you been Hinata-chan."

Smiling, I sat down, "Quite well, I have thanks to your words found a new way in life, and as you can see it has helped me tremendously."

Reaching down Hannya picked up the paper, with a gloved hand.

Scanning the page, her one visible eye narrowed, "You have done well... A reward must be given."

A smile graced my lips, "Thank you Shigaraki-sama."

Lifting her hand before her eye, the whirring sound echoed through the room again, and in the next moment she had a syringe in her hand.

Leaning forward she grabbed my dress shirt and ripped one of the sleeves off, I gulped in nervousness.

Placing the tip of the syringe on my lower arm she pushed it into the vein, looking up at me she injected the red fluid.

I let out a yelp of pain as the hot fluid coursed through my body.

That was when the pain hit it felt like my innards were being ripped apart and reform over and over again.

When I looked up from the floor I saw that the two guards that were standing in front of my office had burst in guns at the ready.

I wanted to tell them to stand down but my voice failed me.

Those two men were quite precious to me, they were by my side from the beginning and had always assisted me if I needed help, that's why I didn't want Hannya to harm them since I knew they couldn't harm her.

When they saw me on the floor the two loyal guards raised their guns towards Hannya in rage.

The window shattered, light flashed, and loud bangs reverberated in the big office.

But as I thought none of the bullets could touch Hannya, they just went right through her.

Sprinting forward Hannya waited till the two guards stopped shooting, then kneed the one to the right in the stomach and then knocked the other one out with the first guard.

As they both dropped to the ground Hannya walked back over to me.

Leaning down she turned me over so I would be looking at the ceiling, "I have injected you with a quirk creating drug, it will give you the ability to utilise chakra. I'll leave some of my notes with you so you can learn to utilise it."

Standing up she was starting to turn away when she stopped, "And your new orders are to gather powerful people to further our cause."

With that she disappeared into her eye.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: What do you think of the newest MHA manga chapter?

Personally it's my favourite yet, especially the Bakuou thing (those who've read it will understand).

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)