
(Izuku Midoriya POV)

School was closed the day after the League of Villains attacked the USJ.

I think they wanted us to have a little break, but it was pretty tough to relax.

Sitting in my room I was just staring at my laptop on which the famous video of All Might saving those people was playing.

'I'm still so far away from becoming a real hero during the USJ attack, all my classmates and I did was slow, Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen down.

If it weren't for All Might and our teachers we would've never stood a chance against those villains.'

Reaching down I picked up one of my weights, 'In order to truly oppose evil I have to make All Might's power my own.

I have to embody One for All and master every aspect of it until it's second nature for me.

Because, there isn't much time left and because I'm the one he chose I'll make him proud.'

Suddenly the door swung open and a black blur dashed inside, "IZU-CHAN!"

I was suddenly hugged from behind and lifted up into the air, turning me around, Seijun looked me straight in my eyes.

"Are you okay? I heard your class was attacked."

Smiling, I gave her a hug, "I'm fine Onee-chan."

I heard her audibly sigh, "That's good, and what about your classmates are they doing well?"

I smiled brightly, "Mostly, some of them are still in shock."

Placing me back on the floor she gave me a soft smile, her mask only allowing me to see half of the smile.

"Come, your mom told me that food's ready."


(Hinata Higurashi POV)

The gift Hanna-sama had given me was worth more than I ever could have imagined.

When she injected that fluid into me it had hurt, it had hurt so much that I just wanted to end it all, but I didn't, I endured and the results were unfathomable.

She had given me a new quirk, I felt this energy coursing through me giving me strength and when I read the books she gave me I learnt how to control it, how to strengthen it, and how to mould it.

Entering the large warehouse we arranged to meet at, I looked around, it was filled with large shipping containers that reached the ceiling.

As I walked along one of the aisles I heard muttering coming from up ahead.

Reaching the centre of the warehouse I looked at the two men sitting there.

One of them was quite short, had Snow white hair, and skin while his kimono was a lighter shade of blue he also had blood-red eyes that seemed to reflect a spiderweb-like pattern.

While the other had short pink hair, gold eyes and wore a pair of black kung fu pants with a light pink haori on top.

"About time." the man in the kimono said, standing up.

"I had some things to finish up."

The pink-haired man scoffed, "Sure,"

"So what did you call us here for, Higurashi-san?" the white-haired man asked.

"Rui-san, Arata-san, I have ordered one of my other subordinates, Hannya-san, to cause a commotion at the U.A. sports festival and I would like you two to help her accomplish that."

Arata-san's eyes narrowed, "The sports festival? Won't All Might be there?"

I nodded, "Yes, of course, that's why I asked you two to help her."

Rui-san smiled, and bowed, "We'll do our best to assist your subordinate."

Turning around I waved to them, "She'll meet you here on the day of the festival at 7 O'clock."


I was sitting in my limousine, enjoying a nice glass of prosecco.

When a distortion in space made me look over at the seat next to me, a small dot appeared, and out of it spiralled Hannya.

"How did it go?"

Giving her a small bow I smiled, "Very well they agreed to meet you there at the time you told me."

"Good, and how are you feeling?" Hannya asked in her eerie voice.

Brushing a strand of hair out of my face I answered, "Excellent, the new quirk you gave me is amazing."

"I'm glad you like it." she then started to disappear into her eye again, "Till next time, Hinata-chan."


Sorry for the short chapter. I just felt so tired today, but I'll give you a longer one tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

No question today.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)