The Sport Festival's Deadly End 2

(Izuku POV)

A massive shock wave erupted from where All Might's and the villain's fists met.

It was so powerful in fact that it threw all the students around me away.

As I tried to right myself midair I saw All Might exchanging blows with the woman's skeleton armor.

Landing on all fours I looked up only to see All Might smashing the skeleton to bits and sending the villain flying.

Tumbling along the stadiums ground she soon slowed down and sitting up she began to cry tears flowing out of the one hole in her mask, "SENPAI, HELP MEEEEEEE¨"

All Might was about to rush towards her when something impacted the sound in front of the villain.

As the duster cleared I saw that it was the man that was slaughtering the spectators.

His hands were covered in blood and he had a feral smile on his face, "SHUT UP, WHO EVEN PUT YOU INCHARGE YOU CRY BABY!" he shouted at the woman.

Her crying then suddenly stopped and she squirmed back and forth, "Mmmmh, senpai don't talk like that, you're making me horny."

The man grimaced, "SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING-" but he was cut off when All Might rushed towards him.

Seeing All Might was distracted, the woman turned to us, "AHHHHHHH, MORE HEROES… oh, no you're just students."

Rushing forward she headed straight for Mina who wasn't blown too far away from her earlier position, but before the villain reached her Shoto slammed his foot on the ground creating a wall of ice between them.

A glimmer of hope formed itself in my chest as I noticed Tokoyami freeing Kacchan.

Jumping down from the podium explosions firing from his hands, he crouched down ready for battle.

Moving through the crowd of student I moved over to stand beside Mina wo was still in shock

Suddenly the ice exploded and the villain rushed through the falling derby.

As she headed towards me and Mina I cocked back my arm ready to punch her, and as she entered my range I punched forward glowing lines covering my arm.

But just as I was about to hit her, I passed right through her body.

My eyes widened and I stumbled catching myself before I unleashed my attack.

Turning around I froze as I saw the villain pierce Mina's leg with a wooden stake.

For a second she didn't react and only looked down at the sharp piece of wood lodged in her leg.

A scream split the air as Mina fell to the floor clutching her wound.

Rushing forward Kacchan shot an explosion right at the villain's face but it again passed right through her.

'Can we even hurt her?' I thought to myself.

As my mind raced trying to think of ways we could damage her, a spiral of yellow energy shot towards the villain.

"OH NO, MORE STUDENTS." she shouted as three U.A. students rushed down towards us from the stands.

One of them had long periwinkle blue hair and other had short blond hair and the last had shoulder length dark purple hair.

Clumsily dodging the girl's attack, the woman looked around, "NO, NO, NO, NO TO MANY ENEMIES I'LL LOOSE."

Wiping his hand forward the purple haired boy shot octopus tentacles out of his fingers that headed towards the woman.

"AHHHH," she started clumsily dodging the attacks the student shot towards her.

Running towards her the bond boy passed through the purple haired boy's attack and tried to punch the woman but again he passed right through her.

"WOW THAT WAS CLOSE!" she shouted.

Lowering her body she made a few hand signs, "WHAC-A-MOLE JUTSU!"

The ground around her then exploded and she disappeared.

Looking around frantically I soon spotted her atop the stands and infront of her over a hundred civilians stood not having noticed the villain behind them.

My blood ran cold and I shouted, "SHE'S UP THERE!"

Turning to where I pointed, the older students ran and in the girls case flew towards her.

They had almost reached the stands when a massive flame erupted from the woman's exposed mouth and engulfed the civilians and heroes.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" We all shouted as the pained screams of the people attracted the attention of the two other groups locked in combat.

Turning to where All Might was fighting with the other villain I saw him just blankly gazing at the burning stands.

Endeavour too, was just standing there shocked at what just happened.

"COME ON RUI WE'RE LEAVING OUR JOB'S DONE HERE¨" the pink haired man shouted to white kimono wearing man, they both looked quite bruised and battered since they fought the two top heroes.

Grabbing the smaller man the still grinning man jumped over to the orange masked woman.

I fell to my knees and tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw a few burning people stumble out of the fire and fall to the floor.

The other students were no different.

They were other in shock or they were crying on the ground having barely escaped death's clutches.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: Have you read the Jujutsu Kaisen manga?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)