The Sport's Festival's Aftermath

It was a few days after the sports festival when the teachers had time to sit down and properly talk about the day's events.

Leaning forward Nezu spoke first, "You can all guess why I called you here today?"

Everybody nodded, "Good, now I have a self-made file here where I noted everything that happened in the attack down, and as all of you probably noticed.

One of the attackers, a villain going under the name Hannya, was also present at the USJ attack."

Smiling he flipped to the next page, "But, I suspect that this wasn't the Leagues doing.

This was a different organisation, you see if you look at the USJ incident it's easy to see that Tomura Shigaraki had Hannya on quite the short leash only releasing her when the nomu was defeated.

Now in this attack, Tomura Shigaraki wasn't even present which doesn't fit his personality at all.

Another thing was the warp villain Kurogiri, if this was the League's work why didn't they use him to escape?

It's because it isn't!"

Reaching up Midnight rearranged her glasses, "But it might just be that they wanted to hide their involvement."

Nodding Nezu smiled, "A very good point but there are two reasons why I think that's wrong.

Firstly Tomura Shigaraki didn't seem like the sneaky type he was, like we said at our last meeting, a man-child, and secondly, if they were being sneaky why even show Hannya why not just leave her out completely the other two villains could handle themselves perfectly well."

Snipe nodded, "Yes, that does sound plausible."

Flipping to the next page Nezu continued "Now to the other two villains." but just then someone knocked at the door.

Sighing All Might transformed while Vlad King stood up to open the door.

As it swung open it revealed Kakeru Murasaka.

"What do you want, boy?" Vlad King asked menacingly.

"I wanted to say something to principal Nezu."

The hero's eyes narrowed, "Not now we're in a meeting."

He was about to close the door again when Kakeru said something that made him stop, "I have some information about the villains."

"Fine!" He then opened the door completely and let the boy in.

Entering the large room Kakeru looked around at the teachers gathered there, "So what was it that you had to tell me so urgently?"

Looking at Nezu, Kakeru said, "I think Hannya has the same quirk as me."

The room went silent, leaning forward Nezu frowned, "Are you sure?"

Kakeru shook his head, "I'm not fully sure yet but…."

Eraserhead frowned, "But what?"

"I think she used it to create her fire."

"Kakeru-Kun, could you please explain your quirk to those who don't know how it works?" Nezu asked kindly.

Nodding Akeru started explaining every little detail about Chakra and how it worked.


Appearing inside her dimension Hana removed the orange mask from her face.

Falling to the ground she threw the mask into the distance where it clattered to the cold stone floor.

Slamming her fist onto the ground she cried in frustration, as tears rolled down her face.

"I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't…"

Slumping forward she placed her forehead on her hands and sobbed, as the screams of the people she killed tore at her mind.

For the next few minutes, she lay there sobbing, "I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Sorry for the short chapter but I came home quite late.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)