All for One vs One for All

Suddenly black liquid appeared next to Tomura and out of them appeared two nomu.

"NOMU HOW'D THEY GET HERE!" Kamui Woods shouted from where he hung above the breach.

Looking over at Edge Shot, Gran Torino shouted, "Damn it Edge Shot, stop Kurogiri!"

Suddenly more black inky portals appeared around the room, and nomu swarmed out.

"He's still out, this isn't his doing." Edge Shot said, looking down at the warp-villain.

Pointing at Kamui Woods, All MIght said, "DOn't release them under any circumstances, got it!"


Suddenly the same black liquid burst from Katsuki's mouth surrounding his body.

Noticing this, All MIght tried to grab him but failed and Katsuki was warped away.

"NOOOOOOOO!" he shouted in rage but had to quickly defend himself from an incoming nomu.

Landing next to him, Gran Torino asked, "Toshinori, what now?"

"They shouldn't have been able to warp nomu here, and this backup came too fast."

'I fear that he has made a move.'

Looking over at the villain All Might saw that they two seemed to be vomiting the black liquid.

Jumping towards them Gran Torino shouted, "STOP THEM BEFORE THEY ALL DISAPPEAR!"

Rushing towards Tomura, All MIght reached out, "DAMN IT, YOU WON'T ESCAPE SHIGARAKI!"

But he disappeared the same way Katsuki did just a few seconds earlier.

Looking over to where Hannya stood he hoped to get a glimpse of her face since the liquid came out of their mouths but to his disappointment, it was just pouring out of the hole in her mask and she too disappeared.


Exiting the black liquid Hannya fell on her ass and started coughing, "Delicious!"

Everybody who had already arrived looked at her weirdly.

Standing up she turned to All for One, "SENSEI!"

While Tomura who sat on the floor bowed slightly, "Sensei"

Walking forward, All for One spoke, "So you've failed once more Tomura, but you must not be discouraged, you'll try again.

That's why I brought your associates with you, even this child because you judged that he was an important piece on your gameboard."

Coming to a halter before Tomura he stretched out a hand, "Start over as many times as it takes, I am here to provide you with help.

All of this… is for you."

Stepping forward Hannya skipped over to All for One, and motioning him closer whispered something in his ear, "Sensei, you must lose tonight, otherwise Tomura can't grow."

All for One chuckled, "I was planning to anyway."

Stepping back Hannya did a pirouette and retired to the others' side.

Just in time, as in that moment All for One looked up at the sky, and All Might burst through the cloud cover, smashing his fist into All for One's palms sending out a massive shockwave.



The shockwave's power dubbed and flung all the members of the league away.

Flying high in the air All for One shook his wrist as if it were bruised, "It took you long enough to find us.

It's only five kilometres from the bar to here, and yet it was at least 30 seconds after I sent the nomu that you arrived here.

You've gotten weaker All Might!"


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Short chapter but it's my birthday today so I want to spend time with my family.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)