The Next Leader?

Exiting the shower Hana grabbed the towel that had been placed there and quickly dried herself off.

Her hair was still wet though, so opening the closet under the sink she took out the hairdryer and quickly finished up.

Entering the living room she looked around, it was massive, with floor to ceiling windows covering two walls of the penthouse.

Since Hana had deserted the league she hadn't had a place to live for the past few days, and so she was crashing at Hinata's apartment.

She quickly strode over to the bedroom and towards the closet.

Hinata's closet was mostly filled with business type clothes, so it took Hana some time to find something that fit her.

She eventually exited the room wearing light blue jeans and a yellow blouse.

"You look good, Hannya-sama." Hinata, who was now sitting on the couch, said cheerfully.

"Thanks, Hinata-chan," she walked towards the door and turned back just before exiting, "I'm just going to borrow one of your cars, okay."

But just as Hinata was about to answer, Hana slammed the door.


She was striding through the car park, a key swinging around one of her fingers when her phone rang.


[Hey there, Hannya-chan!] an enthusiastic voice said from the other side.


[Yeah, how ar- HEY] she heard a short scuffle and frowned.

[Where the hell are you?] Tomura's voice came from the other side.

"Why, what happened?" Hana asked, confused at her brother's anger.

It took him a few seconds to respond as someone was trying to take the phone away from him.

While she was waiting Hana opened the door to the Toyota 2000 GT and stepped inside.

Tomura was finally left in peace and was able to speak with her, [Magne was killed.]

"What? How?"

She heard Tomura grit his teeth, [Those yakuza fuckers!

Twice brought them over so that they might join us but that bastard refused and even wanted to place us under him, so Magne attacked him...]

Hana nodded to herself, "Okay I understand…" she then paused, "Tenko, I want you to do this by yourself, learn to work independently from me and sensei.

I'll only intervene if something goes seriously wrong, understand!"

For a few seconds Hana thought her brother wouldn't answer, but then, "Fine."

Hanging up the phone she placed it next to her and concentrated on driving.


(Tenko Shimura POV)

Throwing the phone back to Himiko I stalk over to the pile of boxes on top of which the other members of the league sat.

I was annoyed that my sister wouldn't be helping us but at the same time, I understood her.

She had her own life, her own hopes and dreams.

I couldn't just take that away from her to satiate my own selfish desires.

I began scratching at my neck, which always itched when I get nervous, and I was definitely nervous now, I had to defeat that Overhaul guy without the help of my sister.

"So what'd she say?" Dabi asked from next to me.

I glared up at him, "She won't help us."

"What!" Himiko and Twice shouted simultaneously.

"Yeah, she said she'd only help us if it got really serious, so we're alone for now."

I stand up and walk to the entrance, "Compress, you take the remaining part of Magne's body with you, we're moving to a new location."


(General POV)

Seijun had just arrived at the arranged location and entering the restaurant she was immediately greeted by a hostess with long green hair and horns.

"Good evening miss, do you have a reservation?"

Seijun blushed, "Someone's already waiting for me."

The hostess smiled cheerfully, "And what is the name of that certain someone?"

"Suzuki Hiroji…"

Looking through the computer in front of her the woman smiled, "Ah yes, please follow me."

She then started walking deeper into the restaurant, and Seijun followed timidly.

They walked up a flite of stairs and down a short corridor at the end of which was a room.

The doors slid open automatically and the hostess gestured her inside.

The first thing Sejun noticed was the small round table, which was beautifully decorated, with candles and flowers.

The second was the man standing next to it, Hiroji had really had a glow up.

He now stood at about 1.9 meters with short blond hair and a strong jawline.

Hiroji smiled, "It's nice to see you, Sei-chan."

Seijun blushed deeply, and looked away, "I-I feel the same."

Turning to the hostess Hiroji waved her away, "You can go!"

She bowed and exited the room the doors sliding shut behind her.

"Come, sit down," Hiroji said, pulling out a chair.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Platinum End looks like the opposite of Death Note.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)