
Appearing inside her dimension Hannya placed the small form of Eri on the ground and crouching down she checked on the girl's health.

Seeing that she had a fever, Hannya placed her palm on the girl's forehead and it began to glow green, healing Eri.

Reassured that the girl would be safe, at least for the time being she decided to pay Chisaki Kai a visit.

Swirling out of her eye atop an apartment building Hannya looked down onto a police car that was about to drive past her.

So jumping down she landed right on its hood, smashing the engine to pieces.

A terrified scream came from the two policemen sitting inside and Hannya smiled, "Hello."

One of the policemen tried to pull out his pistol but just as he had removed it from his holster a gloved hand smashed its way through the windshield.

Hannya wrapped her fingers around the man's throat and squeezed till she heard it break.

The other policeman tried to flee through the door, but reaching through the broken windshield Hannya grabbed him by his ankle.

His scream increased in pitch and he tried to cling to the car but he was still pulled out through the window.

Hannya then smashed the man into the car's roof and climbed on top of him, a hand around his throat.

"P-please d-don't hurt m-m-me." the policeman pleaded, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Ignoring his pleas, Hannya asked, "Where's Chisaki Kai?"

The man's lips began to tremble but he still managed to answer, "On the way to Tartarus."

He then grabbed her hand, "Please, I have a family, please!"

Hannya's expression signed and she sighed, "Alright."

The tomoe in her eye then began to spin and the man collapsed, unconscious.


Appearing atop a motorway Hannya looked around and instantly spotted a high target prison truck flipped on its side and behind it another truck driving away.

She chuckled, "Guess I just missed them."

A scream echoed out from a point next to the fallen truck

Approaching the spot she saw that it was Chisaki Kai, she grinned as she noticed that his arms had been removed.

Chisaki turned to look at her as she started clapping and Hannya saw his eyes widen in fear as he realised who she was.

"What are you doing here?", he asked a quiver to his voice.

Reaching Chisaki's side Hannya crouched down, "You know, you could have become the new leader if you only were more patient.

But now it's all over, you're going to prison, you've lost your quirk and your gang's been destroyed."

Chisaki looked down, "They have Eri, without me supervising her she'll destroy the world."

Hannya chuckled, "No they don't…" her eye narrowed cruelly, "I do!"

Chisaki's eyes widened, "Give her to me, only I understand her power, I can suppress it."

Hannya nodded, "Of course, and I'll free you, but first tell me everything about her."

And so he did, under some slight influence from a genjutsu.

He talked for about ten minutes telling Hannya everything he knew about Eri.

When he was done Hannya smiled, "Thank you," and drawing a kunai from within her sleeves stabbed Chisaki in the heart.

He gasped, and in a trembling voice asked "Why?"

"Because you're too dangerous, but as a reward for being so cooperative I'll let you see your killer's face."

Hannya then reached up and slowly removed the orange mask from her face.

She saw as a flicker of confusion appeared in Chisaki's eyes before then turning dull and lifeless.

Hannya smiled and reaching out-touched his body pulling him into her dimension.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: If you're from New Zealand would you recommend living there and if so why?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)