A Team

Appearing inside her room Hannya released both Gentle and La Brava.

They both looked around confused and gazing up at her Gentle asked, "Where are we?"

A cold chuckle emitted from behind Hanyna's mask and striding over to her desk she opened one of its draws.

"You're in my dimension, a place where I say who enters and exits." she then turned back around with a syringe in each hand.

Gentle, who had gotten to his feet, stepped back, "This wasn't part of our deal."

Noodling slowly Hannya walked over to La Brava, who was still lying on the floor, "It is actually, I said that I would rescue the both of you if you became my subordinates."

The other villain gulped, "Fine."

La Brava turned around to look at her idol, "Gentle?"

But she was quickly pulled around by Hannya, who quickly injected the syringe's fluid into the girl's arm.

She let out a short scream before stiffening, her eyes wide in terror.

Turning to Gentle, Hannya raised the second syringe, "Now it's your turn."

Gritting his teeth, Gentle pulled up his sleeve and showed the other villain his exposed forearm.

Stepping forward Hannya placed the syringe against his vein and pushing it inside injected the fluid.


It was quite sometime later when Hannya appeared inside a large warehouse with Gentle by her side.

Walking down the long passage created by the containers she soon found herself in the centre of the building.

As always the duo of Rui and Arata was waiting for her there but there seemed to be two new additions.

One was a monster of a man, he was at least ten meters tall with forearms that reached to his knees, he wore nothing but shorts and two knuckle dusters.

The second one was on the man's back, she was tiny with light blue hair that covered her eyes, she dressed like a goth with torn trousers and a torn T-shirt.

As soon as Hannya walked into the light all four stared at her.

"You!" Arata snarled from his place next to Rui.

"OH MY GOD, LOOK ITOU, IT'S REALLY HER!" the short girl shouted jumping up and down.

The man underneath her didn't even react which made the little girl punch him.

She quickly received from her rage fit and jumping off the monster landed in front of Hannya, "Hey my name's Yasuda Kasumi, but you can just call me Kasu-chan."

Hannya chuckled, "Hello Kasu-chan, you can call me Hannya," she then looked past the little girl to the other three, "and that counts for the rest of you honorifics are totally unnecessary in our situation."

Phasing through Kasumi, Hannya stepped into the centre of the space, and looked around at everybody who had gathered, "I have asked Hinata to gather you all for me and I am immensely glad that she did since my plan won't work without you.

You see, my plan is to unite the world, to create a peaceful society where everybody can live in peace.

But of course, that won't work the normal way, people have tried to do it the normal way."

She chuckled, and raised her finger and shook it, "But we aren't normal, are we?

We are villains, and villains don't care how things are done, only that they are completed.

I plan on using absolute force and fear to unite the world, they will abide by our rules or they will perish.

This is the only way to move forward, we have no alternative.

Look outside, see how the world is set in an infinite loop, where villains cause harm, the heroes imprison them, causing that villain's friends to want revenge, causing even more heroes to get involved.

I plan on stopping this circle of pain and suffering to bring about a new era, in which people can live their lives without the constant fear of being killed.

But I need your help, this is not something I can do alone.

Will you assist me on my journey to creating a perfect world?"

For a few seconds, everybody kept quiet, until a voice reverberated around the warehouse, "I'll help you."

Hannya smiled as everybody spun around looking for the person who had spoken.

The cleaning of metal on metal was here before a man covered in knives and swords stepped out of the shadows.

"Stain." Rui whispered softly while everybody just watched in astonishment.

Hannya chuckled and looked to the rest, "And what about you."

Looking back at Hannya, Kasumi grinned, "Of course.

Rui nodded, "Yeah, sure."

Arata sighed, "Fine, I have nothing else to do anyway."

Itou just grunted, and Gentle bowed, "Of course I'll join you on this fantastic quest."

Hannya smiled, "Great then let's get started!"


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Did you have a good weekend?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)