A Lullaby

Appearing within her dimension, Hannya sighed, she managed to assemble a team of competent villains, who weren't averse to her fake ideology.

Releasing the grey-haired man under her arm, she quickly strode across her room and removing her mask exited it.

Reaching Eri's room, she was about to knock, but hearing childish laughter coming from inside, she halted.

A sad smile appeared on her face contorting the scars lining it.

She was happy that the little girl had been saved from a life of suffering under the control of Chisaki Kai.

It was then when she was about to slip into deep thought that the door to the room was slowly opened revealing two small figures one of which being La Brava and the other, Eri.

The little girl gasped and stepped back while the villain shivered slightly, still not fully believing that the terrifying Hannya could be so different when she took off her mask.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, Eri." Hana said, smiling warmly.

The little girl shivered slightly and took another step back, causing Hana's heart to sink.

She had hoped that Eri would be less scared of her by now but the situation hadn't changed.

"Manami-san, please leave us."

Glancing back at the little girl the short villain slowly nodded and walked past Hana, back towards the room where Gentle lay.

Stepping inside the room Hana carefully closed the door behind her, before walking over to Eri and lifting her up into her arms.

"Come on, you have to get to bed." she said, smiling widely.

She then carried Eri over into the connecting backroom and placing her on the sink started brushing her teeth for her.

"Now open up." she ordered before brushing the little girl's molars.

As soon as they were finished Hana carefully picked Eri back up and carried her over to her small bed.

Sitting down on it, the villain slowly laid her charge onto the mattress, smiling at her all the way.

She then reached over and pulled the blanket over the little girl.

"Eri… are you scared of me?"

The girl shook her head, "N-no."

Hana chuckled, "Of course, you aren't…", she then reached out and stroked Eri's head, "Would you like me to sing something for you."

Eri paused, "Yes please."

Hana smiled, "Alright."

"Nen, nen korori yo, Okorori yo.

Bōya wa yoi koda, Nenneshina

(Hush-a-bye, Hush-a-bye!

My good baby, Sleep!)

Bōya no omori wa, Doko e itta?

Ano yama koete, sato e itta.

(Where did my boy's babysitter go?

Beyond that mountain, back to her home.)

Sato no miyagē ni, nani morōta

Denden taiko ni, shō no fue.

(As a souvenir from her home, what did you get?

A toy drum and a shō flute.)"

As the song faded away, Eri, who had been wide awake a minute ago, was now fast asleep with her hand wrapped around Hana's black and red cloak.

A sad smile appeared on the villain's face and detaching the small hand from her cloak she slowly stood up, but not before kissing her charge's forehead.

"Thank you."


(A couple of days later, Fukuoka)

Dabi was caught in quite the sticky situation after confronting the two top heroes since he hadn't expected Mirko the 5th strongest hero in Japan to appear.

So reaching to a microphone on his collar he spoke into it, "Ujiko-san."

But the thing he expected to happen didn't, his eyes widened as the kick the rabbit hero was sending his way came closer and closer.

Closing his eyes and raising his arms he prepared for the impact, but it never came, instead, he heard a yell and the sound of something impacting a wall.

Opening his eyes he saw that someone had appeared between him and Mirko.

He frowned as he recognised them, "Hannya-san."

She didn't even acknowledge the fact that she had left them and only barked out an order, "Go retrieve the nomu!"

Dabi sighed in exasperation, he wasn't stupid enough to attack her, since he knew that she could take him apart with minimal effort.

"Alright, I'll be back in a minute."

He then quickly left, leaving Hannya to deal with the three heroes.

Extraction herself from the rubble she had been buried under, Mirko, who still seemed mostly intact, frowned angrily, "Where's Tenko!"

Moving her gaze from Endeavour to the rabbit hero, Hannya smiled, "I'll tell you if you defeat me."

A broad grin appeared on Mirko's face and she launched herself at Hannya intending to kick her in the chest, but just as before, she just simply passed through the villain.

She grimaced at that and landing on the ground next to Hannya she sent a kick at the villain's chest only for it to go right through her again.

"YOU DAMN COWARD, FIGHT ME PROPERLY!" she screamed at the woman who could tell her the location of her dead friend's brother.

She sent another kick at the villain's head but this one was caught just before it impacted her head, "You're too weak, you don't deserve to know."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Late happy Christmas and happy new year.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)