Paranormal Liberation Front

(1 week later)

Watching from within the crowd which had gathered in the large hall under the mansion owned by the Paranormal Liberation Front, Hannya who had heard of the newly established Organisation from Kyudai Garaki, smiled.

She had never expected her childish brother to reach this level of power, but now that he did, she was happy for him.

Looking around she searched for a familiar face who she had heard should be here.

She smiled as her eyes locked on the massive figure of Gigantomachia and pushing through the crowd she walked over to him.

Reaching him she tapped his enormous leg, "Hey."

¨Turning his massive head to look down at her, the giant frowned, "Who are you?"

She smiled and looked towards Tomura, "I am Shigarki Hannya."

Gigantomachia's eyes widened in surprise before a massive grin formed on his face, "Ah, so your Hannya, All for One told me a lot about you."

Hannya chuckled, "Then you better protect Tomura with all your might."

"Of course." the giant said, dipping his head.

Seeing that the speech was about to end, Hannya waved to Gigantomachi and disappeared.


"Anyway, the name's the same as this," Tomura said slowly, removing his father's hand from his face.

"It's just decoration."

The whole crowd stayed quiet as they saw an orange masked figure next to their new leader, her hand wrapped around his wrist.

"Stop!" she ordered harshly, and then in a much quieter town continued, "Don't you dare, destroy their hands."

Tomura gulped and looked away, afraid of her seeing the truth in his eyes.

"We'll talk about this later." and she disappeared into her dimension.


(Inside Kyudai Garaki's Laboratory)

Typing in a formula into his massive computer, Kyudai Garaki, the man who had saved Hana Shimura's life over a decade ago, lent back.

He was about to take a sip of coffee when a familiar sound caught his ears.

Turning around was all it took to confirm his suspicions.

"Good day to you Garaki-san, I hope you're doing well."

Standing up quickly he bowed slightly, "Hannya-sama, I feel great, thank you for asking."

Hannya smiled, she was happy that the genjutsu she had put on him a few weeks ago hadn't been deactivated somehow.

"Garaki-san, have you prepared them?" she asked, walking forward.

He quickly nodded and beyond for her to follow him deeper into the laboratory.

"They're down here."

They soon reached a long corridor filled with glass tanks holding short white oddly deformed figures.

Walking over to one Hannya placed a gloved hand on the container, "Excellent," she then turned back to the doctor, "You've done well."


(Akame POV)

A sigh escaped my lips as I strode down one of the long corridors of U.A. highschool.

I had been under a lot of stress ever since principal Nezu started investigating the school staff for spies.

Hana had reassured me that I wouldn't be caught, but even though I trusted her I still felt uneasy.

Reaching the massive door leading into Class 1-A's classroom, I opened it up slowly.

Inside I saw that most of the students hadn't left for their dormitories yet, which pleased me greatly.

I hadn't joined U.A. just to spy from the inside, no, I genuinely liked teaching the younger generation.

Stepping inside I rapped my knuckles against the door, "Midoriya-san, if you would please come with me."

The whole class went silent and instantly stared in my direction.

Jumping upright, the small form of Izuku Midoriya quickly ran over to me, "Of course, Tahara-sensei."

I smiled, the boy was so energetic and go-lucky, I couldn't help it.

As we walked back down the corridor towards the back of the school I started speaking, "Midoriya-san, Toshinori-san has asked me to train you I accepted, but I will have you know, that if you slack off, I will instantly break it off.

Do you understand?"

He nodded firmly, "Yes, sensei."

"I'll be using the same training method I use with my own students, Class 3-A."

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise, "You're Mirio-san's homeroom teacher?"

I nodded, "Ever since their previous one left last year, I've been pushing them as hard as I could without hurting them.

It's a hard world out there Midoriya-san, a lot harder than you've experienced so far, and we the staff think that the League of Villains have a lot worse in store for us."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: What are you doing currently, School/Work wise?

I'm taking an apprenticeship as a cook.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)