
(Mirko POV)

When we had invaded Jaku General Hospital, we had expected some resistance, but the level that we faced now was just astounding.

Not that it really mattered since my only goal was to reach Tenko, and ask him what had happened to Hana.

Ripping my way through the tubes, one of nomu had sent me crashing into, I heard the sound of footsteps moving away.

I instantly recognised them as the Doctor's, "You're quaking in your boots aren't ya-"

Looking below me I saw a total of five nomu, the one closest to me looked female and she was the one who spoke first, "H-how come she can still move…?"

The one behind her spoke next, "I'll p-put her down… k-kill her…"

I smiled widely and crouched down, launched myself over their head and towards the back where I knew Tenko would be.

"I offset the impact… WITH MY LEGS!" I shouted as I passed over their heads.

Landing on the ground, I glared towards the corridor down which the doctor had gone, "YOU OLD BASTARD!"

It was then that multiple bone spikes caught me, and held me in place for the elephant looking one and the female one to attack me.

But I wouldn't let that stop me, so swinging my whole body mass forward I broke through the bones and hit the elephant under the chin and the woman on top of her head.


I had just finished my attack when the bone that one of the nomu was sending from his head, made a shallow cut in my arm.

I grinned and launched myself towards the bone nomu, "YOU JERK!"

He tried to block me using his bones but I just smashed through them, and just when I was about to attack his heavily armoured body, I felt my arm distorting.

"F-foolish hero…!" the one who looked as though he was wearing a helmet said.

But just as he was about to rip my arm to shreds, I felt it go back to normal.

Guessing that one of the other heroes had stopped it I went through with my attack, smashing the nomu into the ground.

Next, I had my sights on the helmet nomu, who was looking at the top balcony confused.

Seeing the opening his distracted state created, I jumped onto his shoulders, and using nothing but my lower body muscles, ripped his head clean off, crushing it in the procedure.


(Gunga Mountain Villa, General POV)

Appearing back on top of the villa, Hannya sighed, and chuckled, "Guess I'm still too soft."

She had had two reasons for saving Rumi, one was because she had been a good friend in the past and the other was because Tenko would need her in the future.


It was Skeptic, the intelligence gatherer for the Paranormal Liberation Front.

Hannya smiled as she felt the building slowly falling apart like a sandcastle before water.

Glazing down into the villa, she saw that sadly most of the villains had survived.

She sighed and switched her attention to Hawks who she knew was up to no good.

If she didn't find them now it could mess up her plans badly since Twice's quirk was an extremely good counter to one of her attacks.

And if Tomura got a hold of it, then it would end really badly, he might even become more powerful than her, which worried her greatly.

So as to prevent that, she either had to take Twice's Quirk from him using Eri, Kill him, or turn him into an ally.


(Gunga Mountain Villa, Hawks POV)

I had just cornered one of the greatest threats to our plan and luckily there had been no problems subduing him.

Twice was now lying on his back with his legs over his face, my feather poised to attack.

Annoyingly I had to get closer to him to properly incapacitate him so I decided to talk while I approached to make it less likely for him to notice.

"The real threat here was the sheer number on your side, so…"

"Hey, c'mon. What's up!" He tried to interrupt me, probably trying to find a reason behind my betrayal, but I ignored him and just kept talking.

"I had to keep an especially sharp eye on you and you're double. Certainly couldn't leave you to your own devices.

'Let's go over Liberation ideology before the big conference.' You didn't suspect a thing. Right?"

"HAW-" Twice tried to sit back up, but I didn't let him, sending a feather to hover mere inches before his face.

"Please don't resist. I'm going to capture you and hand you over to the authorities.

That's how this works." I said coldly, I didn't want to hurt him but if it was necessary I would.

Twice started to tremble and tears started to well up in his eyes, "But, but… Hold on… No. It's always like this. NOT AGAAAAIN!"

I could hear the pain in his voice, but again, the mission went first.

"I had to… I had to trust you… because I felt bad for you.


"Well, thanks." and I meant it, if I could help him return to society I would.

"You've just been unlucky, but you can make a fresh start once you pay for your crimes.

I'll even help you start over.

Because… you're a good person."


You call yourself a hero?


"Stop that."



I shot a feather at him just close enough to rip his mask off.


"I don't want to fight you, Bubaigawara" I cried out, with all my heart.

"WELL GOOD FOR FREAKIN' YOU!" he shouted as clones of him started to emerge from his body.

Gritting my teeth I started shooting my feathers at his clones.


'Sad man's parade'

I narrowed my eyes ready for the fight but then.

"Twice… please stop."

A perfectly calm voice cut through the agonised moans of Bubaigawara's clones.

My eyes widened as I saw the masked woman standing between me and Twice, her arms wrapped around him.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Now the real changes will start happening.

Give me a hooray if you're all excited.


Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)