Chapter 4: And it begins

Whiteville, USA

"where did you find this one?"

"In the middle of the park near the hospital."

"Any injuries?"

"Negative ma'am. There's not even a scratch."

"OK, keep me posted."

"Roger, that."

The voice faded away and with that John started to regain consciousness. He couldn't recognize the place. It was a makeshift hospital. He tried to move but felt like he was very heavy. He caught glimpse of himself in a metallic pan. Maybe it was the distortion by the metal, but he found himself healthier. His short, straight, black hair looked shinier than before, and his face looked fuller. The bags below his eyes were missing as well. He looked at his arms and felt like he had been working out. But he wasn't able to recognize his eyes, there was a hint of green which wasn't present before.

He looked around and saw no one, at first he thought to call someone out. But there was something odd about the place. It was too quiet. There was a Holter machine next to him, but it wasn't attached. There wasn't any cannula inserted in him as well. Which was odd because his mother usually had a cannula attached with her.

"Oh! Mom." he thought suddenly.

Now he started remembering what happened bit by bit. The hospital, the ward, the park.

"This isn't the hospital" He deduced because he frequented there because of his mom. The silence was bothering him.

"where is everyone?" he thought again.

He looked around again to find something helpful. A tiny camera above the door caught his eyes.

He started hearing a faint thumping sound. Little by little the sound grew louder and more distinct. He heard the doorknob turn and a woman entered his room. She was covered in a hazmat-like suit. A PPE that medical professionals wear when they're dealing with contagious diseases. She was a bit surprised to see him awake.

"Hi, there!" She said in an uppity tone.

"Hey,... Hi... Er... where am I?"

"You are in a hospital, we're just keeping you here for vitals."

She moved forward smiling as hard as she can so it was visible through the face shield.

"You don't need to worry, There was shut down in the hospital. We had to bring everyone out of there. Everyone's okay."

She took out a syringe and slowly started to reach out to his arm.

"I'm nurse Isabel, I'll just take some blood for some tests".

John started hearing the thumping sound again. Now he realized that he was hearing her heartbeat from the corridor outside. Clearly, she was cautious and was trying to ease into taking a blood sample.

John helped her out, he reached out his arm towards her.

"Go ahead."

She held his hand and tapped a vein with the other. Then she placed the needle on the skin above the vein. She tried to push in bur there was no prick. John was annoyed now, it takes less than a second to get a sample.

"What kind of nurse is this?" He thought.

She stopped pushing the needle and stared at John. She was scared now.

She hurried out without saying anything.

John looked at his arm and saw there was no blood. And the syringe was beside him with the needle bent. He panicked and sat up. He looked around for his clothes and shoes and found them nowhere. He heard some hurried steps from the corridor outside again.

"What is happening to me?" He thought again.

The door flung open and now there was a lady in front of him, she had a protective mask on. But he could see her piercing eyes staring at him. She wasn't scared but was alert and she had her left hand on the holster. She was backed by a few soldiers who had guns pointed at him. John now was worried, he felt his heart beating very fast and he even could feel his blood rushing throughout the body. He put his hands up in the air and waved a little bit.

"Hi, I'm sure there is some misunderstanding"

The lady stood firm and kept her hand hovering over the holster.

"Calm down, I'll ask a few questions, just lay down again -" she said in a stern tone.

"I'M CALM - " John shouted out loud.

He didn't know why he did that, it was like he wasn't in control of his body, he put his hands on over his mouth immediately. Everyone loaded their guns and backed a little, but the woman stood her place and still kept her hand over her gun.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know why I did that, I don't feel so good, what's happening to me," John said like he was about to cry.

"It's okay, we're here to help," She said. There was a beeping sound on her smartwatch, she looked at it.

"Oh, No! Don't you dare!" She ran outside.

John kept his hands up, he knew that one wrong move could be fatal for him. He heard more steps coming from outside, he could also hear some arguments going on as well. Then he saw a giant man stormed in as he held a big gun at him.

"Alright young man, I want you to stand up and come with us" His voice echoed all over the place.

John was now scared to death, he felt his body stood up and lowered the arms as well. John was not in control of his body anymore. He suddenly held his arm out towards the man. The giant man fired the gun and it narrowly missed his head.

Everything happened so quickly; John could see everything but could even move a muscle, he was paralyzed. He heard the lady shout out "Dad, No!". He saw a green light radiating from his outstretched hand. He saw a green flash around him and then suddenly he saw the man's eyes turn green. Next thing he was now looking at a young man with bright green eyes in a hospital gown glaring back. He was looking at himself standing with his hand outright. John took moment to realized he was now looking through the big man's eyes. John saw himself let out a little smile and he rotated his hands a little bit.

He saw the body's arm move; the man pointed the big cannon-like gun towards the soldier next to him. The man fired and the soldier's brain splattered all over the place. There was a lot of shouting and screaming. The possessed fired a few more shots at the lifeless body. John saw the soldiers shouting something and pointing the gun at him but not firing. The body shot them in the head and they dropped one by one. Finally, he saw the gun aimed at the young lady, who was now crying and she had her gun aimed at the body as well. The body aimed the gun but didn't fire like it was resisting. The lady mouthed 'I love you' and fired her gun.

John immediately starting seeing from his perspective again. He still wasn't in control of his body. He saw him turned to the wall behind him and ran through it. He ran so fast that everything was a blur around him. All he heard was the lady letting out a long wailing no.