Chapter 3 - Enemies on a Narrow Road

It took only a few weeks for Mana to regain her vitality. She was healthier and more vivacious than ever before, despite the Shadow Poison. It was mostly thanks to Physician Kale's strictly monitored prescriptions. King Jaren had also replaced all of Mana's servants except the two trusted servants left behind by Queen Dora. The new servants all reported directly to King Jaren and were fiercely loyal to him and Princess Mana.

King Jaren also personally checked in on Mana every day. It was clear that King Jaren didn't want to take the slightest risk of someone harming his younger daughter again.

Princess Astra had dropped in several times, too, often with unique toys and items from the Amber Kingdom. The original Princess Mana had a crush on Prince Mars, so she had often been envious of the attention and gifts he showered on Princess Astra. Mana, however, had no such fetters, and these rudimentary toys of ancient times, despite their ingenious use of magic, were quite boring for her. After all, she was a twenty first century youngster who had often visited amusement parks as a child and played virtual reality games, so how could these simple contraptions hold her interest? Not to mention she was a twenty-seven-year-old woman trapped in a ten-year old's body.

Mana's waning interest caught Princess Astra by surprise. "What's wrong, Little Sister? Do you not like the toys sent by Prince Mars anymore?" she asked.

Mana shook her head. "It's not that, Big Sister. But aren't these a little too simple for someone of your talents? I do think that Big Brother-in-law should send you better things. Papa is right, he should cherish you the most and give you the best things in the world!"

Princess Astra was taken aback. "Big Brother-in-law?" she repeated slowly.

Mana giggled. "Well, you're going to marry him sooner or later, aren't you? You're my Big Sister, so he's my Big Brother-in-law!"

A strange look appeared on Princess Astra's face. Her expression confirmed Mana's suspicion that Astra was aware of Princess Mana's crush on Prince Mars…and it had probably vexed her to no end. Perhaps even enough to wish to harm her little half-sister…however, this was a mere conjecture of Mana's; she had no proof and as a lawyer, she would not take any action until she had irrefutable evidence of someone's guilt.

"Big Sister, it's starting to get hot around here…I'm thinking of going to our summer palace in the Verdant Hills early," Mana said lightly. "Do you want to come with me?"

"When are you planning to leave?" Astra asked curiously.

"Tomorrow," Mana said happily. "Papa said I could go, and he also said to check with you if you wanted to."

"Prince Mars is visiting us tomorrow, though," Astra said shyly. "It would be inappropriate if neither of us were here to meet him." There was a wary look in her eyes, as if afraid of Mana's reaction.

Mana clapped her hands happily. "Well, if Big Brother-in-law is coming over, then you must stay and spend time with him, of course. In fact, why don't you two discuss and set the time for an engagement ceremony? The earlier, the better, isn't it? Papa would also be assured if there's an official commitment." She grabbed Astra's hands. "Remember what Papa said. You mustn't let him share his affections with others! He can only love you!"

The shock on Astra's lovely face made Mana giggle.

"Mana, don't you want to meet Mars before you go?" Astra asked hesitantly. "I know you're very fond of him."

Mana shook her head again. "Of course, I'm fond of him – he's going to be my Big Brother-in-law! I'll be fond of him as long as he keeps you happy. If he makes you cry, I'll be with Papa in slapping him to death!" She smiled broadly. "Besides, he's coming to meet you, why should I hang around and disturb you two?" She lowered her voice and leaned forward. "I'm not a little kid anymore; I read some books on romance and I know that the two of you need to spend time together!"

The confused look on Princess Astra's face faded away. Mana gave herself a mental thumbs up – her purpose had been achieved. She had made it abundantly clear to Astra that she had absolutely no interest in her man. Mana had no intention of engaging with the main characters any more than necessary. Her long-term goal was to cure the poison within her body and to prevent King Jaren's death ten years later. After that, she simply wanted to live a happy, healthy and hassle-free life without any romantic entanglements. Liam's cruel betrayal was still fresh in her mind.

Besides, Mana wanted to go to the summer palace as soon as possible. King Jaren had arranged for two hidden masters to train her in fire magic and water magic in the Verdant Hills. It had been the collective decision of King Jaren, Physician Kale and Mana that they would keep her triple magic a secret. She would continue to learn earth magic with her usual tutors – now that the suppression from the Shadow Poison was gone, her potential was as good as Princess Astra, which delighted her tutors to no end. Mana was smart and diligent, so her progress was quite rapid.

Mana and her entourage set out bright and early in the morning, bidding farewell to King Jaren and Princess Astra. Mana was slightly surprised that she hadn't caught sight of her aunt and stepmother Queen Sora yet – but she had learnt that the relationship between the king and the queen wasn't exactly too good, and Queen Sora rarely met anyone other than her own daughter. Mana wasn't really too bothered about it, to be honest.

Once their carriages left the city, Mana convinced the Captain of her guards that she was well enough to ride a horse. She had been wanting to do it ever since she had seen the robust horses in the palace's stables, but the overprotective king wouldn't let her ride until she was fully recovered. Ultimately, Physician Kale had put in a word for her, and King Jaren had allowed her to ride a gentle horse.

Mana loved horse-riding. Her maternal grandparents had owned a horse farm, and she had spent many of her school vacations there. She and her Big Brother had learnt to ride almost as soon as they had learnt to walk.

The Captain was a little hesitant, but gave in at Mana's insistence. When he saw the little girl riding with the confidence and poise of a trained expert, though, all his doubts dissolved. Even some of his soldiers couldn't ride as well as the young princess, he thought to himself.

The journey to Verdant Hills, which was near the border of the Pearl Kingdom, would last about three days. Mana missed the modern luxury of cars and airplanes…but she didn't mind too much. Emerald Kingdom was very picturesque and she enjoyed looking around. She only wished she had her camera. The bustling cities, the lush countryside…it was an artist's dream.

At noon, they stopped by a small country inn for lunch. They were dressed as ordinary citizens, so no one raised an eyebrow at their appearance. Mana quickly grabbed a seat by the window while her servants placed their order. The food was simple, but fresh and delicious, and Mana had no complaints. She ate well.

"Oh? Isn't that little Mana? What are you doing here? Did you get impatient waiting for me and came all the way here to welcome me?" came a young man's voice just as Mana stepped out of the inn. Her people had gone to fetch the carriages and the horses, leaving only one maid with her.

She looked up at the tall young man dressed in flashy, expensive clothes in front of her. He was a handsome fellow, with dark hair, bronzed skin and glowing amber eyes. This must be legendary Prince Mars, Mana realised. He was definitely a good match for the light-skinned, green-eyed and auburn-haired Princess Astra – at least in terms of their appearance. In the modern world, they'd have made excellent cover models.

"Oh, hello, Prince Mars," Mana greeted casually. "Aren't you running late? Big Sister has been waiting for you since early morning."

The young man who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen, reached out a hand to ruffle her hair. Mana ducked and avoided his touch.

Prince Mars was startled. Then he pouted. "What, you're not here to escort me to your capital city?"

Mana shook her head. "I'm leaving the capital for a while," she told him lightly.

"Why?" he asked curiously.

Before Mana could reply, another young man came up behind Prince Mars. "Why are you wasting your time chatting with a little kid?" the young man – slightly younger than Mars – complained.

Mana looked up at the new guy and froze. All colour drained from her face and her heart felt as cold as ice. She knew this face…she knew this voice…it was the man she had grown up with, her childhood friend, and later, her fiancé, Liam…the man who had ruined her family and killed her to feed his avarice and ambition.

Prince Mars threw an arm over the new guy's shoulder and pulled him forward.

"Little Mana, this is my younger brother, Liam," he introduced. "Liam, this is Astra's younger sister, Mana."

A gleam of interest appeared in Liam's eyes. He stepped forward and grabbed Mana's arm. "You're not bad to look at," he sneered. "Maybe you'll be as pretty as your sister when you grow up."

Mana slapped him with her free hand. "Let me go!" she shouted. Her maid stepped forward protectively, but was blocked by Amber Kingdom's soldiers.

"Fiery, aren't you?" Liam murmured. "What if I don't?" Then he released her with a cry as two small stones hit him on the arm and leg.

"Who dares to assault a prince of the Amber Kingdom?!" he shouted angrily.

A young boy of about fifteen and a younger boy of about twelve appeared from the shadows.

"If a prince behaves like a hooligan, he will be treated like a hooligan," the older boy said.

"I'm going to kill you both!" Liam shouted and rushed at them with his sword unsheathed.

Mana had regained her senses by now. She quickly blocked Liam's path, caught the blade with her bare hands and brought up her knee with a force that made Liam howl and all the surrounding males to wince in sympathy.

"This is not Amber Kingdom," Mana said fiercely. "If Prince Liam is incapable of behaving himself, it would be better for him to return to his own country. In my Emerald Kingdom, we treat people with respect!"

Prince Mars pulled his brother back and bowed. "I apologise for my brother's inappropriate behaviour," he said politely. "Requesting Princess Mana to forgive him this once." He kicked Liam on the shin. "Apologise!"

"I'm sorry," Liam said reluctantly. His amber eyes glinted with malice, though.

Mana nodded generously. "Don't do it again," she warned him. Then she turned to Mars. "You'd better hurry; Big Sister is waiting for you."

Prince Mars nodded and led his contingent away.

Mana heaved a sigh of relief and turned to the two young boys who had helped her. "Thank you," she said gratefully. She finally got a good look at them and froze in shock.