Chapter 7 - Settling into the Summer Palace

"You don't seem very surprised at the big reveal," Mana remarked, eyeing Naver curiously as she dragged the two boys to the garden to see the fruit trees.

"You two really do look like a pair of siblings," Naver told her. "I didn't know most of the details that you disclosed, but I already suspected that Jules was a relative of yours."

"But we don't look too similar except for the hair," Mana protested. "Jules looks like Papa and I look like Mother."

Naver smiled slightly. "You have the same ears and the same smile," he pointed out. "And your demeanour is very similar."

Mana nodded thoughtfully, accepting his words.

"And both of you are too trusting," Naver scolded. "Shouldn't you have sent me out of the room before discussing the royal secret?"

Mana waved away his concern. "I trust you," she said simply.

"So do I," Jules added. He ruffled Naver's dark hair affectionately. "You're a good kid."

"You morons," Naver hissed like an angry cat. "You don't even know who I am! What if I'm your enemy? What if I revealed your secret to someone who wishes to harm you?"

The brother and sister pair grinned at him. Anyone who saw them smiling at the same time like this wouldn't doubt their blood relationship.

"A real enemy wouldn't react like this," Jules said carelessly.

Mana looked up at this long-lost Big Brother of hers, feeling happiness bubble up inside her. Jules was just like Jaren – carefree and easy-going on the outside, but with hidden depths and wisdom. He would be a good king after Jaren, she thought to herself.

She really needed to get her act together and eliminate their secret adversary as soon as possible. She wouldn't let anyone harm her family again! Unfortunately, there was a limit to what a sheltered and delicate ten-year-old princess could do. The first thing she needed to do was to get stronger.

She shook her head. For now, they were safe. She may as well enjoy the beautiful summer palace with her brother and her new friend!

"Come on, let's explore the palace! It's been so long that it feels like this is my first visit here!" she exclaimed.

The three youngsters spent several hours wandering all over the palace. They would often meet servants and guards bustling about, and everyone seemed quite happy to see their little princess. Jules and Naver had been introduced to the staff as the boys who had helped the princess when she was in trouble, so everyone was grateful to them. The Emerald Kingdom's people were pretty lax about hierarchy and distinction between classes anyway, which surprised Naver to no end.

"It's very different in other countries," Naver told Mana and Jules, who had never been to other nations.

Grandpa and Grandma, who had become quite fond of Naver by now, agreed with him whole-heartedly. Grandpa had grown up in the Amber Kingdom, and Grandma had lived there for a short while, too. Grandma had also lived in the Pearl Kingdom for a few years when she was a child, since her mother had been from the Pearl Kingdom, while her father had been from the Emerald Kingdom. Ultimately, the two of them had decided the Emerald Kingdom suited them much more and they had come back.

"Well then, you can just stay here with us forever," Mana told Naver. This poison expert had not been mentioned in the epic, so Mana didn't see a problem with keeping him. Besides, her grandparents and Jules really liked him, and she was sure that her father would like him, too. Naver also seemed to be enjoying their company. It had only been a few days since she had come to know him, but he was already looking much happier and healthier – unlike the gloomy, malnourished kid she'd seen the first day.

Naver had a wistful look on his face. "I wish I could," he whispered.

"Why can't you?" Jules asked.

Naver remained stubbornly silent.

Sensing the awkwardness in the air, Mana spoke up. "My tutors are coming in tomorrow – do you guys want to join me? It'll be really boring by myself."

Grandpa smiled. "I daresay that Jules's level may be higher than your tutors, Mana," he said.

Jules looked quite smug.

"Really?" Mana asked, looking up at her tall Big Brother. "Grandpa must have taught you fire magic…but who taught you earth magic?"

"A retired imperial tutor," Grandma said. "He was your mother's teacher, too, and he went into hiding with us. Unfortunately, he passed away three years ago."

"Still, there is no harm in accompanying Mana with her lessons," Grandpa said. "You never know, you might learn something new."

"If they're not good, we can simply send them away," Mana declared imperiously. "I'd rather learn from Grandpa and Grandma!"

The elderly couple laughed happily.

"All right," Grandma said. "You three kids learn with the tutors in the morning, and in the evening, Grandpa and I will teach you."

Mana hugged her grandfather and grandmother.

"Lively little thing, isn't she?" Jules muttered, nudging Naver.

The younger boy nodded in agreement.

"Listen…about this Shadow Poison thing…" Jules lowered his voice so that only Naver could hear him. "How bad is it?"

Naver sighed and shook his head. "It has embedded itself into her blood and bones…if not detoxified, she won't have more than five or six years to live, even with the prescriptions given to delay the effects," he said seriously. "In fact, it is exactly as Physician Kale told her - if she hadn't nearly drowned to death, no one would have known about it."

Jules's eyes turned red. "Can you cure her?" he asked anxiously.

Naver nodded. "I can, but it is a long and tedious process, and it will be quite painful for her." He looked at Mana, who was laughing and chatting with her long-lost grandparents without a care in the world. "Her body is too weak now," he told Jules. "She looks lively, but she is very fragile. Also, her magic is too weak at the moment."

"What should we do?" Jules asked. "Anything you need, you can tell me. Even if it is the rarest herb, I will get it for her. I just found my little sister…I must protect her!"

Naver clenched his fists and his young face showed a determined expression. "Once Physician Kale comes, we will first make a plan to help her recover her health first, and the tutors and your grandparents will help stabilise her magic. When she is strong enough to withstand the detoxification, I will start removing the Shadow Poison little by little."

Jules frowned. "Remove it…?"

Naver nodded. "I will have to pull it out of her blood and bones bit by bit. That's why I said it's going to be very painful for her."

Jules sighed. "Is that the only way?" he asked. "Mana mentioned that the king…our father…had written to the king of the Obsidian Kingdom…could they have another method?"

Naver blinked. "Don't you know that the Obsidian Kingdom is full of evil demons?" he asked.

Jules had the exact same reaction as his sister, and proceeded to lecture Naver more or less along the same lines – and even mentioned Prince Raven.

Naver was flabbergasted. "How is it that you all in the Emerald Kingdom seem to have a positive impression of this half-blood Prince Raven? Even his own family doesn't accept him!"

Jules huffed. "They must be jealous of his talent," he said. "Here, we appreciate talent and merit regardless of their background – because that's the only way a country can remain prosperous." His eyes shone brightly all of a sudden, as if he'd had a brilliant idea. "Hey, Naver, do you know this Prince Raven?"

Naver groaned. "You pair of siblings – you even ask me the same questions!"

Jules waved his hand impatiently. "Do you?"

Naver nodded.

"Then why don't you ask him to come over to us? If his family doesn't accept him and he's miserable there, shouldn't he go to a place where people will appreciate his talents?" Jules suggested. He looked quite excited at the prospect.

Naver stared at the older boy in askance. "This is the cursed and evil prince we're talking about. Aren't you afraid he'll bring misfortune to your family and to your country?" he demanded.

Jules frowned. "Why is he cursed? Is he evil? Does he kill people randomly? What great atrocities has he committed?"

"The Sages of the Moon Temple call him a cursed, evil child," Naver replied. "And the Obsidian Kingdom doesn't accept him because his dark magic is incomplete."

Jules flicked Naver's forehead. "Did you listen to a single word I've been saying to you? How can a child be labelled evil if he hasn't even done anything? You give me a list of all the evil things he's done and then we'll see if this kid a real evil, cursed thing or not. As for the Moon Temple people, don't take them too seriously. Even Grandma says they're too unreasonable and rigid – and Grandma is one of the most rule-abiding people I've ever seen in my life!"