Chapter 49 – Revelation

"So…when did you figure it out?" Mana asked Raven. "And how? You didn't even know the old Mana."

The two of them were seated in her room, and Raven had just cast a magical ward to prevent eavesdroppers. He had learnt it especially from King Jaren.

Looking at Mana's impatient face, Raven smiled slightly. She was perfectly at ease now, he observed with relief.

"At the ancient master's cave," Raven told her. "I had suspected that you'd had a fateful encounter which made you gain extraordinary knowledge before that…but after we visited the cave, and you seemed to know all the languages on the walls…I realised that you were from the same world as the ancient master and his allies."

Mana blew out a whistle. "Really amazing," she murmured. "I don't think there will ever be a day when I'm not in awe of your brains, Raven!"

The little boy blushed. "You're even more amazing than me," he replied.