Chapter 105 – Head Sage Yue Gets A Shock

Mana and Raven hadn't intended to reveal the existence of the holy sceptre or the fact that Raven was the master of the holy sceptre – however, they were simply too frustrated with their conversation with Head Sage Yue and it was a spur of the moment thing for both of them.

"How…" Head Sage Yue was still trying to gather himself. His mind was reeling in shock. "Raven – you – you – how did you get the holy sceptre? Where – where did you find it?"

Naturally, neither Mana nor Raven (or little Azar, for that matter), would ever tell Head Sage Yue about Azar's Elf Buddy!

"I didn't find it," Raven said lightly. "It came to me by itself."

"Can I – may I – may I touch it?" Head Sage Yue asked hesitantly.

Raven frowned. "I'm not sure," he said. "So far, other than me, the sceptre doesn't let anyone other than Mana or Azar touch it."