Chapter 141 – Be a good boy like Azar.

Raven shot an uncomprehending look at King Jaren. He didn't understand. Why would his life and soul be tied with Mana's? What did that even mean? Would Mana be affected, too, if something went wrong with him? Of course, Raven knew that Mana cared for him a lot and she would definitely be sad if he got injured severely or lost his life…

"King Jaren is right," Head Sage Yue said. "That is the blessing as well as the curse of fated soul mates. You not only share your joys and sorrows like ordinary couples, you also enjoy a deeper and more intense bond with your soul mates – but that goes for ordinary soul mates, too. Fated soul mates, on the other hand, is even beyond that. You share your life force and your soul spirit as well as your destiny. Killing one of you means killing you both – and conversely, because the two of you work as one unit, your power is doubled, too."

All colour left Raven's face and he immediately looked to King Jaren for confirmation.