Chapter 192 – Good Things

"I don't want to be good," King Jaren said, fixing his eyes on Queen Dora. "I've had enough."

Azar froze, appalled. "Grandpapa doesn't want to be a good boy like Azar?" he asked tearfully. His big, round emerald eyes immediately filled with tears.

King Jaren didn't know what to say to the little black dragon grandson he adored so much.

While King Jaren was thinking about how to pacify the distressed little Azar, Alya spoke up.

"If Grandpapa doesn't want to be a good boy like Azar, Grandpapa can be a good girl like Alya," the little white dragon spoke up. "Does Grandpapa want to be a good girl like Alya?"

For a moment, no one spoke. Then, everyone, including King Jaren, burst out laughing.

Azar and Alya stared at the bunch of laughing humans, and the two little dragons looked rather affronted.